Jordan Retro 1 OG Royal returns April 1 2017

And basically this or just in general to get a cheaper price because either way they will sell down the line

Great points I understand that and they are phenomenal at doing business...what was interesting to me was the affect it could have on sellers and buyers... I believe SS are buying Royals right now at 250 we'll how much would a "mismatch" be worth? and depending on how many pairs you trying to sell them would it be worth it or would you do it?...and on the flip side say you don't sell to SS but trying to sell them I feel like buyers now (because of the announcement by a major reseller giving people the idea that the value of mismatch pair maybe less than a perfect pair and other resellers might follow suit to see if they can get them for dirt cheap also) might be aware that the different versions of pairs could help them get a pair for a cheaper price as well or just buy with caution of the differences...and then does this gives some one with a perfect pair incentive to drive they price up? Idk probably over analyzing ( was a business major lol) just thought it was interesting
You're so lazy I'm about to Zyzz.....
do you guys lace over and under OR under and over? lol
I don't have the Chis but black and white 2014 are the best quality of OG 1s last 3 years. 

My ranking:

14' B/W (could probably make a case for being equal to SBB 1, but I like B/W leather more than SBB soft stuff) > SBB 1 > BT/Storm Blue/Metallic B > Banned/Royals > SBB 2/T3 > CM > YinYangs > All Star
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(Random) Those still complaining about leather inconsistencies seriously need to chill or just return them. It's such a petty complaint at this point IMO. Breds were the same way so where were y'all then? Probably complained about those too but in any case this needs to stop. I think the fact that every pair is uniquely different in some way is dope.

Some of you could be enjoying your pairs but your so caught up on such a minute detail that nobody but you would even notice. On your feet they look like Royal Blue and black shoes which they are.

And for the love of God saying one is "smooth" and the other is tumbled. NONE OF THEM ARE "SMOOTH". They're all tumbled. Some parts maybe more tumbled than other parts, but it's all tumbled. "Smooth" was 2013 leather. Anyway this concludes my rant. Just had to say that. Sorry guys, carry on.

Some people do have a valid complaint point like dude with the height difference in the pair he got but I agree with you, at this point, we have established that most pair doesn't come matching or identical/symetrical to the other. It's kinda like the time when people that bought Flyknit racer "multicolor" and was complaining that they didn't have a matching pair whether one toe had more pink while the other toe had more blue. I was reading those comments and thinking to myself "these are MULTICOLOR Flyknit" which to means they will come in a random pattern and not identical. Had that mind set from the gate so if I received a non-matching pattern, I would have taken it as normal. Point being is people will complain and eventually get over it until the next release to complain about lol.
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How's it dumb? It was just to open up a discussion, Not saying that would happen. If a major reseller took noticed of all the inconsistencies and making that a deciding factor on purchasing the shoe at a higher price or declining why wouldn't others maybe do the same or buyers my think they can under value the shoe based on its condition...Your entitled to your own opinion just tried to spark a discussion in a thread about the shoe

Not you, but the actual person who wrote that.
actually no its not the same

these arent the multi leather royal 1's lol

My point is, I agree with dude that at this point, is like beating a dead horse when still complaining about the non match pair most have received. This release is basically "it is what it is" release. The multicolor flyiknit thing is just saying that there was a point people already knew that most pairs don't match either but still to continue to complain of them not matching but you are right that it is not the same in the sense that most people didn't understand the concept of multicolor flyknit. Just my .02 cents. we can all agree or disagree on opinions.
Got my fill on this release, this was so easy. What a welcome change
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