Is proactive really the truth?

Aug 20, 2005
I just ran out of face wash stuff and i wanted to no if proactive was really worth the hype
i used it but it dried my face out

but other people said it works so ehh take a chance

I guess it depends on your skin though...don't expect to get some face that resembles a baby's$@%% but I guess it helps a lil bit...

Still..the commercial makes it look like the greatest thing ever

Its not
i ordered the free thrity day trail then theuy sent me enough for like 6 month im pretty pissed but it does work a little bit not that much
It has worked good for me. Ive been using it for like 2 years now maybe. I got the advanced stuff though. You have to also watch what you eat. If you go outand eat lets say fast food, that makes my acne break out. But once I use the proactive its gone quick.
It works for me, but I only use the cleanser.

When I use the full set with the green bottle and the lotion it dries my skin out, but when I just use the cleanser to wash my face it works great. been usingit for almost 2 years...
I ordered some and is on the way ..... hope it works

Been making look all bummy so when I get it I can see if it TRULY works. If it dosnt then I lost
meditation to ease worries in your life ?

proactive worked when i had it, i might get 1 or 2, but only if i grow my hair out....
^^^^^^didnt really wanna no that.. But i think ima see how much it cost at the mall and buy it there if its cheap
If you have serious acne problem then pro-active is def. worth the money. However if you're just trying to get rid of a few pimples and maintain a cleanface, then save yourself some extra cash and stick with a regular face wash from a local store.
accutane >> proactiv.

This is true, but its like comparing a commuter car to full blown dragster. Accutane is a serious drug and has some SERIOUS side effects, Proactive is nothingnear that.
is there a certain skin type that proactive is most effective for??????

same question for accutane and murad
Dried off my face, but works pretty well I guess. Too strong for some skin types..
if you guys have acne problems just go to a dermatologist...a professional skin doctor will be more effective than an advertised product....
not touching your face works wonders
just imagine all the stuff you touch throughout the day
and all the carp that is on those things
This is true, but its like comparing a commuter car to full blown dragster. Accutane is a serious drug and has some SERIOUS side effects, Proactive is nothing near that.
Accutane is so serious, I took it for 3 months and I've been clear for along time maybe 6-8 months. Side effects for me were crazy though,super super dry skin, chap lips like crazy and dry nose. Accutane is really the last resort, but It's crazy strong. Strongest acne medication on themarket. You have to get blood test every time you re-up which is like 2-3 weeks to check your liver, for the first few doses. No drinking, it caused crazy sideeffects for me. But my skin is so clear its amazing
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