its not black people who've progressed its white people VOL....chris rock

frank matthews = nomad 

trying to shift blame 
frank matthews = nomad :nerd:

trying to shift blame :nerd:

Nomad has been hostile towards me :nerd:

I'll applaud him for displaying legit multiple e-personalities if true. All of his SNs where it's more obvious it's him would just be to throw ppl off to what he can really do.
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A productive discussion was being had here....and the thread was successfully derailed for pages.

Y'all take the obvious bait EVERYTIME :smh: :lol:
When it comes to how we think about poverty in America, poor white communities get the benefit of the doubt, poor black communities do not. The median white person will say "Appalachia is really bad because there are no jobs because the coal industry is nearly gone." Meanwhile, West Baltimore is poor because the people there are lazy, violent or prone to have broken families. With white people, poverty is the result of exogenous, economic and historical forces. With black people, poverty is always the result of endogenous forces which center on individuals and families. This is especially ironic because American history is clearly tilted in favor of even the poorest whites.

Talk about it :pimp:
He probably let all that hate consume him.
Blastercombo once told me my parents were worthless degenerates for putting me in after school daycare when I was very young. I caught him complaining about daycare costs for his kid several months later; ever since then I knew not to pay him any serious attention :lol:

Also, I actually agreed with Future MD on most things, but his method of posting and attitude were annoying as @$#@ and made me turn against my own views at times :lol:

BLASTERCOMBO used to hate so hard on anything sneaker related :rofl: Part of the "men buy sneakers to impress other men" group with Stillin and them.

Then out of no where this dude bought a pair of used Infrared 6s from the pack from me. I had them listed in the BS forum. My curiosity got the best of me I had to google earth his address to see what his apartment was looking like after I shipped the shoes. It was exactly what I pictured lol.

Dude just loved to troll/argue and was a huge hypocrite at heart. I stopped talking him serioiusly after that experience, similar to yours.
The fact that thread was started by Truth get Busy aka Powerballin makes it even more hilarious.

I remember him making a blog called "I run NT", or something like that. And was tryna act like he wasn't the same person, that his persona's were brothers or cousins :lol:

JesusShuttlesworth34 had a going away party when he left DC for Arizona. He went to highschool with Powerballin and they both liked the same chick. Well PowerBallin showed up to JS34's mother's house, wasted without a car crashing JesusShuttlesworth34 party. He was trying to fight JS34 over ole girl and some other things. JS34 washed him and left him there in the street. Not sure how dude got home but it was classic :rofl:
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Hes not.

"Men" dont do that
Please, if yall buy shoes and nobody ever looks at your feet and/or comment on your shoes, most of yall would be ready to kill yourselves.

But I don't expect folks on a shoe forum to be able to see this
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