Imagine if Niketalk was a physical place...Not just in Cyberspace

Feb 25, 2009
Like a large convention center with multiple rooms, with thread names on the door and you can walk into any of them and place your 2 cents about any topic. Pretty much like a summit except with previously picked subjects of discussion. Of course it wouldn't physically be possible...well it's possible, but it would probably end with disastrous results. Things would definitely be interesting

Imagine having mods walking in and out of rooms supervising or trolls that just walk down the hallways peeping their heads in doors but never saying anything

anyone ever thought about this?
you high bro?

it would be cool if you get permabanned in person just like that gif though
dudes wouldnt do as much clowning

one thing is saying something on the internet, another thing is telling that person to their face
if we were all in one room everyone would be on their iphones posting, word to that last NT summit
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

Originally Posted by dland24


Originally Posted by Hugo

Did you think about posting this before you did?
No I did not
Originally Posted by Uptown Roamer

Op, you are useless and you are on the brink of getting annihilated by east coast late night NT'ers
If that isn't sarcasm....thanks
Originally Posted by socluis90

Ive always wanted to do some %@% like this, and btw it be cool if you got permabanned like the gif



  modded (idgf if thats spelled wrong)
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