Is it suspect to eat out with just you and your boy?

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Applebee's is to restaurants what the Greyhound is to buses. Sure you'll get to where you're going, but it won't be enjoyable, fast or sanitary

naw but forreal applebees is terrible around my way

it's literally a running joke with all of my peoples about how bad the food is.

maybe yall don't have a lot of good food near yall but houston is spoiled AF and applebees is close to the last place i would go 
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Not suspect, but not something I'd really want to do with my boy.  Find a sports bar or something or save some $.  Maybe the bar at Cheesecake Factory is okay.
Haven't eaten there in years since I live in an area with a plethora of options, but I don't remember anything as repulsive as ya'll are acting. If you go in there expecting top quality steak off a 2 for 20 special I don't know what to tell you.

Don't get the steak.
Bunch of weirdos. Only been there a few times but enjoyed my food every time.
yeah we are weirdos because you enjoy bad food. 

there is a reason multiple people are adamantly telling you applebees is terrible lmao
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Depends on your restaurant. Fast-food and diner, yes. A nice restaurant, has to be a business move or something else important.
when you're at the table does your boy ask you to

pepper your angus?
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