Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Biden is literally funding a genocide. And hell no I don’t want you voting Trump either.

The fact you can’t name drop Biden without someone automatically thinking your a Trumper (Trump crazies do the same) is wild.

When’s Biden going to address over half the country struggling to pay rent? Nah let’s keep sending tax dollars to Israel , to assist their genocide and keep the Military Industrial Complex alive at the same time. Weapons manufacturers gotta be LOVING Biden right now.

It’s a big club, and WE aren’t in it.

Oh, and Kanye hasn’t killed anyone.
Most of his **** is irrelevant to the topic

If you want to debate politics, we have a thread for that.

But to address what you said here.

You have an issue with his Israel policy, so do I. However, the Israeli far right, that really want to kills Palestinians indiscriminately are openly complaining about Biden caring too much about the welfare of Palestinian civilians. And they prefer to have Trump back.

So no matter how much I disagree with it, I know the US stance on Israel and Gaza will get worse under Trump.

On Housing. Biden and his Administration have addressed housing numerous times. I would know, I was at an event in Nevada a while back and he brought it up.

Nearly two years ago they released a plan for it ...

He has requested funds from Congress numerous times to boost housing supply, every budget season, but Republicans and flatly rejected it. Manchin was only openly to the smallest of things. Housing is discussed in the state of economy


Biden is showing support for the culinary union in Vegas who I have numerous friends and family members of. He is supporting the people closest to me trying to get a better standard of living. Trump is openly hostile to unions and worker power.

He cancelled the student of my aunt who got scammed by a for profit college.

If Trump becomes president, he has promised to try to roll back the ACA. The ACA has saved my family from bankruptcy. I simply don't want the stress of hoping my mother does not get kicked off her insurance because of a pre-existing condition.

I can give you dozens of reason why he is the better choice. Economic, civil rights, foreign policy and personal. I am not some Biden fan boy. I informed adult, making what I clearly think is a better choice. That is how millions people view their vote.

This isn't the takedown you think it is.

Especially since I didn't even want Biden to be president in the first place. The post are on NT, free for you to go read.

However I find this defense a bit ridiculous

So Joe Biden, the damn president is the measuring stick for Ye?

Like Ye would do a better job at President than Biden. Closest he came to being president is running a likely illegal failure of a spoiler campaign.

Anyway, people are asking him to be a decent human being and he routinely refuses. He has alienated fans, friends, family, business associates, and many in the black community with his antic and bigotry.

I refuse to do mental gymnastics to excuse his long running history of buffoonery.


If I remember correctly, you aren't black are you?

I hope you are, because if your be some nasty work to try to lecture black people about discrimination and try to use their plight to defend a proven scumbag like Ye West.

Someone who openly antagonizes black people too.
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All this **** is irrelevant to the topic

If you want to debate politics, we have a thread for that.

But to give you a sample of what you will run into...

You have an issue with his Israel policy, so do I. However, the Israeli far right, that really want to kills Palestinians indiscriminately are openly complaining about Biden caring too much about the welfare of Palestinian civilians. And they prefer to have Trump back.

So no matter how much I disagree with it, I know the US stance on Israel and Gaza will get worse under Trump.

On Housing. Biden and his Administration have addressed housing numerous times. I would know, I was at an event in Vegas a while back and he brought it up.

Nearly two years ago they released a plan for it ...

He has requested funds from Congress numerous times to boost housing supply, every budget season, but Republicans and flatly rejected it. Manchin was only openly to the smallest of things. Housing is discussed in the state of economy


Biden is showing support for the culinary union in Vegas who I have numerous friends and family members of. He is supporting the people closest to me making a better living.

He cancelled the student of my aunt who got scammed by a for profit college.

If Trump becomes president, he has promised to try to roll back the ACA. The ACA has saved my family from bankruptcy. I simply don't want the stress of hoping my mother does not get kicked off her insurance because of a pre-existing condition.

I can give you dozens of reason why he is the better choice. Economic, civil rights, foreign policy and personal. I am not some Biden fan boy. I informed adult, making what I clearly think is a better choice.

So spare me. This isn't the takedown you think.

Especially since I didn't even want Biden to be president in the first place. The post are on NT, free for you to go read.

However I fine this defense ridiculous

So Joe Biden, the damn president is the measuring stick for Ye?

Like Ye would do a better job at President than Biden. Closes he came to being president is running a likely illegal failure of a spoiler campaign.

Anyway, people are asking him to be a decent human being and he routinely refuses. He has alienated fans, friends, family, business associates, and many in the black community with his antic and bigotry.

If I remember correctly, you aren't black are you?

I hope you are, because if your be some nasty work to try to lecture black people about discrimination and try to use their plight to defend a proven scumbag like Ye West.

Please inform me where I’m lecturing anyone?

So does one’s race prevent them from commented on what they’ve observed? Which other people also can see and observe as well. The commercial hip hop they push exploits society as a whole and not just black people. Lean and Xanax are perfect examples of things that have been influenced through music for years , often in music videos, etc, and people of all races who listened to rap have died from both. It’s honestly toxic as a whole to society. They also exploit musicians of other races too. To say people aren’t influenced in their lifestyle with what they listen to daily, is asinine.

If observing this and calling it out is “lecturing” I apologize.

We are posting on a discussion forum called “NikeTalk” we all were “indoctrinated” by Nike if you will. All of it goes hand in hand. How many people on here are still buying every color of every other Jordan every other Saturday and sometimes every Saturday. We have been told our entire lives, especially since child hood, what to think, what to eat, what to believe, what to buy, what to wear, what to watch, who to vote for… I could go on and on. I see it in real time everyday with my daughter as her mind grows, she is following everything the adults tell her.

This is a much longer discussion and too big of a discussion to be attempting to have on Valentine’s Day night of all nights 🤣 it’s a Venn diagram discussion of capitalism, politics, entertainment, and society. I come in peace, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with being observant and discussing what I observe. I have listened to a lot of hip hop and rap since I was 8 years old, I may not be black, but I was raised more by the voices of black artists than I was as an introverted kid who’s part of the dead dad club that would sit in his room with headphones on.

Honestly it feels like and has always felt like, you have told me that because I’m not black, I am not allowed to discuss how hip hop influences society. You are 100% right Rusty, I have never been discriminated against. Never said I know or understand what it’s like to be.

i do however know what it’s like to be part of a society that is constantly pitted against each other. Last night I watched the film Parasite (let me guess, I can’t comment on it because I’m not South Korean?) if you’ve seen the film, you know it’s a take on classism and the separation of the classes, and the message I got from it at the end, was that we are all killing each other and ourselves fighting each other, when we should all be together in this. Somehow Rusty always makes the enemy.

Everyone should go back and watch this and use your critical thinking REALLY hard. His messaging was no different then, than it is now, he just has gotten more blatant with it because speeches like this clearly went over everyone’s heads because they were too emotional about Trump winning. You want us to support democrats and say Biden is your guy because he because he supports institutions that benefit people you care about. That is fair. There are many people that probably feel the opposite. But here we are, 8 years later from 2016, and the Dems are still forcing on us another awful candidate we are forced to vote for if we don’t want Trump. And we still haven’t learned anything as a society. If people were actually “woke” we would collectively find a new candidate , not Trump, not Biden, and no not Kanye. I don’t take from Kanye’s messaging that he actually supports Trump, I do see that he supports breaking conventional l thought, always has his entire career , and if you actually have been a fan, he’s saying nothing different than he did on Crack Music. But please tell me more about how Kanye “changed”


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My favorite part of Crack Music was when he said he loved Hitler

I said he isn’t well spoken, come on 🤣

His message he was trying to convey is Jesus said to love everyone, if you couldn’t see he was trolling Christian conservatives idk what to tell you. His messaging can be offensive and that doesn’t mean I support that aspect of it. To me I took it as him saying “well Jesus said to love everyone” if anyone lives around conservative people or know conservative folks, it’s always “Jesus said this, Jesus said that.”

Damn man, we had Christian Conservatives on TV in 2020 telling us the blood of Christ would protect them from Covid. IDK, the way I looked at society really changed that year and I just tried to observe everything and the sociology of it all. So again, while I see how offensive and awful it is to say, I also see the irony of him doing it on Alex Jones and going on those other shows and getting influence in that world of people as well.

Meanwhile we are fighting a political landscape battle against a group of people who do not give a F. Trump could kill someone and could still be a threat to win the election. If we continue to fight against each other as society and then fight against groups within our own sub society’s within that society, we are never going to get ahead. I understand Kanye’s messaging is wild , asinine, and at times outright offensive and wrong. When you’re trying to gain the minds and attention of THAT many people, well, based on how the album has done I’d say it’s worked 🤷🏻‍♂️

“They wanna pack us all in a box like styrofoam”
Did you vote in the primaries? Did anyone you know vote in the primaries?

I have voted in every primary and every election since 2016, yes. I don’t believe my individual vote makes a difference, but I still do my part to vote.

And although I don’t believe most of the candidates aren’t bought and paid for, I still vote.
Please inform me where I’m lecturing anyone?

So does one’s race prevent them from commented on what they’ve observed?
I never said this

Which other people also can see and observe as well. The commercial hip hop they push exploits society as a whole and not just black people. Lean and Xanax are perfect examples of things that have been influenced through music for years , often in music videos, etc, and people of all races who listened to rap have died from both. It’s honestly toxic as a whole to society. They also exploit musicians of other races too. To say people aren’t influenced in their lifestyle with what they listen to daily, is asinine.

If observing this and calling it out is “lecturing” I apologize.

It was not you making this argument. Is you acting like people can't understand that Ye's bigotry where born out of this frustration?

Kanye was happy as **** to partake in this system you condemn. As long as white people gave him what he wanted, he was cool.

They let him antagonize black folk at will. And he smiled and released his shoes, made his employees' lives difficult, and ****ed over black artist himself.

When they didn't let him cross one more line, he got punished and couldn't handle it.

You try to paint Ye as some rebel against the system when he was perfectly happy with the system when it held him in good standing.

We are posting on a discussion forum called “NikeTalk” we all were “indoctrinated” by Nike if you will. All of it goes hand in hand. How many people on here are still buying every color of every other Jordan every other Saturday and sometimes every Saturday. We have been told our entire lives, especially since child hood, what to think, what to eat, what to believe, what to buy, what to wear, what to watch, who to vote for… I could go on and on. I see it in real time everyday with my daughter as her mind grows, she is following everything the adults tell her.
Dude marketing has an effect of course

But it is also not that deep too

We are consumers, we liked stuff as kids, and as adults, we still like them and get utility out of consuming them.

Tons of people still partake in hobbies and interests they had when they were younger.

This is a much longer discussion and too big of a discussion to be attempting to have on Valentine’s Day night of all nights 🤣 it’s a Venn diagram discussion of capitalism, politics, entertainment, and society. I come in peace, I don’t believe there is anything wrong with being observant and discussing what I observe. I have listened to a lot of hip hop and rap since I was 8 years old, I may not be black, but I was raised more by the voices of black artists than I was as an introverted kid who’s part of the dead dad club that would sit in his room with headphones on.

You can have whatever opinions you want

But you are on a discussion forum, openly complaining about people discussing things

It is silly to me

Furthermore, if you want to voice an opinion you have to be prepared that someone has a negative opinion about your opinion.

Honestly it feels like and has always felt like, you have told me that because I’m not black, I am not allowed to discuss how hip hop influences society. You are 100% right Rusty, I have never been discriminated against. Never said I know or understand what it’s like to be.

I did not do such a thing. I am telling you that it is was nasty work to defend Ye by implying that if someone doesn't buy your defense of him they somehow aren't seeing the truth or thinking critically.

You said this...

, but if you still fail to see his frustrations stem from the oppression/exploitation of the black communities for decades from record executives, both in the way they use up these rappers for money, and also push negative images onto communities through the music the machine pushes, then you most likely will never get it

You know black people in this discussion disagree with Ye actions. And you imply that what is motivating their negative stance on Ye is not understanding some of discrimination going on.

I'm not calling you out for being white, I am calling you out for being condescending by acting like black people somehow do not understanding discrimination if they don't view Ye actions in a certain way.

You can agree with what Ye said. Any black person can agree with Ye. That is their right.

That doesn't mean anyone else has to buy that someone who operates out of pure self-interest like Ye did what he did for the greater black community.

If that is even close to being true, then that makes Ye an *** in a different way. There was an important point to be made and instead of trying his best to make it, he injected a ton of anisetism into the conservation, and every else is lost.

i do however know what it’s like to be part of a society that is constantly pitted against each other. Last night I watched the film Parasite (let me guess, I can’t comment on it because I’m not South Korean?)

Cut the victim act.

No one said anything close to this

if you’ve seen the film, you know it’s a take on classism and the separation of the classes, and the message I got from it at the end, was that we are little killing each other and ourselves fighting each other, when we should all be together in this. Somehow Rusty always makes the enemy.

Again you are not the victim. I am not a boogeyman.

You just can't seem to handle someone forcibly objecting to you, and thinking you are owed some level of politeness that you make no effort to earn.

For someone who takes issues with their race being made salient, you don't even realize how your behavior can back up negative assumptions someone might make about you. Like a lot of this comes off as you being upset your white privilege doesn't apply on NT.

Everyone should go back and watch this and use your critical thinking REALLY hard. His messaging was no different then, than it is now, he just has gotten more blatant with it because speeches like this clearly went over everyone’s heads because they were too emotional about Trump winning.

This is simply not true.

Kanye West called out Bush, he openly supported Obama. He rapped about systemic issues facing black people.

Freaking out over Trump is not what makes people magically switch on Kanye.

It is because he changed. Even people who knew him over that time period said he changed.

He said he changed.

You are using magical thinking here to take issue with people noticing what is plainly observable.

And the only evidence that he didn't change is some lyrics he probably didn't even right. C'mom now

You want us to support democrats and say Biden is your guy because he because he supports institutions that benefit people you care about. That is fair. There are many people that probably feel the opposite.
I know, I understand that.

People have the right to vote for who they want to vote for. I have the right to disagree with that choice and vice versa.

I am just pointing out Trump because you argued that Kanye is making an argument that aligns with the interests and opinions of black people.

But electing Trump goes against this. Around 90% of black voters didn't want Trump. This is observable reality.

But here we are, 8 years later from 2016, and the Dems are still forcing on us another awful candidate we are forced to vote for if we don’t want Trump.

The Dems are not forcing anything on you, there is literally a primary going on right now. There was one in 2020. It is not crazy that an incumbent is running. That is the norm. They are giving you a choice. If you don't like the options, fine.

But you are not some victim because you don't like the choices.

And we still haven’t learned anything as a society. If people were actually “woke” we would collectively find a new candidate , not Trump, not Biden, and no not Kanye.

Dude, stop using "woke" like that. :lol:

Secondly, your position on partisanship is very flawed. Even if I agree with the issue that special interest and manufacturing consent is bad, it doesn't explain everything.

People have real disagreements, there are special interests, and times of low partisanship in American history were rare and were maintained by ****ty compromises between political parties and the majority of the voting base.

Prior, being against civil rights for black people

The issue with America is not really the high levels of partisanship.

It is the electoral system that forces coalition pre-election instead of afterward. So people get upset they don't get to vote for candidates more closely aligned with their views.

But this is America, it sucks, but it is something someone has to get over if they are serious about politics

I don’t take from Kanye’s messaging that he actually supports Trump,
He said multiple times he supports Trump

So what now? Ignore the things that make him look bad and search for some deeper meaning to absolve his despicable behavior in a positive light, Is that what you want?

So, but no.

I do see that he supports breaking conventional l thought, always has his entire career , and if you actually have been a fan, he’s saying nothing different than he did on Crack Music. But please tell me more about how Kanye “changed”


Dude, with is just mental gymnastics in support of an artist you like.

A black person, especially a black man having more conservative social views is nothing new. And a black person who has relatives can tell you that. A lot of very dedicated Democratic black voters have very conservative social views, even regarding the black community.

Kanye got the heat because he took it well beyond that. Supporting Trump is well beyond that, saying slavery is a choice is well beyond that. It is because he went into the realm of far-right reactionary politics that he caught so much heat. He went places that many who don't think like he does couldn't reasonably defend.

You are to give Ye a pass on ****ting on black people, and being a bigot, because he is a reactionary contrarian.

Sorry, again, for me that is a no.
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You mean like how he “exploited” Freddie Gibbs by helping him have the largest moment of his entire career?

Please tell me more.
My question was did he owe artist money? Just because he helped one artist doesn't mean he didn't **** other's over.
Naw he's actually been diagnosed. Like it is very clearly bipolar disorder.
This. My mutual best friend is bipolar so I have some personal experience in seeing how bad it can get. Even with meds and treatments these kind of delusional and nonsensical outbursts happen.

It’s not a constant thing though, and even off medication it’s not like they’re constantly in a manic or depressive state of delusion.
Through his own fault, Ye aggravates the bipolar disorder’s impact by not listening to anyone but yes-men parasites.

During a manic phase, they’re genuinely not in control of their outbursts and it is impossible to talk sense into them but that’s much less the case in a depressive state. Inbetween those phases, they’re fully lucid and in control of their thoughts and actions.

Bipolar personality disorder isn’t a magic wand that excuses everything.
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I'd love to see some footage of him around the early 2000's because there's no way it's even close to as bizarre as it is now.

That's what makes me think his mental health has deteriorated to some degree. Not everyone is cut out for the limelight.
I am a little surprised critics are panning this, I mean this isn't MBDTF but Jesus is King was more acclaimed than this
Yeah Shaq and Chuck started it when that Kyrie stuff was going on

Same way they had slick stuff to say about Kyrie. It's just easy to pile on folks when the general consensus is those people should be considered idiots. It's more virtue signaling coming from those two fools than anything.

Again, as much stupid stuff Chuck/Shaq have said, they have NO business calling ANYTHING dumb/stupid.
I will try a lot of people on this site. But I don't want them paragraphs from Rusty b.
Man word :lol:
I never said this

It was not you making this argument. Is you acting like people can't understand that Ye's bigotry where born out of this frustration?

Kanye was happy as **** to partake in this system you condemn. As long as white people gave him what he wanted, he was cool.

They let him antagonize black folk at will. And he smiled and released his shoes, made his employees' lives difficult, and ****ed over black artist himself.

When they didn't let him cross one more line, he got punished and couldn't handle it.

You try to paint Ye as some rebel against the system when he was perfectly happy with the system when it held him in good standing.

Dude marketing has an effect of course

But it is also not that deep too

We are consumers, we liked stuff as kids, and as adults, we still like them and get utility out of consuming them.

Tons of people still partake in hobbies and interests they had when they were younger.

You can have whatever opinions you want

But you are on a discussion forum, openly complaining about people discussing things

It is silly to me

Furthermore, if you want to voice an opinion you have to be prepared that someone has a negative opinion about your opinion.

I did not do such a thing. I am telling you that it is was nasty work to defend Ye by implying that if someone doesn't buy your defense of him they somehow aren't seeing the truth or thinking critically.

You said this...

You know black people in this discussion disagree with Ye actions. And you imply that what is motivating their negative stance on Ye is not understanding some of discrimination going on.

I'm not calling you out for being white, I am calling you out for being condescending by acting like black people somehow do not understanding discrimination if they don't view Ye actions in a certain way.

You can agree with what Ye said. Any black person can agree with Ye. That is their right.

That doesn't mean anyone else has to buy that someone who operates out of pure self-interest like Ye did what he did for the greater black community.

If that is even close to being true, then that makes Ye an *** in a different way. There was an important point to be made and instead of trying his best to make it, he injected a ton of anisetism into the conservation, and every else is lost.

Cut the victim act.

No one said anything close to this

Again you are not the victim. I am not a boogeyman.

You just can't seem to handle someone forcibly objecting to you, and thinking you are owed some level of politeness that you make no effort to earn.

For someone who takes issues with their race being made salient, you don't even realize how your behavior can back up negative assumptions someone might make about you. Like a lot of this comes off as you being upset your white privilege doesn't apply on NT.

This is simply not true.

Kanye West called out Bush, he openly supported Obama. He rapped about systemic issues facing black people.

Freaking out over Trump is not what makes people magically switch on Kanye.

It is because he changed. Even people who knew him over that time period said he changed.

He said he changed.

You are using magical thinking here to take issue with people noticing what is plainly observable.

And the only evidence that he didn't change is some lyrics he probably didn't even right. C'mom now

I know, I understand that.

People have the right to vote for who they want to vote for. I have the right to disagree with that choice and vice versa.

I am just pointing out Trump because you argued that Kanye is making an argument that aligns with the interests and opinions of black people.

But electing Trump goes against this. Around 90% of black voters didn't want Trump. This is observable reality.

The Dems are not forcing anything on you, there is literally a primary going on right now. There was one in 2020. It is not crazy that an incumbent is running. That is the norm. They are giving you a choice. If you don't like the options, fine.

But you are not some victim because you don't like the choices.

Dude, stop using "woke" like that. :lol:

Secondly, your position on partisanship is very flawed. Even if I agree with the issue that special interest and manufacturing consent is bad, it doesn't explain everything.

People have real disagreements, there are special interests, and times of low partisanship in American history were rare and were maintained by ****ty compromises between political parties and the majority of the voting base.

Prior, being against civil rights for black people

The issue with America is not really the high levels of partisanship.

It is the electoral system that forces coalition pre-election instead of afterward. So people get upset they don't get to vote for candidates more closely aligned with their views.

But this is America, it sucks, but it is something someone has to get over if they are serious about politics

He said multiple times he supports Trump

So what now? Ignore the things that make him look bad and search for some deeper meaning to absolve his despicable behavior in a positive light, Is that what you want?

So, but no.

Dude, with is just mental gymnastics in support of an artist you like.

A black person, especially a black man having more conservative social views is nothing new. And a black person who has relatives can tell you that. A lot of very dedicated Democratic black voters have very conservative social views, even regarding the black community.

Kanye got the heat because he took it well beyond that. Supporting Trump is well beyond that, saying slavery is a choice is well beyond that. It is because he went into the realm of far-right reactionary politics that he caught so much heat. He went places that many who don't think like he does couldn't reasonably defend.

You are to give Ye a pass on ****ting on black people, and being a bigot, because he is a reactionary contrarian.

Sorry, again, for me that is a no.
Bruh said
I never said this

It was not you making this argument. Is you acting like people can't understand that Ye's bigotry where born out of this frustration?

Kanye was happy as **** to partake in this system you condemn. As long as white people gave him what he wanted, he was cool.

They let him antagonize black folk at will. And he smiled and released his shoes, made his employees' lives difficult, and ****ed over black artist himself.

When they didn't let him cross one more line, he got punished and couldn't handle it.

You try to paint Ye as some rebel against the system when he was perfectly happy with the system when it held him in good standing.

Dude marketing has an effect of course

But it is also not that deep too

We are consumers, we liked stuff as kids, and as adults, we still like them and get utility out of consuming them.

Tons of people still partake in hobbies and interests they had when they were younger.

You can have whatever opinions you want

But you are on a discussion forum, openly complaining about people discussing things

It is silly to me

Furthermore, if you want to voice an opinion you have to be prepared that someone has a negative opinion about your opinion.

I did not do such a thing. I am telling you that it is was nasty work to defend Ye by implying that if someone doesn't buy your defense of him they somehow aren't seeing the truth or thinking critically.

You said this...

You know black people in this discussion disagree with Ye actions. And you imply that what is motivating their negative stance on Ye is not understanding some of discrimination going on.

I'm not calling you out for being white, I am calling you out for being condescending by acting like black people somehow do not understanding discrimination if they don't view Ye actions in a certain way.

You can agree with what Ye said. Any black person can agree with Ye. That is their right.

That doesn't mean anyone else has to buy that someone who operates out of pure self-interest like Ye did what he did for the greater black community.

If that is even close to being true, then that makes Ye an *** in a different way. There was an important point to be made and instead of trying his best to make it, he injected a ton of anisetism into the conservation, and every else is lost.

Cut the victim act.

No one said anything close to this

Again you are not the victim. I am not a boogeyman.

You just can't seem to handle someone forcibly objecting to you, and thinking you are owed some level of politeness that you make no effort to earn.

For someone who takes issues with their race being made salient, you don't even realize how your behavior can back up negative assumptions someone might make about you. Like a lot of this comes off as you being upset your white privilege doesn't apply on NT.

This is simply not true.

Kanye West called out Bush, he openly supported Obama. He rapped about systemic issues facing black people.

Freaking out over Trump is not what makes people magically switch on Kanye.

It is because he changed. Even people who knew him over that time period said he changed.

He said he changed.

You are using magical thinking here to take issue with people noticing what is plainly observable.

And the only evidence that he didn't change is some lyrics he probably didn't even right. C'mom now

I know, I understand that.

People have the right to vote for who they want to vote for. I have the right to disagree with that choice and vice versa.

I am just pointing out Trump because you argued that Kanye is making an argument that aligns with the interests and opinions of black people.

But electing Trump goes against this. Around 90% of black voters didn't want Trump. This is observable reality.

The Dems are not forcing anything on you, there is literally a primary going on right now. There was one in 2020. It is not crazy that an incumbent is running. That is the norm. They are giving you a choice. If you don't like the options, fine.

But you are not some victim because you don't like the choices.

Dude, stop using "woke" like that. :lol:

Secondly, your position on partisanship is very flawed. Even if I agree with the issue that special interest and manufacturing consent is bad, it doesn't explain everything.

People have real disagreements, there are special interests, and times of low partisanship in American history were rare and were maintained by ****ty compromises between political parties and the majority of the voting base.

Prior, being against civil rights for black people

The issue with America is not really the high levels of partisanship.

It is the electoral system that forces coalition pre-election instead of afterward. So people get upset they don't get to vote for candidates more closely aligned with their views.

But this is America, it sucks, but it is something someone has to get over if they are serious about politics

He said multiple times he supports Trump

So what now? Ignore the things that make him look bad and search for some deeper meaning to absolve his despicable behavior in a positive light, Is that what you want?

So, but no.

Dude, with is just mental gymnastics in support of an artist you like.

A black person, especially a black man having more conservative social views is nothing new. And a black person who has relatives can tell you that. A lot of very dedicated Democratic black voters have very conservative social views, even regarding the black community.

Kanye got the heat because he took it well beyond that. Supporting Trump is well beyond that, saying slavery is a choice is well beyond that. It is because he went into the realm of far-right reactionary politics that he caught so much heat. He went places that many who don't think like he does couldn't reasonably defend.

You are to give Ye a pass on ****ting on black people, and being a bigot, because he is a reactionary contrarian.

Sorry, again, for me that is a no.


I'ma assume he gave y'all that work
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