Is it normal for a guy and girl that are just friends to say they like each other?

nah bruh u need to dead that females are nasty and sneaky
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Maybe for you immature people. As for us adults, we are fully capable of being friends with the opposite sex.
Maturity in the real world only goes as far as their lack of looks. The more attractive they are, the more you gonna want to smash (even if only hypothetically). Maturity perhaps can curb outward action but cannot quell internal desires and thoughts.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Maybe for you immature people. As for us adults, we are fully capable of being friends with the opposite sex.
Maturity in the real world only goes as far as their lack of looks. The more attractive they are, the more you gonna want to smash (even if only hypothetically). Maturity perhaps can curb outward action but cannot quell internal desires and thoughts.

but i don't understand how that makes you any less friends cuz you would possibly have sex w/an attractive person
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Maybe for you immature people. As for us adults, we are fully capable of being friends with the opposite sex.
Maturity in the real world only goes as far as their lack of looks. The more attractive they are, the more you gonna want to smash (even if only hypothetically). Maturity perhaps can curb outward action but cannot quell internal desires and thoughts.

but i don't understand how that makes you any less friends cuz you would possibly have sex w/an attractive person
Never said you cant be friends still. But personally, it would be an "unnatural" friendship for me since i would probably experience lingering thoughts of wanting to smash. I think that might either ruin the friendship in the long run or compel me to make a move sooner or later. The point is that sexual tension, even if only one sided, will throw the friendship off balance. 
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Maybe for you immature people. As for us adults, we are fully capable of being friends with the opposite sex.
Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

Maybe for you immature people. As for us adults, we are fully capable of being friends with the opposite sex.
Maturity perhaps can curb outward action but cannot quell internal desires and thoughts.

Well put. This is what I was trying to get at earlier when I mentioned the other person's thoughts and feelings.
Originally Posted by ispeakjewleo

Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

they went to school together. they've never dated but they have been friends and just recently started talking with each other. She started crying last night when I confronted her about it and she was saying "she loves me" and all that. But I don't know what to believe now. This guys Facebook status that night was "having the time of my life with (my gfs name)."

I don't think i can still be with her. I just don't see how i can trust her. She claims that the reason she didn't tell me is because i don't take news about her going out with her friends right.
I was in a similar situation as you OP. I broke up with her not too long ago and things have been a lot better, it starts now and then the lying will never stop it just gets worse and worse to the point where you can't focus on anything. Just dead it. 

This..I caught my ex in a lie abt 4 months into our relationship and ever since then the lyin has never stopped during our two yr relationship..We broke up 3 months ago and to this day im still finding out about stuff she lied about during those two years.
Originally Posted by Retro23J

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

The fact that females are so clueless to this really frustrates me at times. Either they don't know, don't show, or act like they don't know. 

I'm hip tho. I've had guy friends get so frustrated that they couldnt pipe me that they +#$%%# the females that I've brought around thinking that I would get jealous and just jump on their %%#@!. I know what the deal is and don't get too mad. Lol I think of them as friends ONLY. I keep attractive friends too but if they don't have that trait that gets me hot and bothered it ain't worth it and I like to flirt.
Gonna need some pics after this humble brag

That's the same thing I was thinking when I read that post.  Post pics cap1229

And to OP, you know what you gotta do.  If you don't wanna cut her off then you should start filling up that roster with other starters then get rid of ol' girl...
thinking about playing nice guy . and smashing then Im Out of it for good. Homeboy playing "drake" wants her he can have the seconds . she brought herself into this where i think of her like that. she wanna play games and go out with "friend". well two can play games.

I'm not that type of guy. and she may be telling the truth but the lying and the very "friendly" talk is too much for me to look past. things can never be the same again. and i don't look at her the way i looked at her before this. sad but true. the way i see it if you can play me then i can go ahead and do the same. thoughts ? lol
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

Originally Posted by Regal Black

so she hadn't hanged out with this guy in years but she still likes him and trust him? lol, something don't sound right there

well she claims they were good friends back then in high school. but yea i brought this up to her also. and she used the same "he's a friend to me , I've known him for years" 
shady and i don't buy it. I told her for you it may be a friendship but for him he's thinking other things. She again said "for me he's just a friend." And she said she'd cut all ties with dude to get things back on track with us
.... not having that though. just too much for me to let go 

ehh, IDK dude. If shes willing to cut all ties... I mean, do you really really like her. If you do, then forgiveness is your best friend. She may have emotionally cheated, but she didnt smash dude. It all depends on what she means to you.
I think we can be friends, just have to stop judging it on same sex friendships. I don't see any reason to cut a chick that legitimately holds you down as a friend would because she's sexy as *@%! , got a man and is a bit friendly/flirty. Honesty is most important part of the friendship, and as long as that's there i don't see why not. It gets better as you get older, i think when you're young you both wanna pretend it's not there causing the issue in the first place, but as adults you're both aware, it's just that you're competent, confident adults. Like she holds me down, buuuut she's taken, it is what it is. There's no waiting around for anything, you live your lives. I've told my female friends countless times i'd beat it up, and they know it too.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

they went to school together. they've never dated but they have been friends and just recently started talking with each other. She started crying last night when I confronted her about it and she was saying "she loves me" and all that. But I don't know what to believe now. This guys Facebook status that night was "having the time of my life with (my gfs name)."

I don't think i can still be with her. I just don't see how i can trust her. She claims that the reason she didn't tell me is because i don't take news about her going out with her friends right.
Dude he smanged your girl. Why else would she star crying a shhh because she knows she messed up

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I think we can be friends, just have to stop judging it on same sex friendships. I don't see any reason to cut a chick that legitimately holds you down as a friend would because she's sexy as *@%! , got a man and is a bit friendly/flirty. Honesty is most important part of the friendship, and as long as that's there i don't see why not. It gets better as you get older, i think when you're young you both wanna pretend it's not there causing the issue in the first place, but as adults you're both aware, it's just that you're competent, confident adults. Like she holds me down, buuuut she's taken, it is what it is. There's no waiting around for anything, you live your lives. I've told my female friends countless times i'd beat it up, and they know it too.

All I was saying. If she olds you down as a friend and got your back why not be friends?
because as dude said himself there is always ulterior motives and feelings of and women aren't meant to be matter how hard girls want to be down with the guys...
Article that i read....

Couples I counsel are absolutely outraged when I tell them that they could well be committing emotional infidelity when they flirt with co-workers, send around funny e-mails to colleagues, or hang out with members of the opposite sex at gatherings. But they are, and so, probably, are you.

You’re not going to want to hear this, but stopping this kind of behavior is the single most important thing you can do for your relationship. It’s not about where it may lead. It’s about where it has already gone — far from your focus on your relationship. Remember what it is you’ve always wanted from your committed relationship, and start considering the large, determined commitment that is absolutely necessary to creating a happy coupling.
What’s the harm in a man having a casual friendship with a woman when either has a partner? Or a married woman having a casual friendship with another man? Surely, every friendship doesn’t lead to an affair. Yet we forget the emotional harm of relating to someone outside the relationship when that same energy can be used to relate to our own spouse. A committed relationship is about relating to another person with an intimacy felt with no one else.

How do you know if your being emotionally unfaithful?

1)Discuss your partner and relationships with your “friend.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I think we can be friends, just have to stop judging it on same sex friendships. I don't see any reason to cut a chick that legitimately holds you down as a friend would because she's sexy as *@%! , got a man and is a bit friendly/flirty. Honesty is most important part of the friendship, and as long as that's there i don't see why not. It gets better as you get older, i think when you're young you both wanna pretend it's not there causing the issue in the first place, but as adults you're both aware, it's just that you're competent, confident adults. Like she holds me down, buuuut she's taken, it is what it is. There's no waiting around for anything, you live your lives. I've told my female friends countless times i'd beat it up, and they know it too.

All I was saying. If she olds you down as a friend and got your back why not be friends?
I feel what both of you are saying, but I've been in both sides of that relationship. I've had/have friends that I am attracted to, but because I have a girlfriend I wouldn't do +!+ with them even if they were waiting for me butt-nekkid in my bed. I also have friends who I am not at all attracted to. I don't think that it's wrong to have friends that you're attracted to, but I DO think it's wrong to flirt with them. Like, seriously flirt with them. I know dudes who do some pretend gay +!+ to each other, but nothing that could be interpreted as serious or even a serious flirt. If you're flirting in that respect, as a joke, well then it's joke, nothing wrong with that. But it sounds like you're talking about seriously flirting with dude, so much so that he thinks he's gonna smash... that just doesn't sound like a friendship to me. 
Also, it seems to me like you have more problems than leading on dudes if you're seriously irked about my "tone" over the Internet... please.

Edit: And even with the friends I am attracted to, I look at them much more like a friend now that I did when I was single and into them. For instance, I smashed one of said friends and it was kind of an ongoing thing, but I knew I didn't want a relationship with her. After I got cuffed, I still made sure to maintain a friendly relationship with her. Did I consider her a true friend before I got cuffed? Nah, I considered her more of a friends-with-benefits type chick. Now, I feel a bit more friendly towards her, but I never really considered our friendship with the same validity that I considered my friendship with other girls that I've never smashed/flirted with.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

Article that i read....

Couples I counsel are absolutely outraged when I tell them that they could well be committing emotional infidelity when they flirt with co-workers, send around funny e-mails to colleagues, or hang out with members of the opposite sex at gatherings. But they are, and so, probably, are you.

You’re not going to want to hear this, but stopping this kind of behavior is the single most important thing you can do for your relationship. It’s not about where it may lead. It’s about where it has already gone — far from your focus on your relationship. Remember what it is you’ve always wanted from your committed relationship, and start considering the large, determined commitment that is absolutely necessary to creating a happy coupling.
What’s the harm in a man having a casual friendship with a woman when either has a partner? Or a married woman having a casual friendship with another man? Surely, every friendship doesn’t lead to an affair. Yet we forget the emotional harm of relating to someone outside the relationship when that same energy can be used to relate to our own spouse. A committed relationship is about relating to another person with an intimacy felt with no one else.

How do you know if your being emotionally unfaithful?

1)Discuss your partner and relationships with your “friend.
Originally Posted by dapurplengold213

Article that i read....

Couples I counsel are absolutely outraged when I tell them that they could well be committing emotional infidelity when they flirt with co-workers, send around funny e-mails to colleagues, or hang out with members of the opposite sex at gatherings. But they are, and so, probably, are you.

You’re not going to want to hear this, but stopping this kind of behavior is the single most important thing you can do for your relationship. It’s not about where it may lead. It’s about where it has already gone — far from your focus on your relationship. Remember what it is you’ve always wanted from your committed relationship, and start considering the large, determined commitment that is absolutely necessary to creating a happy coupling.
What’s the harm in a man having a casual friendship with a woman when either has a partner? Or a married woman having a casual friendship with another man? Surely, every friendship doesn’t lead to an affair. Yet we forget the emotional harm of relating to someone outside the relationship when that same energy can be used to relate to our own spouse. A committed relationship is about relating to another person with an intimacy felt with no one else.

How do you know if your being emotionally unfaithful?

1)Discuss your partner and relationships with your “friend.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

they could easily just stop being her friend...

i dont understand how guys get so mad about the FZ when they play apart in it too...just stop being her friend

Cause some people aren't good at reading hints/signs, and you can't blame them.

Saying it's partially the guy's fault is just brushing the blame off one's shoulders. It's like me ripping my friend off completely and justifying it by saying "well my friend was dumb enough to get ripped off by me, so it's also his fault".

Sure, if you want to look at it that way.

no its not the same...if you're goal is to have sex w/her and thats not what youre getting then one makes you stay in a friendship...

we're grown now...i could understand back in MS/HS but now if youre not getting what you want from shorty nothing is making you stay

But I thought the problem was that people were mad that the girl was leading the guy on?

I mean I agree... sometimes just give it a rest and find someone else, but how is someone supposed to know that when they're being played like they have a chance? Like you have people admitting that they lead guys on, guys they have no intention of letting them smash, why not just flat out say "I don't like you, and I'm sorry but I'm not interested"? Instead of that, you have mixed signals being spread making guys feel like they have chances and then they get mad when the girl isn't putting out.
its funny to see females try to explain how the interact with certain male "friends" 
pics of you and that guys girl OP?
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