I'm in Las Vegas right now , what to do besides walking the strip?

Will prostitutes deal with me? Just in case and I won't need an I.D right ? Just pop out cash and walk with them ?

Will provide pics when I leave for home .

Technically no they don't. (I know a gang of prostitutes that scope out around Hawaiian Market Place)

But yeahhh... Anyway don't bother with them anyway, $50 won't get you ****!
Just head down to the strip and look for the dudes that snap their fingers at you... They will show you where to go. Follow them, they are wholesome, trustworthy fellows.
when do you plan on getting back home? Will wait for updates

I will be staying at imperial palace for a week and go back home to La on Saturday .

I'm bout to check in at 4 let's see what's good.

And to the dude that said don't use the word kickback , sight good looks . Not tryna use that word , ill try to be precise and use good vocabulary . I'm gonna say let's celebrate at my hotel room .
But most likely I will scope for girls my age , much easier .

Girls your age... better hit up Townsquare, Miracle Mile, Fashion Show Mall... ect.

But most likely, you won't get no play at all from them. Like I said, you want easy yambs... find yourself a "drunk" chick (I put quotes, because not every girl is drunk, they just say they are so they feel better about themselves for being easy slu**y wh*res)

Goodluck! :lol:
During the day hit up the pools (not Imperial palace's) but a pool that lets non-hotel guests in, walk the strip, hit up the fashion show mall, the forum shoppes at Caesar, city center, cosmopolitan (just chill by the bars and/or Marquee at night...could get lucky with some post-club leftovers)
use your $50 to get a fake I.D. & the other $50 for cover into marquee, and just be a bottle rat.. 
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don't gamble or waste your money but try and chill in the casino because there will be kids your age who are in the same position as you, since you will be there for a week try and meet a couple kids and you will have a better time.

also, see what the deal is for the pool and also other hotels and there pools, usually a good time.
lmao you that one dude who came back after :smokin and made that hilarious thread about absolute gibberish :rofl:
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