iPhone: Post everything here

I think one of my speakers blew out
, they can fix it for free if i bring it to them right?
i had the sk data plan (i previously had the sk lx), then bought an iphone... the sk plan DOES NOT work with it. instead, i have the 5.99 plan with the"t-zones hack" and it works perfectly! the only thing is instead of having unlimited text, i am down to 400... but now, my bill is about 10 buckscheaper!
If i buy the phone used from craigslist, will i have a problem activating the phone?
EASIEST AND BEST WAY TO UNLOCK JAILBREaK OR ANYHING YOUR PHONE...ZIphone 2.5 no problems what so ever jailbreak in 3 minutes one click AMAZING
ziphone is amazing. I was able to unbrick my friend's iphone (it was never hacked, but Apple refused to repair/replace it, thus leaving him with anexpensive paperweight). With the exception of the wifi, I was able to activate, unlock, and jailbreak in 1 step in less than 5 minutes. Plus, I was able torestore the IMEI number using ziphone, then itunes restored the phone so that he can legitimately return it to apple store for a replacement. Ziphone is thetruth.
Can i hack my iphone with 1.1.4? actually my only fear is getting caught because i had to pay with my debit card at the apple store. They said it was so theycould crack down on all of these hacked iphones. I've been wanting to hack my iphone ever since i got it. But im just scared.

from the "installer" program on your spring board menu. open that up, and click on install on the bottom, and click on the "allapplications" folder, and scroll all the way down to t-zones hack. if you don't have that, go to the sources folder in the install menu, and installthe boss sources or whatever its called. once that is installed, refresh your sources, then go back to install and in the all apps section, "t-zoneshack" should be there. then just install, restart your phone, and it safari/youtube/google maps should work
the best way to unlock/jailbreak your cell phone is iPlus2.0
i have just unlocked 3 cell phones with that, all with working functions. Nothing like playing with the new map function.
this became a double post so i was wondering if anyone got showtime to work fully and saved videos
thinking about getting a 8gig iphone but i read a while back there might be a price drop, can anyone confirm? and say i jailbreak/hack the iphone to play gameson it, does that void out any type of warranty?
Originally Posted by retro23phan

the best way to unlock/jailbreak your cell phone is iPlus2.0
i have just unlocked 3 cell phones with that, all with working functions. Nothing like playing with the new map function.
can u post the iplus instructions? cause i unlocked/jailbreak my iphone with ziphone and now my youtube and mail doesnt work.
does anyone have trouble expanding there itunes screen, i ask because i am trying to create a ring tone but it won't let me expand the screen to create it.
So after you jailbreak the thing all the apps are there to download and install you dont have to connect it to a Comp
I'm hella mad my phone got cracks on the edges of the back part, is there any possible way of just replacing that part for a new one its the area with thecamera glass thingy?
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