Ja Rule's finesse of the Century - Fyre Festival

I think the problem is he relied heavily on social media and "influencers" to drive demand. He also had some bozo investors.

I don't think he'd be able to recruit Kardashian or Victoria Secret model caliber personalities or lure in big money from investors like he did for FYRE. His name and face are probably at the top of every "do not f with this guy" list.

Someone else could pull it off, just not this guy.
Fyre was actually a good idea - he just couldn't do it. Same with this in a way - but he must have surely burned his bridges and has no chance of pulling it off - without ending up in prison again.
Fyre was actually a good idea - he just couldn't do it. Same with this in a way - but he must have surely burned his bridges and has no chance of pulling it off - without ending up in prison again.

If he hadn’t spent all the investors’ money on himself and instead had

A) paid contractors/artists properly
B) invested in proper infrastructure/logistics
C)set up a realistic timeline

I feel like he could’ve set up at least a moderately successful event. I don’t think it’d be perfect, but he could’ve apologized for any shortcomings of the event and could’ve promised to improve on it the following year.

Dude got greedy and started living the pyramid scheme scammer life instead of thinking long term
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I feel like ... they need to let this happen.

Pirate…. Pyrite…. Same s** :lol: :lol: :lol: A triple play on words. Dude has NO shame.

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Pirate…. Pyrite…. Same s** :lol: :lol: :lol: A triple play on words. Dude has NO shame.

Honestly props to him for the even trying to run it back. Dude has gotta have confidence in his word play like no other. He gotta be top 5 most famous scammers and doxxed scammers alive.

Younger people would probably be more familiar with his face than Madoff's
He cant be serious

But in a weird way, now just hear me out, he might be able to pull it off

He can use the fyre festival infamy to draw people in, make a couple headlines, name gets out there to ppl that dont know, the youth dont care about the past they just want to be lit

All depends on certain celebs and influencers to look past the past of course, if the check is right u got alot of new ppl that would be down i guarantee that
He cant be serious

But in a weird way, now just hear me out, he might be able to pull it off

He can use the fyre festival infamy to draw people in, make a couple headlines, name gets out there to ppl that dont know, the youth dont care about the past they just want to be lit

All depends on certain celebs and influencers to look past the past of course, if the check is right u got alot of new ppl that would be down i guarantee that

All it will take is one tiktok about his previous fyre scam to go viral and not even the youth will show up
All it will take is one tiktok about his previous fyre scam to go viral and not even the youth will show up

Hence the third part of what I said

All it takes a nice pay check for one of these new acts to perform

And if the act is confirmed, the fans come, theres a whole generation of ppl that dont give a dam about Fyre they just want to be somewhere showing off that they’re having fun on tik tok

But of course popular decent acts have to be booked
He cant be serious

But in a weird way, now just hear me out, he might be able to pull it off

He can use the fyre festival infamy to draw people in, make a couple headlines, name gets out there to ppl that dont know, the youth dont care about the past they just want to be lit

All depends on certain celebs and influencers to look past the past of course, if the check is right u got alot of new ppl that would be down i guarantee that

I hear what you’re saying, and I kinda agree. Like when celebrities do something to get cancelled, or break the law, or get accused of whatever and their careers take a huge hit, they usually find a way to bounce back in some capacity.

Sometimes that means doing pron, sometimes they just do commercials, sometimes they do strictly conventions and get that autograph money, sometimes they do shows at small state fairs and birthday parties. But YES the point is, once your name is recognized as famous or infamous, you can attract some sort of investor looking to come up.

Just all depends on how legit or how seedy said person wants to go. With this dude it’s pretty clear he had no limit to how low he’ll stoop. So I’m sure he’ll take this in stride and use it in his favor.
I hear what you’re saying, and I kinda agree. Like when celebrities do something to get cancelled, or break the law, or get accused of whatever and their careers take a huge hit, they usually find a way to bounce back in some capacity.

Sometimes that means doing pron, sometimes they just do commercials, sometimes they do strictly conventions and get that autograph money, sometimes they do shows at small state fairs and birthday parties. But YES the point is, once your name is recognized as famous or infamous, you can attract some sort of investor looking to come up.

Just all depends on how legit or how seedy said person wants to go. With this dude it’s pretty clear he had no limit to how low he’ll stoop. So I’m sure he’ll take this in stride and use it in his favor.


Turning lemons into lemonade

Im not saying he will but I wont rule him out, we seen alot of celebes do insane stuff and still have a career

People would pay and go just for an attempt to go viral.

Bingo. The time from Fyre festival to now social media wise has gotten worse, tik tok wasnt big yet

Online presence and popularity is like a drug now
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