Kanyes wife goes on date for 500K gets mad when dude wants some butt...

So with a conservative estimate, $500K is about 1.25% of Kim K's net worth.

So for some of ya'll who have a net worth of between $100-300K, how many of ya'll would let ya'll wife go on a date with a guy for $1-4K or 1.25% of your net worth?

lol at thinking its just about the 500k. lets talk reality show money, maintaining a brand money, staying relevant money.

Thanks for your contribution but that's not relevant to my question.
lol at thinking its just about the 500k. lets talk reality show money, maintaining a brand money, staying relevant money.
thank you bro...

Its levels to this...

Everyone has an opinion, and we're TALKING about it.

Don't know why this is so hard to fathom. If you want her to go away, then don't say anything.
at the same time she is showing kanye nothing happend and she doesnt tolerate racism. i was surprised they didnt mention her saving an orphan from a burning building.
Thanks for your contribution but that's not relevant to my question.
that response was extremely relevant to your question

It really isn't relevant because there are many ways that she can stay in the news headlines without dating other guys.

Y'all sound like the $ = winning types, so in that case if she sleeps with 5 men on camera for $1 million(or 3% of her net worth) and it improves her "brand", that is winning?
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Money is money get it how u live for that fye hunna k she finna buy a rolls royce so she can privately give god the head he deserves
Thanks for your contribution but that's not relevant to my question.
that response was extremely relevant to your question
It really isn't relevant because there are many ways that she can stay in the news headlines without dating other guys.

Y'all sound like the $ = winning types, so in that case if she sleeps with 5 men on camera for $1 million(or 3% of her net worth) and it improves her "brand", that is winning?
i usually agree with your post but ...


you tried to simplify the math and force an answer in favor of your opinion. at the same time disregarding hidden economic gains for the kardashians. in your example the nter will gain 1-4k once with social disadvantages (trust issue, social preception etc.). she is a celebrity and part of a (family) brand. going on a date with wealthy man is like a regular business dinner. the future revenue of this "incident" cant be expressed in % of net worth. are there other ways to achieve this? ..yes. do i care? ... no

besides fast money =/= wining. providing fanancial stability for >5 generations and influence .... you decides who wins
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Damn, some of yall dudes sound like Kim had your baby.

Will the captain's in here at least admit this broad is a fame h0?
but she really aint h0 like that she basically outside of her unknown private life pretty much like any other average chick... then again nt is home of the my girl was virgin mary before I met her so take that with a grain of salt.... Aint like she is known for sleeping with a multitude of men... Outside of the video she basically dated/slept with wealthy successful men... just like any other girl just like most of your girls just the average girl does it on a much smaller scale.

Outside of the amount of money how is a chick your avg chick you chick dating/slept with 7-10 avg dudes and settling with you who may be the cream of the crop in terms of job/security income etc... and her who did the same thing... Folks acting like Kim K was some sort of escort call girl and got out the game once she landed Kanye.

Yea it made her famous and was lucrative, but its the ppl who made her famous/rich... It had to be a demand and ppl interested in her dating/personal life in order for her to profit from it. So she rolled with it and turned a profit from it.

Yall act like she was posting on backpage/craigslist of something. If it wasn't for ppl obsession with follow being involved in other ppl lives kim k would be your avg chick who dated/played the field... found the financial security in one guy and settled down and got married.  
Thanks for your contribution but that's not relevant to my question.
that response was extremely relevant to your question

It really isn't relevant because there are many ways that she can stay in the news headlines without dating other guys.

Y'all sound like the $ = winning types, so in that case if she sleeps with 5 men on camera for $1 million(or 3% of her net worth) and it improves her "brand", that is winning?

She would not be willing to do that because she already has a committed relationship with a child out of it. Now if every once in a while this type of situation where she's just some rich guy's arm candy for the night (no sex), she probably would do it again and long as kanye is ok with it.
even if you already had like 100M's in the bank already, would you still send her off to some rich creep?

i mean I guess rich or poor shouldn't really make a difference here, but i'd just assume dinner and drinks wouldn't be all that's on the menu

For one :lol: @ you thinking Kim K has 100 M's in the bank. Her cash flow is nowhere near that. I don't know why you're assuming sex came with the price. So yeah I would still tell my daughter to get paid for hanging out at a event for a few hours with one of the richest men in that country.
I'm assuming the guy paid the money expecting to **** at some point.
Why are you assuming that? He could of paid less money but a badder b.

So with a conservative estimate, $500K is about 1.25% of Kim K's net worth.

So for some of ya'll who have a net worth of between $100-300K, how many of ya'll would let ya'll wife go on a date with a guy for $1-4K or 1.25% of your net worth?

:lol: @ all these hypotheticals just to justify the saltiness. My wife gets offered 4K to party for 2 hours? Shiiiiiii, that's my mortgage + both car notes covered right there.
For one :lol: @ you thinking Kim K has 100 M's in the bank. Her cash flow is nowhere near that. I don't know why you're assuming sex came with the price. So yeah I would still tell my daughter to get paid for hanging out at a event for a few hours with one of the richest men in that country.
Why are you assuming that? He could of paid less money but a badder b.
:lol: @ all these hypotheticals just to justify the saltiness. My wife gets offered 4K to party for 2 hours? Shiiiiiii, that's my mortgage + both car notes covered right there.

you're being naive.
Oh, you think she slept with this old guy for 500K?
even if she did again big assumption emphasis on the the first letters... cats in here got girls wives went on dates again after all these no fap threads... 100 pages or so long instagram worshipping threads so maybe not.... but if they did surely they got they girl/bagged a chick... and she slept with them for faaaaaaaaar less then 500k... probably a few mojitos and/or a meal at in and out... So the hypocrisy is strong in here. But then again everyone on nt again girl is virgin mary.... never a one night stand or dated slept with a guy based on materialism etc... and they know this cause they have built in cameras pre embedded in their chicks even before dating them or even marrying them etc...

Dudes 9 outta 10 noses wide open and dating chicks who hand out monthly rail cards the way the trains running on them.... End of the day married or not chick went out for a few drinks etc... with a guy for 500k.... im sure a plenty of guys girls have male friends and they go out hangout etc.. and they damn sure aint getting 500k in the deal... hell aint even getting 5 bucks out the deal matter fact costing them money cause they more then likely paying the car note for the car she driving to meet said male...and paid for the clothes etc outfit chick is wearing to hangout with said male..

But let me guess oh my girl has no male friends... never hangs out with themor any male, never went to dinner lunch etc out for drinks with a boss coworker etc.. that is a male.
Damn, some of yall dudes sound like Kim had your baby. :lol:

Will the captain's in here at least admit this broad is a fame h0?
but she really aint h0 like that she basically outside of her unknown private life pretty much like any other average chick... then again nt is home of the my girl was virgin mary before I met her so take that with a grain of salt.... Aint like she is known for sleeping with a multitude of men... Outside of the video she basically dated/slept with wealthy successful men... just like any other girl just like most of your girls just the average girl does it on a much smaller scale.

Outside of the amount of money how is a chick your avg chick you chick dating/slept with 7-10 avg dudes and settling with you who may be the cream of the crop in terms of job/security income etc... and her who did the same thing... Folks acting like Kim K was some sort of escort call girl and got out the game once she landed Kanye.

Yea it made her famous and was lucrative, but its the ppl who made her famous/rich... It had to be a demand and ppl interested in her dating/personal life in order for her to profit from it. So she rolled with it and turned a profit from it.

Yall act like she was posting on backpage/craigslist of something. If it wasn't for ppl obsession with follow being involved in other ppl lives kim k would be your avg chick who dated/played the field... found the financial security in one guy and settled down and got married.  

I'm not mad at her or her family for making money off of the public's stupidity. But bottom line, she'll do anything for attention and money. Sex tape, fake marriage, whatever. Momma Kardashian taught her well.
Completely confused about what is the topic at hand here being discussed :lol:

But I personally don't see anything wrong with Kim K going out on a "Date" with a man if all they agreed upon was a date, and she got 500k for it. That's a come up. I'm sure she didn't agree with being groped on, nor did she agree to have sex with dude. The only way Kim K would be in the wrong in this is if she agreed to letting homie smack, which I'm sure she didn't.
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