Is Getting A Shapeup an "Unproffesional" Look?

niketalk is the only sneaker community that is "black enough" to have a long discussion on line ups...

i love this place
It just depends on your position obviously.

For example the engineers in my company come to work with dreads, tattoos, ear rings, etc. However, no one doubts their professionalism and talent, and they're the ones making six figures+
I'm in accounting/marketing, so I have to come to work with unstyled hair, take my earrings out, and cover up my tattoos...not because my boss thinks it's horrible, but because you never know what kind of client we have to deal with. I don't want to lose business because of some clown coming in and thinking I'm some wannabe Euro soccer player cause of my appearance
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Smh @ something being a part of a culture considered unprofessional.

Lack of line up is lame and looks messy, especially on a person with coarse hair.

That's your opinion and the older generation has theirs. Honestly, frankly only the people of color (black, Hispanics into hip hop) are the only ones that truly care about lineups and keeping a sharp line.

I don't think it's considered unprofessional. I don't think it's a big deal if someone doesn't have a lineup.

It fascinates me as to how hard people go in on hairlines on NT. like I said, think its a generation and culture thing. BTW, there are people that don't care and find it annoying when you keep talking about your "crisp line". :lol:.
That's your opinion and the older generation has theirs. Honestly, frankly only the people of color (black, Hispanics into hip hop) are the only ones that truly care about lineups and keeping a sharp line.

I don't think it's considered unprofessional. I don't think it's a big deal if someone doesn't have a lineup.

It fascinates me as to how hard people go in on hairlines on NT. like I said, think its a generation and culture thing. BTW, there are people that don't care and find it annoying when you keep talking about your "crisp line". :lol:.

Yup. I don't know how someone's natural hairline is considered :x All black men before the late 80s must have been lame then:rolleyes
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My ex's dad works for p&g and is pretty high up. I'm pretty sure he is a millionaire. Anyways, he would never get a clean shape up he would just get a haircut.

I'm not sure if this is why or not. Never thought anything of it until now.
[QUOTE name="Supermanblue79"]
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

shape up > willow's peak

Say what?!?!

What the hell is a willow's peak??!?!



So what's the cut off age for getting shape up/lined up? I'm 32 and I get my hair line lined up. I used to just shave my head bald with a razor but I felt that was unprofessional in certain situations, I felt like people thought I was a gangster or something.
This is stupid. Ya'll ****** ain't even corporate. It doesn't matter. I can see if this was about having designs in your head.
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Was talking to a friend about this the other day. I know it might sound like a silly logic but he brought up the point that many CORPORATE/POLITICAL black figures walk around without shape ups. Obama, Jessie Jackson, Tiger Woods, news anchors. I have heard some say that it is "too black."

Has anyone heard this before? Yea I know it sounds silly but it is something to ponder.
White people messed us up badly mentally, so bad this is even being discussed TODAY. 

At one time braids weren't professional or jheri curls even dread locks. But I've never heard about a line up being unprofessional. 

I'd never go without one. 
Believe it or not my boss asked me what a "tape" was

because his 16 year old son asked him for one.

When I explained his face was like :x and he forbid

him to get one. Meanwhile I'm like :smh:
Lots of wild opinions in here. Ill stick to getting shape ups and cut every 2 weeks. In my opinion it's much more unprofessional to show up to work with no line up.
When working in a professional environment, you should always be well groomed. Lack of a shape up or line up is more unprofessional & speaks down on your character.
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And i always thought it was widows peak, not willows peak. That's the little point in the middle of some cats lineup, like terrance Howard.
"Unprofessional" may not be the best term. I think "too ethnic" is closer to the point.

....okay, stop letting white people tell YOU whats too ethnic.

wear a neat, clean, and kept up style and let your work speak for you. F them.

white people never have cared enough about us to understand our culture. its time we stop trying to please them.

black women also suffer from this problem with natural hair. 'white folks' view black women with natural hair a threatening hair style.

i say again F them
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