Is Bruce Jenner Trolling?

Apparently doublemesh96 doublemesh96 isn't going to tell us what the agenda is.

*sigh* if I do this is going to turn in to a race thread, is that really what you want? And not because of anything I say but because I know for a fact it will be misconstrued by those of you thirsty to call bigotry. Maybe it can be discussed in the black culture thread or the illuminati thread but I'm not gonna present the information to a bunch of dudes acting as sworn defenders of the lgbt community. I'll just say this, anytime you champion somebody else's cause when you and your people aren't right to begin with you're ******* up. Especially when the **** you're big upping is misguided regardless of your well intent. Everything comes into play here u gotta zoom out and look at the bigger picture. But I'm not gonna go any further ill let the racist and bigot comments poor in now because really that's what a lot of you are here to do
*sigh* if I do this is going to turn in to a race thread, is that really what you want? And not because of anything I say but because I know for a fact it will be misconstrued by those of you thirsty to call bigotry. Maybe it can be discussed in the black culture thread or the illuminati thread but I'm not gonna present the information to a bunch of dudes acting as sworn defenders of the lgbt community. I'll just say this, anytime you champion somebody else's cause when you and your people aren't right to begin with you're ******* up. Especially when the **** you're big upping is misguided regardless of your well intent. Everything comes into play here u gotta zoom out and look at the bigger picture. But I'm not gonna go any further ill let the racist and bigot comments poor in now because really that's what a lot of you are here to do
I want to hear what you think. We promote free thinking and want to hear everyone's take on the said subject. As long as you can put forward a comprehensive argument and back up things you say with facts, there really isn't anything to fret. So again I ask you, what's the agenda?
Most conspiracies are dumb & aren't based on any type of logic, facts or logistics. But the logistics of pushing an agenda on millions of people is quite simple.

Support for gay marriage went from 49% to 63% in 5 years. You think Americans became enlightened & tolerant on their own?

Hell nah the entertainment industry has done a good job with pushing gay tolerance into the zeitgeist.

Any company that had that big of a turnaround from less than 50% to 63% favorable would be applauded for achieving it's agenda through mass media.

The diamond industry convinced us that diamonds are a girl's best friend and made it synonymous with being married. Also convinced us you need an engagement ring & a wedding ring not jus one. This was done through advertising & subtle messages in entertainment. Only took a few years for the diamond cartel to achieve its agenda.

And I don't want to go in on the fact almost every movie has a strong independent female protagonist these days. From Frozen to Mad Max to the Terminator. It's probably just coincidence tho it's not like there's a resurgence of the feminist movement or a woman running for president.

But yes everyone has an agenda whether it be noble or not everyone does. And some groups have the ability to push their message/agenda on millions of minds through media & entertainment. It's just a fact.

Transgenders or transsexuals have always been around. It's not like Bruce invented it but hes being paraded around like an LGBT Jesus. Why? To force everyone to talk about it. Thats an agenda. You think vanity Fair would risk sales by putting a man girl on the cover if it didn't have an ulterior agenda?
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So is it safe to say you don't have a valid argument for the "agenda" claim?

If that's the conclusion you want to draw feel free. I take anything you say with a grain of salt anyway because the word agenda is a synonym to you, you don't see it for it's actually definition and you've said that yourself.
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Pretty sure y'all not even ready for the **** double would drop. Know exactly where he's going & this isn't the crowd to be having that convo amongst.
Most conspiracies are dumb & aren't based on any type of logic, facts or logistics. But the logistics of pushing an agenda on millions of people is quite simple.

Support for gay marriage went from 49% to 63% in 5 years. You think Americans became enlightened & tolerant on their own?

Hell nah the entertainment industry has done a good job with pushing gay tolerance into the zeitgeist.

Any company that had that big of a turnaround from less than 50% to 63% favorable would be applauded for achieving it's agenda through mass media.

The diamond industry convinced us that diamonds are a girl's best friend and made it synonymous with being married. Also convinced us you need an engagement ring & a wedding ring not jus one. This was done through advertising & subtle messages in entertainment. Only took a few years for the diamond cartel to achieve its agenda.

And I don't want to go in on the fact almost every movie has a strong independent female protagonist these days. From Frozen to Mad Max to the Terminator. It's probably just coincidence tho it's not like there's a resurgence of the feminist movement or a woman running for president.

But yes everyone has an agenda whether it be noble or not everyone does. And some groups have the ability to push their message/agenda on millions of minds through media & entertainment. It's just a fact.

Transgenders or transsexuals have always been around. It's not like Bruce invented it but hes being paraded around like an LGBT Jesus. Why? To force everyone to talk about it. Thats an agenda. You think vanity Fair would risk sales by putting a man girl on the cover if it didn't have an ulterior agenda?
So what you're saying is the media and entertainment industry has an agenda to make the general public more tolerant. Is there anyone here that has an issue with people being tolerant of all human beings regardless of their sex, race or gender (in this situation: gender identification)?
If that's the conclusion you want to draw feel free. I take anything you say with a grain of salt anyway because the word agenda is a synonym to you, you don't see it for it's actually definition and you've said that yourself.
I am open minded and am always up for someone presenting their opinion. I admit that every person who has ever used the word "agenda" in my presence has always used it as a way to mask their fear and hate. If you can present your stance like @cartune  did then by all means do it. 
Most conspiracies are dumb
So what you're saying is the media and entertainment industry has an agenda to make the general public more tolerant. Is there anyone here that has an issue with people being tolerant of all human beings regardless of their sex, race or gender (in this situation: gender identification)?

As objectifying and oversexualized as this society is I doubt tolerance is the agenda.
i guess the 'agenda' is emasculation?

If there is an agenda, it would be over acceptance. Yes, there is such a thing.

I dont feel like you're supposed to except any and everything people do. Word to Rachel Dolezal.

Its set up to look like tolerance, but its really to condition people to not know where do draw the line for themselves, so something slick can be slide in.

But I just be talkin...I dont know...
Some of you guys make the idea of having an agenda be a negative thing :lol: idk if I'm right on that but that's how it seems

If there is an agenda, it would be over acceptance. Yes, there is such a thing.

But I just be talkin...I dont know...
this. I think its because of the negative connotation that people associate the word agenda with

What would over acceptance mean tho?
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agenda is the word of the month on NT I see.

"I don't like salmon, I like chicken"

NTer : "why!? What's your agenda, YO!"
Its set up to look like tolerance, but its really to condition people to not know where do draw the line for themselves, so something slick can be slide in.

But I just be talkin...I dont know...
Set up to look like tolerance?
@ "but its really to condition people to not know where do draw the line for themselves, so something slick can be slide in." You're too much my dude.
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I'm all for acceptance but how this broad going around trying to celebrate Father's Day?

I didn't call my mother for Father's Day.
Just plain selfish out here.
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