Jeopardy Thug, Arthur Chu....He's Rustling a lot of Jimmies.

Yes indeed a a for ohio .. An Asian man witha white woman too

@rck3sactown ur turn is coming mang
I can only hope so 
Chu gotta be kidding me, people mad bc he's winning but america praised this guy

Playing to tie seems like a rather lucky strategy.. Something seems off. Unless I just can't grasp how it's done efficiently

edit: finished up the fist article. Nothing seems off or fishy. He won't always be in the lead to "tie" things up in his own way. If you play to tie too many times, it could come to bite him. Take the sure thing. Fishing around for daily doubles seems normal. Unless he sounds like a cocky arrogant dude on tv, i dont get the hate.

Reading about this like its some huge game theory strategy is the funniest thing of all. Is this Williams' guy trying to sell something? lol. He appears to be doing two things. I guess they are sooooo different from the Jeopardy way, the hate comes in freeflowingly?

Another aspect has got to be other contestants thinking about following his strategy. Hunt for that daily double.. Play to tie.. What happens then? Are they playing into his so called strength even more?

If you tie you move on, if you win you move on.

The goal is to move on.

If you are the leader and the final bet ensures a tie or a win, you just increased you chances of moving on.

its not complex.

if you are the leader always go for the tie or win.
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seen that vid where he bet $5 on the daily double. Sports category. and instantly said i don't know. Alex's face after that, priceless. :lol:
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i think hes playing to tie simply so the other person has a chance to move on as well. if im right, the reason hes doing that is because instead of having to fight two new people, who are potentially smarter than he is...he brings along the weaker competition in which he can kill off any time. I would rather compete against the person ive been slapping around all day and 1 unknown new person, than 2 unknown new people.
I don't like this dude. Something about his face and the way he talks. Plus he's fat lol

But I hope he keeps winning.
I don't like this dude. Something about his face and the way he talks. Plus he's fat lol

But I hope he keeps winning.

Pretty much dudes ugly. If he was good looking and charismatic it would be much different like ken jeopardy.
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If you tie you move on, if you win you move on.

The goal is to move on.

If you are the leader and the final bet ensures a tie or a win, you just increased you chances of moving on.

its not complex.

if you are the leader always go for the tie or win.
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