Is this girl smashable or dateable ?

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I'm already in a relationship but i want to keep my options open 

But to answer your question, yee, wood smash.

Idk bout date since idk hows shes like.
Can't tell you if she's dateable cuz I don't know her but from pics you've provided she seems presentable enough to be seen in public with her.

So date or just smash is up to you unless you gonna give more info.
Man she ain't a dime but I'm smashing and not thinking twice.

If ole girl monkey smell like water I wouldn't emm be taking the time to make this thread because I'd be in them guts

And folks wonder why us older heads look down on these 90s babies.
Get slobbed and keep her around. You never know when you will go through a drought or be bored on a Saturday evening.​
She looks eerily similar to a girl I know that also has no body and was kinda thirsty. But the girl I'm talking about was lightskin, more yellow if that makes sense.​
Maybe they're related. 
 Where you from OP?​
Anyways, I'd definitely smash though. She got a cute face.​
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If you got a good chick, I wouldn't ruin it. If you trying to explore free agency, why not?
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