In an MMA fight, would Ronda Rousey beat Floyd Mayweather?

all your points are valid but I think its going to come down to Rousey's stamina and PBF's skills but what will determine the winner is their will. Id have to give to PBF though with him being a male and genetically predisposed to fighting, testosterone, strength, brutality... Id pay to see this fight though. Whats the wight comparison? Thats going to factor in big too.
Floyd with no gloves?!?  Stop it.  Why is this even a discussion.

Reminds me of the Mike Tyson vs. a Grizzly Bear thread.  SMH.
Mark Twain once said "never argue with stupid people, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

To the MMA/boxing thread regulars, you're better than this. Engaging in a war of words with a bunch of casual observers who don't really have a modicum of knowledge regarding either sport is folly.

Thread is a dumpster fire.
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Jab to the body
Ronda gets hit with a lot of clean shots in her fights. If it's one area in which she's still improving, it's her striking. Her bread and butter is getting someone either up against the cage or off-balance, then she judo slams the **** out of them.

There's a huge difference between getting punched in the face by Miesha Tate, and getting punched in the face by Floyd Mayweather. Just saying.
Yeah there is a difference, Tates punches probably hurt. 
Do you all realize that many of you want us to believe that one of the greatest boxers of all time would lose in a fight to a woman?

and i am not demeaning women intentionally...but due to you guys 'love/fans' of a sport (that involves boxing) that a woman, who has no where close to the technical skill that Mayweather has is going to beat him in a fight.


an yall let a fat out of shape James toney be the measuring stick. smh

we are not even talkin MMA (male) vs Boxer, we talkin a female.

I don't get why some of you are discrediting Floyd's OVERALL reflexes. He's cat-quick. In order to grapple, it would mean Rousey would have to get him to the ground. Mayweather is in another class of speed. He'd be ducking/dodging EVERYTHING.

So much of what we call "reflexes" is based off of experience and mastery of a craft, at the highest level of sport Floyd isn't necessarily reacting quicker per say, he's just mastered the art of boxing to such a degree he can sort of predict punches and being dropped into another sport with different rules would seriously dampen this advantage.

Its like how Barry Bonds and various other MLB legends couldn't hit softball pitcher Jennie Finch (throwing underhand).

I have no idea who would win. but MMA and Boxing seem pretty different so if they are the same size the edge would have to go what rules they will be using. if the are MMA rules, Rousey wins, if they are Boxing its Floyd.
I don't get why some of you are discrediting Floyd's OVERALL reflexes. He's cat-quick. In order to grapple, it would mean Rousey would have to get him to the ground. Mayweather is in another class of speed. He'd be ducking/dodging EVERYTHING.

So much of what we call "reflexes" is based off of experience and mastery of a craft, at the highest level of sport Floyd isn't necessarily reacting quicker per say, he's just mastered the art of boxing to such a degree he can sort of predict punches and being dropped into another sport with different rules would seriously dampen this advantage.

Its like how Barry Bonds and various other MLB legends couldn't hit softball pitcher Jennie Finch (throwing underhand).

I have no idea who would win. but MMA and Boxing seem pretty different so if they are the same size the edge would have to go what rules they will be using. if the are MMA rules, Rousey wins, if they are Boxing its Floyd.

I was never able to find the video again...

but Barry Bonds made that girl look foolish :lol:
I was never able to find the video again...

but Barry Bonds made that girl look foolish :lol:

I think you are mis remembering.

Barry Bonds did this with finch behind closed doors, bonds demanded no cameras be present so im not sure what your talking about.

point still remains, a-rod, McGuire, bunch of pro ball players couldn't hit a 75 mph fastball.
In all honesty, I bet Ronda taps Floyd out!

I'm wondering if any of y'all every got into a fight in your life. :lol:
The better question would be to ask who would win in a fight between two people of similar skillsets. Are you guys going to say she would beat up TJ Dillashaw and Demetrius Johnson too? She has no problem saying she has a chance against Cain Velasquez. Said she could be up Miesha's boyfriend and then criticized him when he said he would beat her down.
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What a silly thread

I love mma and if we were talking about Floyd getting in there with a guy his size he's gonna have PROBLEMS prolly no shot, but against a woman? And he isn't wearing boxing gloves?

She might die.
I feel dumber for having read this thread.

It's an MMA fight.  Keyword: MMA

This woman's area of expertise vs. essentially a novice.

But somebody said it best, there's basically a bunch of casual viewers in here who only see "Floyd Mayweather vs a woman".

I love Floyd as much as anybody but this ain't boxing.

Soon as that first leg kick hits that lead leg.....
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It's an MMA fight.  Keyword: MMA

This woman's area of expertise vs. essentially a novice.  You all have got to be kidding me. 

But somebody said it best, there's basically a bunch of casual viewers in here who only see "Floyd Mayweather vs a woman".

I love Floyd as much as anybody but this ain't boxing.

Soon as that first leg kick hits that lead leg.....
Ronda is a freak of nature in her own right.

But she is still in no shape or form stronger than a male.

Hell them dudes in the fitness thread are twice if not 3 times as strong as her

If floyd doesnt knock her out before she can grapple him. He can just out muscle her a gain leverage.

Your acting like dude cant learn the basics. Stay out of an arm bar and he's golden
Ronda is a freak of nature in her own right.

But she is still in no shape or form stronger than a male.

Hell them dudes in the fitness thread are twice if not 3 times as strong as her

If floyd doesnt knock her out before she can grapple him. He can just out muscle her a gain leverage.

Your acting like dude cant learn the basics. Stay out of an arm bar and he's golden
Dude, she is a world class judo practitioner.  The basics ain't enough.

He's not skilled enough to do anything you're saying he'd do.  His strength is irrelevant if he's not punching her because she's more skilled. 

Functional strength and skill > Strength, at least in this situation
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Ronda is a freak of nature in her own right.

But she is still in no shape or form stronger than a male.

Hell them dudes in the fitness thread are twice if not 3 times as strong as her

If floyd doesnt knock her out before she can grapple him. He can just out muscle her a gain leverage.

Your acting like dude cant learn the basics. Stay out of an arm bar and he's golden

Dude, she is a world class judo practitioner.  The basics ain't enough.

He's not skilled enough to do anything you're saying he'd do.  His strength is irrelevant if he's not punching her because she's more skilled. 

Functional strength and skill > Strength, at least in this situation

Like I said homie.... you can tell who has never fought in their life :lol: MMA = Mix Martial Art

Keep in mind, this was take downs... imagine getting knees to the head/ribs, superman punches, leg checks... ect.
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So you posted a video of what's supposed to be an MMA fight where not a single punch was thrown?

Yes, imagine what could happen when you're STANDING across a ring against the greatest boxer in the world and the bell rings.

Granted, I don't agree that Floyd could "out muscle her" in the clinch or have any sort of advantage.

But these isolated instances dudes are posting vids of ain't exactly telling any kind of story when it comes to the subject at hand.

Marines are obviously strong. But they aren't world class athletes. Which Floyd is. We know nothing about the Marine of the female he's competing against. Their weights, skill levels etc.

This **** is so ridiculous :lol:
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MMA and Boxing are two very different sports, no **** Rousey would be favored in a MMA fight. I dont think she would win, but she would be favored. Its like saying the worlds best womens volleyball team would beat the Miami heat in volleyball. Sure both sports involve jumping and passing, but they are different enough to where you cant compare the two. 
Y'all think Rousey could seriously eat a punch from Floyd without boxing gloves? I think she would be out. However, it is possible that she may be able to avoid it the whole time and get him on the ground. Where it would be a wrap for Floyd.

I think dude who said if it was a best of 7 it would go 7 is most correct, except I'd choose Floyd in 6.

In the end, it's man vs woman. And the man is one of the best boxers ever. I might even choose Floyd in 5.
So you posted a video of what's supposed to be an MMA fight where not a single punch was thrown?

Yes, imagine what could happen when you're STANDING across a ring against the greatest boxer in the world and the bell rings.

Granted, I don't agree that Floyd could "out muscle her" in the clinch or have any sort of advantage.

But these isolated instances dudes are posting vids of ain't exactly telling any kind of story when it comes to the subject at hand.

Marines are obviously strong. But they aren't world class athletes. Which Floyd is. We know nothing about the Marine of the female he's competing against. Their weights, skill levels etc.

This **** is so ridiculous :lol:

Exactly my point. You think Rousey would stand around and box? Hell no, she's leg checking him, taking him down, choking him out, followed by elbows, knees... ect.

:x Floyd would die.
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