Interview with a Cannibal

this was dope 
I thought it was interesting that the dude only ate one person and he got caught disposing of her body like is dude really that bad at being a cannibal he can only eat one person his whole life.
Can someone explain the loophole that set him to be a free man? They dubbed him insane, but then they didn't? 
^I thought it was because the French didn't want to deal with him so they sent him back. When he got back they said he had a "personality disorder" and just let em go after that? I think it's %+!+%% up how he/they tried to capitalize on what happened though. 
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

Can someone explain the loophole that set him to be a free man? They dubbed him insane, but then they didn't? 

from wikipedia
His wealthy father provided a top lawyer for his defense, and after being held for two years without trial the French judge Jean-Louis Bruguière found himlegally insane and unfit to stand trial and ordered Sagawa to be held indefinitely in a mental institution.[sup][1][/sup] Following a visit by the author Inuhiko Yomota, Sagawa's account of the murder was published in Japan with the title In the Fog.[sup][1][/sup] The subsequent publicity and macabre celebrity of Sagawa likely contributed to the French authorities' decision to have him extradited to Japan. Upon arrival in Japan, he was immediately taken to Matsuzawa hospital, where examining psychologists all found him to be sane but "evil".[sup][1][/sup] However, Japanese authorities found it to be legally impossible to hold him, because the French government refused to release court documents (which remain secret), to Japan, claiming that the case was already dropped in France. As a result, Sagawa checked himself out of the mental institution on August 12, 1986, and has been a free man ever since.[sup][1][/sup] Sagawa's freedom has been questioned and criticized by many
Jesus, dude documented the whole thing manga style. Kinda makes you wish Thomas Kinkade was a cannibal.
watched the video a few days ago, dude was sick in the head and he does look like a little gremlin 
all of you are bunch of scary #** dudes. It's just pictures of a dead body with body parts missing, that's as gruesome as it gets.
"You have offended my family and you have offended the Shoalin temple...."

1 inch punch this dude heart to cardiac arrest.
It's a cold world out there, my friends. You can cherish your loved ones but you can't protect them around the clock. There's always a chance of a psychotic getting their hands on them... then it's game over. 
Your mother, sister, daughter, father, brother, and son... no one is immune to the dark side of humanity. 
Show your love to them while they're here because they can very much disappear in a second or two and be vanquished to a shred of a memory... ultimately to vanish into the ether. 
I seen another interview with this guy a few years back. So nothing new there. Also had a special on him a while back too. Think NT made a thread on it back then. What gets me is how he makes money off of his crimes with his paintings and drawings all revolving around his infatuation with western women. I assume laws on that are different in Europe. I mean dude is living somewhere else completely now and I'd guess his neighbors don't know who he is.

Already know he's a sick $#*@ but this new interview is better. More stories. I think in the earlier stuff I saw he only talked about the crimes he got caught for.

My whole thing is dude's looks are creepier than his stories it's as if he's his own cliche horror villain with his appearance. He looked way creepier when he was younger.

Somebody make a gif od 7:35 to 7:42

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Jesus, dude documented the whole thing manga style. Kinda makes you wish Thomas Kinkade was a cannibal.
You are sick
Mad vivid cannibal portraits

Originally Posted by aznlilrs

I thought it was interesting that the dude only ate one person and he got caught disposing of her body like is dude really that bad at being a cannibal he can only eat one person his whole life.
C'mon son
You murder one person you're a murderer for life, same for cannibalism.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Jesus, dude documented the whole thing manga style. Kinda makes you wish Thomas Kinkade was a cannibal.

I still cant understand how the Japanese government just let him walk. dude talk pictures, published books, and even had a manga about it? what more evidence do they need .....
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