#justiceforjunior vol. sorry if it’s a repost

They brought this one guy on range when I was locked and they brought "lunch". Man didn't eat it and after they clear the trays he starts hollering for the CO. I hear this guy asking for a sandwich. :rofl: I was dying this clown thought he could place an order
Yea I hope I never get thrown in there, only plus side is I know I would get in some great shape. Still not worth being in jail/prison :lol:
not surprised about the machetes since theres less guns in NYC compared to other parts of the country. In the UK where theres even less guns the Yutes all use zombie knives, cleavers and machetes
Na. NYC has plenty of guns despite the laws lol. The machete thing is cultural.
I'm surprised that ppl are surprised at ppl using machetes given that trinitarios have been a thing for quite some time. This isn't new
Easy to say you'd do this, that and a third now from the comfort of wherever you're at. Different story when you're there and all that **** is going down...

I aint from Canada.

It's an AWFUL situation, but put yourself in the employee's shoes. Wild situation unfolding right before him, and he probably just wanted EVERYONE out of the store. With no background, some kid running in and trying to hide, knowing the neighborhood and gangs you deal with, I can understand why dude reacted the way he did. It's easy to play armchair QB and say what dude should have done, but I think the anger directed at this dude is completely misguided. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one...

Yeah, I'll never agree with you. I've been starting QB when I stepped in on a domestic dispute with a man stabbing up his wife. I had to fight a manslaughter charge in St. Louis over it. Charges were dropped but a couple weeks in jail was worth NOT minding my business.
I aint from Canada.

Yeah, I'll never agree with you. I've been starting QB when I stepped in on a domestic dispute with a man stabbing up his wife. I had to fight a manslaughter charge in St. Louis over it. Charges were dropped but a couple weeks in jail was worth NOT minding my business.

Good on you...

I got a family to go home to at the end of the day, and if the situation doesn't involve them directly, I'm not getting involved outside of calling for the police.
Good on you...

I got a family to go home to at the end of the day, and if the situation doesn't involve them directly, I'm not getting involved outside of calling for the police.

I got a son now, so I make it a point to come home to him at night. If that was my son, and no one did anything to help him I would be fueled with hatred at the world.

I'm an educator too so maybe that's why I'm different but I won't let my students get bullied so if I was the store owner I would have at least tried to diffuse the situation...he was armed and knew the kid, man. I hate these worldstarass do nothings that want to film and chant "oooooo" **** them
and I'm NOT trying to play gangsta or say I'm about that life either...I was in a situation where my conscience wouldn't let me walk past...the guy ended up loosing his life and I gotta live with it, but it wasn't a matter of me running around popping dudes...it was self defense.
Although the store owners appear to not have done anything...supposedly the nieces and nephews of the store owners are the ones that tried to stop the bleeding. Jrs brother posted that.
I really couldn't hear anything in the video but I'm assuming they have headphones on for translations?

Is it common for US-Born ricans/domincans to not speak English in NY? Or are they not from here?
Although the store owners appear to not have done anything...supposedly the nieces and nephews of the store owners are the ones that tried to stop the bleeding. Jrs brother posted that.

That video made even worse. He was literally across the street and everyone picks up a phone. Why ain’t no one run across the street and get a gurnee? Why not pick him up and take him into the hospital?

Stop filming ****. Log off social media media. Ban worldstar and YouTube all together. Has bred nothing but idiots.

Filming cops does nothing either. Sheriff in Texas just arrested everyone on bs law, cops get away with **** filmed everyday. Stop being an on looker and help.
I really couldn't hear anything in the video but I'm assuming they have headphones on for translations?

Is it common for US-Born ricans/domincans to not speak English in NY? Or are they not from here?

Yea, they were being translated.

They were likely not born here, probably don't even have a lot of time living in the United States.

They could also have the Sammy Sosa syndrome and they "forgot" how to speak and understand english.
That video made even worse. He was literally across the street and everyone picks up a phone. Why ain’t no one run across the street and get a gurnee? Why not pick him up and take him into the hospital?

It was a really short clip. Someone could have been en route with a gurnee for all we know. It's hard to piece everything together this early on based on about 1 or 2 minutes of footage.

I will admit that on the surface it looks bad with the cops just lollygagging with no urgency while the kid is in dire need.
Bodega got shut down permanently.

Caught the t-shirt mask murderer too.

Saw a FaceTime of the intended victim talking to someone about being confused for the kid.

The ninjahood looking one is still missing. He probably singing like a bird and won’t show face as part of a deal.

I still feel they will all be murdered in jail.
Jrs brother posted that.

What's his IG?

The ninjahood looking one is still missing. He probably singing like a bird and won’t show face as part of a deal.

That the one who ran off to the DR?

While the outpouring and financial donations are great I hope locals also pay attention to that other story/incident on the freeway.
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have you been to philly or Camden NJ? da Bronx looks like Calabasas in comparison b.

Philly still has turned over burned cars & used tires all over da place :lol: da Bronx aint been like that since da earrrrrrrrrrrly 90's.

What parts of Philly are you talking about? It’s way smaller and way more gentrified throughout.
What parts of Philly are you talking about? It’s way smaller and way more gentrified throughout.
Yeah I’m not sure what he’s talking about. Maybe 15 years ago. But in southwest and west philly the hipsters are pushing more and more out from center city and taking over and I was in north philly recently and there’s tons and tons of new apartment buildings and stuff being built that’s eventually gonna revamp the entire area
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Went to the memorial yesterday and lit up a candle for little man....it’s a very strange feeling being there, a lot of love being shown to a boy now but when he needed it not a single person was there to help in any sort of way, the whole world saw him die, ALONE...I think that’s what hits us, exposed our selfish human nature and animosity towards each other and the little respect we have for life....is crazy because you can literally see the emergency room entrance to st Barnabas from that corner store, it’s about 150ft, they set up another little memorial where he dropped, I wonder who worked security at st Barnabas that night, dude needs to be held accountable for not jumping to action, there is always one or two dudes at that entrance guarding it 24/7 I believe.
Dudes really still getting at the store owners as if he was suppose to fight 5 dudes with knives just to help duke out.

Oh and lets not forget he had maybe 2 seconds to process everything. Try that yourself and see if you woudve done anything.

Yeah, seriously.

I don't understand people saying "yeah if I was the store owner I would have done this and that".

Call the cops and get out of harms way. That's all you owe as a citizen. If you wanna do more than that, that's on you, but don't criticize people for doing less because you weren't there.
Dudes really still getting at the store owners as if he was suppose to fight 5 dudes with knives just to help duke out.

Oh and lets not forget he had maybe 2 seconds to process everything. Try that yourself and see if you woudve done anything.

There is so much outrage, the people just need scapegoats to focus it on, however I think those officers that just watched him bleed out in front of a hospital of all places, deserve farrrrrrr more heat than the store owner, not sure how they flying under the radar here
There is so much outrage, the people just need scapegoats to focus it on, however I think those officers that just watched him bleed out in front of a hospital of all places, deserve farrrrrrr more heat than the store owner, not sure how they flying under the radar here

What were the officers supposed to do?

I mean granted the officers probably barely got out of the 12th grade and have a 3rd grade reading proficiency + little to no critical thinking or problem solving skills (as is proven every time they shoot an unarmed person without first attempting to de-escalate a situation)... performing CPR wasn't gonna stop the bleeding. I need someone to tell me exactly what the police were supposed to do for a young man that was bleeding out like that?

Picking him up and moving him was not an option.

You had it right in your first sentence... people are just looking for scapegoats.
What were the officers supposed to do?

I mean granted the officers probably barely got out of the 12th grade and have a 3rd grade reading proficiency... performing CPR wasn't gonna stop the bleeding. I need someone to tell me exactly what the police were supposed to do for a young man that was bleeding out like that?

Picking him up and moving him was not an option.

You had it right in your first sentence... people are just looking for scapegoats.

How is picking him up and carrying himisnt an option? That’s exactly what one of them shoulda done, whatever treatment the kid needed wasn’t gonna be performed on the street, picking him up, instead of waiting around, coulda give him a slight chance at getting the blood loss under control inside, in this situation every second lost was crucial, granted I doubt litttle man woulda lived anyways, even if he got teleported from the front of the store straight into an OR....the injuries were too much.
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