Is this girl smashable or dateable ?

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Saw 2nd pic,no thanks jeff....but I would keep her around on those weekends that don't go as planned and you can have a backup plan.
Son posted a second pic just to get the same response

Lol the bird actually lost stock. 
bruh she like a 5/10 look like she do drugs and ****

if she throwin it at you go ahead aslong as shes clean tbh p is p not like u tryna wife
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Do you have any other **** you could be spending time with?

Bottom line, sometimes you gotta take the open lane. Layup, breh. Dat bottom lip look supple, too.
The girl is well connected and she definitely have money, i'm about to graduate in finance and i can use some help to find a good job, my current girlfriend is prettier but she's broke, this girl can put me in spotlight
Man I got the same situation going on myself, Madonna-***** complex all over again.

I personally can't tell you  **** except for looks are relatively meaningless in the terms of dating now, truth is I would rather pull a 7 from Harvard than most out there. If she has the opportunity to put you on like you say- even better. You young man, you gotta do you. 
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So no shame if i smash
Man I got the same situation going on myself, Madonna-***** complex all over again.

I personally can't tell you  **** except for looks are relatively meaningless in the terms of dating now, truth is I would rather pull a 7 from Harvard than most out there. If she has the opportunity to put you on like you say- even better. You young man, you gotta do you. 
yeah i can keep her on my team, she definitely got my attention (not physically) but she's waiting for **** to happen between us, i can smash for a while until i decide what i'm going to do next with my current one and her, 
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