Irrational Fears


formerly sh0rtyy12
Oct 11, 2012
I always get suckered into convos on the radio. This one caught my attention. The topic was irrational fears. People really have some wild ones. I heard a chick talk about how she was scared of blenders lol. So what are y’all scared of? I have three. Snakes, my dad dying and holes.
My fear of snakes definitely comes from my mom. She’s scared of them too and I think that made me scared.
My fear of snakes definitely comes from my mom. She’s scared of them too and I think that made me scared.


Funny thing, yesterday I was going to my car, and a white lady was walking towards me, she saw me and jumped a little and crossed the street.

First time that ever happened to me.
liberal conjecture and innuendo keeps me up at night. I fear what this country will become if we have Medicare for all and we respect people. Not an America my grandparents protested for and not an America that I want to live in.
I used to have recurring dreams as a kid that giant random things were chasing me. Like a huge roller blade, or a hamburger patty :lol:
Used to wake up scared as hell
Whenever I had a fever when I was young, so probably around three times in my childhood, I had a recurring dream where I would be getting rolled over by a Godzilla-sized… steel rolling pin. Only when I had a fever and was that sick. :lol:
I hate spiders but that’s rational, all their ****ing legs, they could be on the wall for days staring at you, and they’re huge in the Middle East and Madagascar, I hear. Literally **** off.
I used to have recurring dreams as a kid that giant random things were chasing me. Like a huge roller blade, or a hamburger patty :lol:
Used to wake up scared as hell

I had a recurring dream as a kid of me in an elevator and it going infinitely up at a high speed and never stopping. Makes me nervous to go up high in an elevator.
I have really weird vivid dreams and every so often I have dreams of someone trying to kill me movie style.
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