Kanyes wife goes on date for 500K gets mad when dude wants some butt...

screw it, I'll give the guy a discount if he's Ray J size.
Oh, you think she slept with this old guy for 500K?

no. but i do think that if you don't suspect that this older, rich

man paying 500k for a sexy woman's companionship wanted

sex you're being naive.

What man doesn't want sex? It don't take a half a mil paycheck to notice that

In my original post I didn't state that anything like that though :lol: . I said I would have no problem with my daughter getting paid 500 K to accompany a man to a party for pictures and a event. How is that naive? Let me rephrase, I would have no problem with my daughter getting paid 500 K by man who most likely wants to smash just to take pics and be seen at a event for a few hours.

Sheesh I don't see the difference :rolleyes
Oh, you think she slept with this old guy for 500K?

no. but i do think that if you don't suspect that this older, rich

man paying 500k for a sexy woman's companionship wanted

sex you're being naive.

dude didn't break off half a mil for sex kid..... he's a business man... publicity is what he wanted and he got it...
Kim got publicity and half a mil... and a (now very anticipated and widely promoted) episode for her show which equals more money..

you need to understand how this works... these people playin chess not checkers
when two rich people get together to do something, don't look at it from a middle class perspective.
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dude didn't break off half a mil for sex kid..... he's a business man... publicity is what he wanted and he got it...
Kim got publicity and half a mil... and a (now very anticipated and widely promoted) episode for her show which equals more money..

you need to understand how this works... these people playin chess not checkers
when two rich people get together to do something, don't look at it from a middle class perspective.

View media item 816813
okay bro.
no. but i do think that if you don't suspect that this older, rich

man paying 500k for a sexy woman's companionship wanted

sex you're being naive.
dudes well avg regular heterosexual male who buys a chick a drink, takes them out to eat, go to movies hopes/wants the same thing so............. Only diff average dude cant shell out 500k. No dude well at least no dude I know/affiliate with sees an attractive woman takes her out buys her drinks etc.. in hopes/wishes of not at some point having sex with her. Where cats come up to chicks that are attractive and they are into approach her and be on some I just wanna cake/spend bread on you and hooking up etc.. isn't/doesn't even cross my mind...like 4real where are they doing that at.

And just because a guy is attractive/wants to have sex with a chick doesn't auto means its gonna happen... If all guys had to do is want a chick and that's it...and they ended up in their bed... Dude the world as we know it would be completely different.. Cats wouldn't go to school, wouldn't be busting they butts, inventions etc wouldn't be made...our society would damn near be stone age... When its all said and done be it the single guy who spends 500k on a 4 bedroom house to impress a chick in hopes of hooking up, to buying the new lexus/bmw etc... the young cat who keeps the latest j's etc... So on and so forth its all done to stunt on dudes and impress chicks in hopes of scoring...

Its just different levels to which ppl do it... For as crazy as it sounds to you that a dude pays 500k to go out with a chick, the next dude may think you taking a chick to a 5 star restaurant on a date etc... will sound crazy to them. The way you may just buy a few rounds for some ladies at the club is the same way he dropping 500k on kim k. Just how the round of drinks is no biggie to you.... 500k is probably no biggie and small change to him.
dude didn't break off half a mil for sex kid..... he's a business man... publicity is what he wanted and he got it...
Kim got publicity and half a mil... and a (now very anticipated and widely promoted) episode for her show which equals more money..

you need to understand how this works... these people playin chess not checkers
when two rich people get together to do something, don't look at it from a middle class perspective.

And just because a guy is attractive/wants to have sex with a chick doesn't auto means its gonna happen... If all guys had to do is want a chick and that's it...and they ended up in their bed... Dude the world as we know it would be completely different..

Let him cook though. Homeboy dropped 500K because he wants to smash Kim K and we're being naive :lol:
A lot of yall have everything so twisted. Never is this ok. This is the reality of the world, but why accept it? Some of yall have daughters? Why condone the general acceptance of spending a second out of your precious day with someone you're not remotely attracted to or interested in for some type of material gain (on your leisure time aka not working)? Some dude said, "but we're talking about it." Well yea, why not? We should. When ppl come after you, let them see that this type of stuff didn't sit well with you. Whether it changes or not, at least they'll be evidence to point to what side of the battle you were on. This ho has a daughter. We're in an information age now. All of this will be readily available for her to watch when she's old enough to sit and focus at a screen or type search words in to learn more about her parents. What do you tell her? How do you explain everything that pops up in the search? How do you tell her that daddy was last (? who knows) in a long line of guys, nothing more nothing less. How do you explain to your daughter that I'm married to a "black man", a white guy comes up and says he's waiting for N's in Vienna and you just sit there not uttering a single word? How do you tell your daughter that I actually love daddy, yet I didn't have it in me to defend him when such a comment is made? The female is scum. If the inside matched the outside, yall wouldn't be able to look at her without regurgitating. Grow up from liking books based on appealing cover. Sad.
How do you explain to your 16 year old daughter not to date men 30, 40 years older? But mommy does it. Even when she's married. Long term pictures guys. Too short sighted.
Let him cook though. Homeboy dropped 500K because he wants to smash Kim K and we're being naive
same way dudes buy expensive cars, jewelry, homes etc... go out to dinner buy drinks... all to impress a chick in hopes to hook up. I mean dudes can lie and front and say oh im single and bought a 5 bedroom home for myself.... I bought the 745i ah just because etc... but end of the day its all bs... Lets not front like dudes don't cruise slow around the ladies when at the club...or be all prideful boa****l when taking a chick to a laid out crib... or trying to impress get yambs when taking a chick to that 5 star restaurant.... Im just saying how is he any different then any of us? Outside of the fact he has more money and can do it on a much larger scale then we can.

Since the beginning of time always has and will, dudes will go and do things be it physically/fiscally to pursue impress try to score hook up with a chick...point blank period.
How do you explain to your 16 year old daughter not to date men 30, 40 years older? But mommy does it. Even when she's married. Long term pictures guys. Too short sighted.

The thing is, when mommy was 16 she was dating people and messing with people much older than her as well. Mommy has been on BC since she was 13, 14 years old.
for a sec I thought you were talking about your mamu
So they're dating? Y'all so dramatic :lol:

I thought the guy paid her to accompany him as or on a DATE. Theoretically, if the first date went well.....

So what's dramatic about that? She's going to tell her daughter to go on dates with older men, but never go past the first date? Even if some of the older men happen to maliciously charm you or just so happen to be attractive to you?

Again, long-term picture. Some of us on here will have or already have kids. Daughters. The further we go in the technology/information age, the harder it becomes to guide children without the enormous amounts of negative peer pressure winning the battle of influence. And in this country, that's always been hard just due to friends and what people can get into.

Don't support it, don't condone it. Why not revolutionize thinking to make it cool to speak out about this? Why not reverse the current situation to where this so despicable it rarely happens, but at the very least for it to be some type of underground subculture? But to be mainstream with people desensitized yet alone justifying it?
A lot of yall have everything so twisted. Never is this ok. This is the reality of the world, but why accept it? Some of yall have daughters? Why condone the general acceptance of spending a second out of your precious day with someone you're not remotely attracted to or interested in for some type of material gain (on your leisure time aka not working)? Some dude said, "but we're talking about it." Well yea, why not? We should. When ppl come after you, let them see that this type of stuff didn't sit well with you. Whether it changes or not, at least they'll be evidence to point to what side of the battle you were on. This ho has a daughter. We're in an information age now. All of this will be readily available for her to watch when she's old enough to sit and focus at a screen or type search words in to learn more about her parents. What do you tell her? How do you explain everything that pops up in the search? How do you tell her that daddy was last (? who knows) in a long line of guys, nothing more nothing less. How do you explain to your daughter that I'm married to a "black man", a white guy comes up and says he's waiting for N's in Vienna and you just sit there not uttering a single word? How do you tell your daughter that I actually love daddy, yet I didn't have it in me to defend him when such a comment is made? The female is scum. If the inside matched the outside, yall wouldn't be able to look at her without regurgitating. Grow up from liking books based on appealing cover. Sad.
How could the date go well when there isn't any mutual feelings being involved and it is strictly a business transaction? So because Kate Upton per Twitter was asked to accompany a guy to a senior prom they were all of a sudden dating? It was heading to a relationship?Or how bout when D Wade did the same thing.... You really thought he was gonna leave Gabriel Union because of a single request to a prom date? Or how about countless other times when celebs hold contest in which they meet fans...go out on a date/night on the town.... It's absolutely redic on so many levels... One because your avg girl/guy isn't worshipped/idolized... Two the lifestyle and the day to day for a celeb is far different then the avg joe.. So having a conversation about dating or hell life in general would be different due to the fact their lives are totally different then your avg person. And even at its core plenty of girls go out with guys who they aren't interested in and plan on not dating...be it a friend asking you on a double date, a blind date set up, a friend who has a relative in town and them asking them to go out with them/show them a good time etc...Also like I said ppl do it often in the work environment... A potential client or business partner comes into town and a women's boss ask her to show the guy a good time woo him if you will... Etc in order to close a deal, persuade him to do business with said company etc.
Kanye...watch this chick. This is the mother of your daughter. The apple never falls to far from the tree :frown: :smh:
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