Justice for Jacob Blake

Sad sad sad person right here.

He should've listened to the cops? If not, get shot 7 times...? um no.

"Consequenced" isn't a word.

The fact he's pointing out and emphasizing someone's criminal past, sounds like we should devalue anyone who has charges. Wrong.

Last but not least... that smirk at the 39 second mark looks like he gets a pleasure off of making rants like this and loves it even more to hear backlash from it.

He's gay and Black. He'll never be accepted by "them"

This makes me sick.
Herschel Walker's son. Wow.

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He lives in Kenosha where this happened

People going crazy over there

There was about 50 fires last night

You don’t think it’s inappropriate to only post about property damage in a thread where a black man was shot 7 times in the back by police?
Was that in reference to me? I was directly addressing the person that came in and only talked about their family losing property to the fires.
That is someone not worthy of an intelligent response.
Also now they're saying he was armed with a knife while he walked back to the car. Definitely gonna muddy this up if true.

That’s some bs right there. That ain’t no damn knife and he’s walking away from them. Even IF it was....what’s a knife to a gun?

It can bring us closer to getting rid of qualified immunity and putting in other reforms need to hold police departments accountable.

Sure vote will not stop acts of racism by police, or stop these instances from every happening again, but it would make it easier to hold cops accountable, and police shootings are not the only manner in which the criminal justice system is oppressive to black people. Many of the judges, DA, sheriffs, that inflict the oppression are elected officials.

Tariq understanding of politics ranges from basic (and kinda right) to utter trash. People need to stop listening to him in that area. But to be honest, I can't think of a reason to listen to black Joe Rogan at all.
Sure vote will not stop acts of racism by police, or stop these instances from every happening again, but it would make it easier to hold cops accountable, and police shootings are not the only manner in which the criminal justice system is oppressive to black people. Many of the judges, DA, sheriffs, that inflict the oppression are elected officials.

THis is where he should have left IT.
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