Is This Blackface? vol. Olympic Edition

"when have you ever "written" someone off for a single opinion they held on a singular topic?"

all the time actually.
[thread="652604"] [/thread]

if the concern is this one thread invalidates anything else ive posted or will post in the future then its clear that the intention was to "write me off" all along

when have you ever "written" someone off for a single opinion they held on a singular topic?

but sit here and pretend like its me

accuse me of whatever you want, all "thoughts" and no substance :rolleyes

yet the "thought-provoking" posts i make get locked by your "higher intellectually than i" nt brethren

yet i see no fingers pointed >D

as far as what would change if she said it, id expect apologies from members in this thread

but further than that, your assertion that for holding this opinion that I personally must go out and lead the charge against aly in the court of public opinion just shows how you want to make this about me, and not the issue in that event of her putting on blackface

its not just me she would be insulting, its all of you

i put up the YT video of girls doing exactly what i propose is happening here, but ive yet to receive a single response of "well, i can see where youre coming from. i dont see it myself, but i can at least respect your opinion and not invalidate your experiences

to the point of "no one taking you seriously, not even your own race" i dont expect people who are also subject to white supremacy and its evils to jump when they see it

a lot of you are conditioned to try to "be above it", but in saying that im damned if i do damned if i dont because now it looks like im the one trying to talk down to people but it is what it is

i hold that the only reason im being excoriated to this degree is by the virtue of ppl simply waiting to take their "shot" and nothing more

like omar said, come at the king, you best not miss, so take all your shots but just know i will continue to post what i see fit and how i see fit regardless of who has a problem with it

This is simply not true.

I've taken you seriously and responded genuinely with insightful and respectful posts in a number of your other threads. Most recently the white fragility thread.

The reason you're being excoriated to this degree is because of how ludicrous THIS claim is.

No one has a "problem" with your posts. But the fact that you believe you are creating problems isn't helping people consider you not a troll. So whenever someone doesn't agree with you and you see it as them "having a problem" with you, maybe you should reconsider. Is your only reason to post these things to see who has a "problem" with it and who doesn't? You never offer solutions. You're here to stir the pot and that's the definition of a troll. When we call you that, you get defensivem, report people, and say everyone is condescending you. No. We all just think you're an extremist.

We are all laughing at you not because of your post history. But because of this single thread.
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O lawd 30 pages
That's what I said. 

I'm shocked lol.
my turn to say this is simply not true

because people in this thread have not disagreed solely on the basis of this picture but have made personal attacks against me

but please show me the instance where i, unprovoked, attacked another member for their opinion?

the fact that you can straight faced call the claim "ludicrous" is what i take exception to

i have never said anything derogatory about if you dont agree with me other than to say that you are against me

that doesnt say that i think the mere act of disagreeing means we have a "problem"

we have a "problem" when people want to say im STUPID/etc etc for having my opinion

that i cannot condone

feel free to disagree but leave it at that, the extracurricular shots and namecalling is what I have a "problem" with


and like i said, anyone who holds this thread against me was never "down" for me to begin with
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I disagree because your claim is ludicrous. If all of NT except it's resident troll DC disagrees with you, I'd say that speaks volumes. I'm gonna leave it at that.
all of nt could decide jumping off bridges is the new best thing

but it underscores the point that i am not entitled to my own opinion

i must fall in with the NT groupthink or else face the wrath
all of nt could decide jumping off bridges is the new best thing

but it underscores the point that i am not entitled to my own opinion

i must fall in with the NT groupthink or else face the wrath

"A delusion of grandeur is the fixed, false belief that one possesses superior qualities such as genius, fame, omnipotence, or wealth. It is most often a symptom of schizophrenia, but can also be a symptom found in psychotic or bipolar disorders, as well as dementia (such as Alzheimer's)."

Like I said, it speaks volumes that 99% of people you posed this question to disagree with you. You can't accept it. You have delusions of grandeur and are seeing things that just aren't quite there man.

If it's so evident this is blackface then why can't anyone else but you see it? Let me guess, systematic racism it's so deeply ingrained in us we don't even know it.

Well, I'd like to disagree with you and counter with black inferiority may be so ingrained in you, that you see things we don't.

Have you ever really taken the time to stop and think about your racial inclinations and where they stem from? Literally no one I know is extreme as you. Not even on NT.
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all of nt could decide jumping off bridges is the new best thing

but it underscores the point that i am not entitled to my own opinion

i must fall in with the NT groupthink or else face the wrath

If you're so sick and tired of NT's supposed group think.

Then maybe NT is not the website for you.

-Whenever I think the world is against me I keep this saying in mind "If you met an *** hole at 7am, then you met an *** hole at 7am. If you met *** holes all day, guess what, you're the *** hole"

So just think for a second, maybe the problem is not the diverse group of people that all happen to be against you that. Maybe the problem is with yourself famb
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If you're so sick and tired of NT's supposed group think.

Then maybe NT is not the website for you.

-Whenever I think the world is against me I keep this saying in mind "If you met an *** hole at 7am, then you met an *** hole at 7am. If you met *** holes all day, guess what, you're the *** hole"

So just think for a second, maybe the problem is not the diverse group of people that all happen to be against you that. Maybe the problem is with yourself famb

:rofl: this didn't make a shred of sense but it made me laugh
If you're so sick and tired of NT's supposed group think.

Then maybe NT is not the website for you.

-Whenever I think the world is against me I keep this saying in mind "If you met an *** hole at 7am, then you met an *** hole at 7am. If you met *** holes all day, guess what, you're the *** hole"

So just think for a second, maybe the problem is not the diverse group of people that all happen to be against you that. Maybe the problem is with yourself famb

:rofl: this didn't make a shred of sense but it made me laugh

word lol
I dont care what it was you've been a clown **** outta here

The mask is a black mask, pretty relevant to the topic don't you think?

And I like to dress up on Halloween, omg what a concept!! I guess you're to cool for that huh? So you sir, **** outta here
here we go again with the psychoanalysis 

and saying black inferiority complex is offensive as it assumes that because im seeing this as racism on her part im somehow devaluing my own race in the process

thats not what this is

this is simply a case of a white girl at the height of her privilege and ability to receive the benefit of the doubt doing exactly just that

and once again, i already accounted for the fact that people MAY NOT see this as blackface, with the caveat being IS IT AT LEAST PROBLEMATIC in the least sense?

but yet and still, when i post a similar situation in which the white girls WERE being racist, i hear nothing but crickets
If you're so sick and tired of NT's supposed group think.

Then maybe NT is not the website for you.

-Whenever I think the world is against me I keep this saying in mind "If you met an *** hole at 7am, then you met an *** hole at 7am. If you met *** holes all day, guess what, you're the *** hole"

So just think for a second, maybe the problem is not the diverse group of people that all happen to be against you that. Maybe the problem is with yourself famb

:rofl: this didn't make a shred of sense but it made me laugh

word lol


It just means that it you met one person that you found difficult, chances are that the problem with the other person, not yourself.

But if you find everyone you met and deal with is difficult (i.e an *** hole), then chances are you're really the difficult person, and everyone else is normal.
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The mask is a black mask, pretty relevant to the topic don't you think?

And I like to dress up on Halloween, omg what a concept!! I guess you're to cool for that huh? So you sir, **** outta here

I wasn't looking for an explanation you can dress in drag if you like you're still a clown
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