Jizzed In My Pants...

Originally Posted by xxxTheSmoreoxxx

Justin Timberlake is sooooo funny! he doesn't even has to say/ do anything! lol

that was so gay....but then i realized you were a girl.....
That DJ just happen to be everywhere too.

Real talk, I'm a have to let this live on my Mp3 player for a minute.
it was funny as hell, but what a waste of a pretty dope beat, that coulda been a hit record right there
I think it gets funnier the more and more i watch it. I didnt even notice J.T. was in there until the 3rd of 4th time i watched it.

This dude seriously can do no wrong with these songs.

and the gifs
Originally Posted by kylewatson3


I really hope they are coming out with this cd, that would be hilarious. http://www.cellsea.com/ringtone/detail/RT493c8e4663666.htmhttp://www.cellsea.com/ri...etail/RT493c8e4663666.htm Here is a ringtone I found looking for the song, i made it downloadable.

ha....dope. i was thinking he should come out with an album....dude always has nice beats and his @$%! is actually well produced. a genius with thatcomedy/music deal.
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