It's gonna be HOT this weekend

Give me a blizzard any day over this disgusting ***** heat....

Spent a day in Athens last week and it was just as hot, I was drenched in sweat, made me hate Athens immediately....wanted nothing to do with that trash city.

I don’t know about about blizzard snow be there for weeks after, but give me winter over this unbearable heat. Don’t even want to drink. How ol heads get drunk in this heat I dunno
They’ll be good. They showered, used soap and don’t sweat much. Oh, and no one’s ever told them to their face that they stink either.

it's 96 here in NJ... I'm at the beach now so nice breeze but still hot AF... didnt bring alcohol with me just water... saving my Henny for the fight tonight
Yeah bro, I own a detail and Mechanic shop. It’s downright deadly in my shop. Even with our twelve shop fans it’s unbearable

I was out pouring concrete yesterday just spraying dudes with my hose. (Pause)

I forgot to mention as far as the Midwest killing us. Lightning just struck my tree and shot wood all over my yard. :lol: glad it wasn’t the crib.
I told everyone I'm in hibernation this weekend. Was off Friday as well. Had to deal with a gang of flies trying to escape the heat, but I won that battle.

Stay safe.
today it’s low 80s here. slight breeze. a little overcast. humidity not too bad. prolly take a dip in the pool after lunch :nthat:
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