In Kanye News....

Never been a huge fan of his music and he generally seems like an egomaniacal person. But I do think that he says things in the big picture that he can’t explain in detail because he just doesn’t spend the time digging in the weeds. Basically he’s an anti-intellectual (and god I hate that term and movement) attempting to be intellectual. When he opens his mouth, whatever comes out is failed from the beginning. I give him the benefit of the doubt with these Tubman and mental slavery type philosophical ideas, because I think the intent is good—not to discredit Tubman, who was a hero—but to make the point that while there was progress those freed people were still subject to an oppressive system. Yet he’s too lazy to put in the work to explain it in even those simple terms. Also, he’s bi-polar, so there’s that standing in the way of lucidity.
I'm gonna be pretty and take what he said at face value. Smart people know that when they can't eloquently support a position they believe in, they point the audience to people who can.
But it takes humility to do that, and the mix of ego and stupidity does not a good leader make. So to those who want to give him the benefit of the doubt: follow at your own risk.
Lolll now he f'n up the money

Seems like he’s been hacked
That's how gone he is. What does is say when his mind is compelling him to posts things that sounds similar to what a hacker would post when trying to ruin someone. He's hacking and ruining himself.
eh, i change my mind. this misery isn't funny & there's no enjoyment in witnessing it.
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