Interview At Abercrombie......????

Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

Has anyone else worked there?

I have an interview at Abercrombie this friday, just wondering on what i should expect to be asked....

Thanks in advance NT

I had an interview there a couple years ago, it was the dumbest interview I've ever had. They take the group getting interviewed to the food court and have you sit in a circle and ask each person stupid questions, individually. The questions I remember were like, "Tell of us a time that you had to work as part of a team" "Is Diversity important in the workplace? Why?" This one dumb chick (she was hot though) was asked the diversity question and she looked at the girl interviewing us like "+%# does diversity mean?
 I was completely disinterested and worked at Gap instead. The interview at Gap was really open, I was in a group of maybe 30 people and the GM just asked questions and you had to just speak up, there were no "So, Ryan, give us an example of...." type questions. But back on topic with the A&F interview, I remember hearing that the Diversity question is a huge one that they'll ask and you have to get right if you want hired. They're big on being broad and open to people of every race/sex/sexual orientation. Hopefully that helped! Good luck!
Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

Has anyone else worked there?

I have an interview at Abercrombie this friday, just wondering on what i should expect to be asked....

Thanks in advance NT

I had an interview there a couple years ago, it was the dumbest interview I've ever had. They take the group getting interviewed to the food court and have you sit in a circle and ask each person stupid questions, individually. The questions I remember were like, "Tell of us a time that you had to work as part of a team" "Is Diversity important in the workplace? Why?" This one dumb chick (she was hot though) was asked the diversity question and she looked at the girl interviewing us like "+%# does diversity mean?
 I was completely disinterested and worked at Gap instead. The interview at Gap was really open, I was in a group of maybe 30 people and the GM just asked questions and you had to just speak up, there were no "So, Ryan, give us an example of...." type questions. But back on topic with the A&F interview, I remember hearing that the Diversity question is a huge one that they'll ask and you have to get right if you want hired. They're big on being broad and open to people of every race/sex/sexual orientation. Hopefully that helped! Good luck!
I applied for Impact.

I was actually thinking of dressing up in their season clothes to get a +1, just to do it. I might have to really try it now lol

I usually wing interviews and get caught up in the question with that look like " hmmm yea...well..yea" so this is helping alot guys.

Preciate all the info and tips !
I applied for Impact.

I was actually thinking of dressing up in their season clothes to get a +1, just to do it. I might have to really try it now lol

I usually wing interviews and get caught up in the question with that look like " hmmm yea...well..yea" so this is helping alot guys.

Preciate all the info and tips !
they normally need more impact than model because impact are the ones normally doing the %!+# in the back with like stock and stuff
they normally need more impact than model because impact are the ones normally doing the %!+# in the back with like stock and stuff
i worked there back around 2003.  the pay is terrible but the girls are mostly gorgeous if you're into the whole preppy girl thing.  one of the questions i remember being asked is "if you were stranded on a desert island what are the 3 things you'd want to have?"
i worked there back around 2003.  the pay is terrible but the girls are mostly gorgeous if you're into the whole preppy girl thing.  one of the questions i remember being asked is "if you were stranded on a desert island what are the 3 things you'd want to have?"
ahhh i see....

Impact sounds like the job then, because i'd rather work by myself or away from customers.

Just give me a nice check and I'll stock for days... lol (with headphones)
ahhh i see....

Impact sounds like the job then, because i'd rather work by myself or away from customers.

Just give me a nice check and I'll stock for days... lol (with headphones)
im going to apply, hope they hire me, watching everest commercials is not good to my confidence
im going to apply, hope they hire me, watching everest commercials is not good to my confidence
Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

Preciate it eff ecks...

Care to elaborate on what annoyed you though?

the CONSTANT loud music. like working in a lame club
always having to look busy
suffocating environment
barely any hours.
i didnt even like the clothes

maybe im just not a people person, but i hated it
. nothing crazy bad though. just normal job resentment
Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

Preciate it eff ecks...

Care to elaborate on what annoyed you though?

the CONSTANT loud music. like working in a lame club
always having to look busy
suffocating environment
barely any hours.
i didnt even like the clothes

maybe im just not a people person, but i hated it
. nothing crazy bad though. just normal job resentment
Do you have prior retail experience? I'm about to apply myself. Would gladly work the stock over model
Do you have prior retail experience? I'm about to apply myself. Would gladly work the stock over model
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