Iran Blinds Acid-Attacker In ‘Eye For an Eye’ Justice

Mar 5, 2008
An Iranian man convicted of blinding another man by throwing acid in his face has been punished by having one of his own eyes gouged out by medics, according to state media, an act which has prompted outrage from international human rights groups, and drawn comparisons between the Iranian authorities and Islamic State.

The punishment, carried out at Rajai-Shahr prison in the city of Karaj earlier this week, is thought to be the first of its kind in Iran.

The man, who reportedly fell unconscious after the punishment, was found guilty of throwing acid in his victim’s face five years ago, an attack which left his victim blind and disfigured for life. The perpetrator was sentenced to be blinded in both eyes, a 10 year prison sentence and was ordered to pay a fine.

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Yet his victim, who under Iranian law has the final say in the punishment and can prevent the punishment at any time, decided at the last minute to postpone the blinding of his right eye for six months.

It has not been made clear whether the doctors involved were coerced into performing the act, although in the past there have been instances of them refusing to carry out such punishments.

“This is horrific,” says Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, of the Oslo-based Iran Human Rights groups. “It is a brutal and criminal act, and very similar to what Islamic State is doing, but Iran is doing this as a state in a very controlled manner, using trained doctors. This form of punishment doesn’t belong to our time. What is happening in Iran at the moment is beyond alarming.”

Although this form of punishment is enshrined in the Iranian penal code, this is reportedly the first instant where the punishment has been carried out, and is certainly the first time the crime has been announced by the Iranian media.

Amiry-Moghaddam says that the attack was made public by the authorities as a way of cracking down on the opposition, and serves as a signal to the Iranian public that although Iran is taking part in negotiations with the the West and the US, nothing inside Iran has changed.

Iran's foreign minister on Thursday suggested that a 10-year moratorium on some aspects of the country's nuclear program might be acceptable to Tehran, amid rumours that Iran is warming to U.S. demands.

“This is a demonstration of power, it is the most efficient way of spreading fear,” says Amiry-Moghaddam. He is concerned that the international community is closing its eyes to human rights abuses in Iran because of the ongoing nuclear talks, and also finds it hypocritical that while Islamic State are roundly denounced for their brutal executions and punishments, condemnation of Iran has been less vocal.

While perceptions of Iran from the outside world may appear to be softening, Amiry-Moghaddam argues that the picture inside Iran is completely different. “The international community should not tolerate it or accept it, and these type of abuse should be met with the strongest condemnation,” he says.

The brutal attack comes amid a week of more state-sponsored violence, with a shocking 31 men being executed at three different prisons between Monday to Wednesday this week, according to Iran Human Rights. A second man was also sentenced this week to the punishment of losing one eye and one ear, but the case has been postponed for two months.

There is also concern that acid attacks are on the rise across the country. Last October, thousands of Iranians took to the streets in Tehran and Isfahan City, after at least six women suffered acid attacks in just a few weeks.

Hadi Ghaemi, the executive director of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, a New York based NGO, believes that the women were targeted for violating Islamic dress codes, and linked the surge in attacks to recent rhetoric from conservative leaders.

“This comes in the midst of a year-long verbal attack by conservative forces in Iran attacking women for their clothes,” Ghaemi told Newsweek last year. “There have been verbal warnings and calls that blood must be shed. These are not isolated incidents”, he added.

Iranian women are required by law to cover themselves in public with an enveloping head-to-toe veil. However many of them, especially younger women living in the larger cities, defy government regulations and societal convention by showing their hair or wearing supposedly “immodest” clothing.


-guy throws acid in face of guy
-victim is blind and disfigured four life
-suspect get's sentenced 10 years in prison, eye gouged out
-people outrage
Seems like kind of reach to me for these human rights groups to compare the Iranian state to ISIL or groups of that nature for this sort of punishment..

Regardless what the situation was about, dude threw acid on someone else, took both his eyes, and disfigured son for life.

I would've taken both eyes. Even with one gone, bet he won't do it again. This thread is going to end up an argument of philosophy.
Damn bet he didnt see that coming
I see no problem with this.

i love puns tho
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I would've taken both eyes. Even with one gone, bet he won't do it again. This thread is going to end up an argument of philosophy.
They are going to take both.

The sentence is up to the victim. He wants to wait 6 months before they take the other eye. Ruthless, but understandable lol.

He'll have to go through the eye gouging twice and dread it coming for 6 months...

IMO, they should've thrown acid in his face because not only is the victim blind, he's also disfigured.

Another acid attacker was sentenced and lost 1 eye and 1 ear in the article I read..
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Do they use the same punishment on Iranians who rape and stone women? :\

Cause last time I checked women get punished for being raped in Iran.

I don't know cause I'm not Iran but for this specific crime I feels like it fits.

The attacker ruined this man's life forever. It's only fair the attacker get's his.
I don't know cause I'm not Iran but for this specific crime I feels like it fits.

The attacker ruined this man's life forever. It's only fair the attacker get's his.
You completely dismissed what I said about how rape victims are treated in Iran. So rape is not a crime in Iran? Why don't they put big black dildos up a rapists behind every day for ten years? How doesn't this fit the "eye for a brown eye"  Hammurabi code of law.

You know these acid attacks are very common in Islamic countries, and they are mostly perpetrated by men against their spouses or daughters. I guarantee you non of them mofos had their eyes gouged out.

These people are scum, and everything I hate about being human.
Because the thread title is, "Iran Blinds Acid-Attacker In ‘Eye For an Eye’ Justice"

Not, "Iran Blinds Acid-Attacker In ‘Eye For an Eye’ Justice vol. Let's Fix All of Iran's Problems"

**** just has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Obviously they aren't perfect, but if you want to discuss Iran's problems and offer your amateur advice for fixing them, make your own thread.
This guy is a contrarian for the hell of it. I bet you suck at writing essays for lack of staying on topic.
This guy is a contrarian for the hell of it. I bet you suck at writing essays for lack of staying on topic.
You been around longer than I have, you know how some of these NT personalities are.. Just let him vent.
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