Kentucky to Pass Law on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipeints. Thoughts.

Did anyone even watch the video?
I bumped this year-old thread for a reason. 98% pass rate, at a cost of at least 200k to taxpayers. But just look at this thread. People, heck myself included, were all for it. Stop blaming the government. We are the government. This measure played to our completely unfounded prejudices.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by DoEBoiFreshsince88



to me its either:

 "spend money on drug testing these people and if they fail they dont receive money" 


"give those same people money so they can spend it on drugs themselves"

im for it

edit: imo, the money might as well go to people who actually need it and are tring to support others
Originally Posted by RedMan

I thought Florida passed a bill similar to this and they found out like less than 3% of the people on welfare were on drugs. The actual cost of the drugs test cost more money than they saved by kicking the people off of welfare.

Right Wingers wants less government, balanced budgets, less government spending and you pull this.................

FAR from poor, never been on Welfare, but I had enough COMMON SENSE to know this was going nowhere........

Funny thing is after countless times, this has proven to be a failure, a MAJORITY of you support this...............

My tax dollars blah blah blah, feeding your habit blah blah blah, get off of your butt and get a job blah blah blah

Coming from a demographic who live with their parents, aint making more than 26k a year, still in school and have no concept of the term/idea/practice of Independence.....

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Did anyone even watch the video?
I bumped this year-old thread for a reason. 98% pass rate, at a cost of at least 200k to taxpayers. But just look at this thread. People, heck myself included, were all for it. Stop blaming the government. We are the government. This measure played to our completely unfounded prejudices.
Felt good to be right... Shrugs
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There needs to be a way to penalize people on welfare who choose to have additional children knowing damn well they have no job or means of supporting them----it's disgusting

HankMoody wrote:
Did anyone even watch the video?
 I bumped this year-old thread for a reason. 98% pass rate, at a cost of at least 200k to taxpayers. But just look at this thread. People, heck myself included, were all for it. Stop blaming the government. We are the government. This measure played to our completely unfounded prejudices.

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

There needs to be a way to penalize people on welfare who choose to have additional children knowing damn well they have no job or means of supporting them----it's disgusting

sick of paying for someone else's filthy rugrats.
Agreed. However I'm kinda torn, I hate it but it's job security since most of em end up in the court system anyway.
I keep sayin there should be a mandate that ties and burns these women's tubes after at least 3, especially if they all have different fathers.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

What did I say wrong Fresco? You are for the drug testing of welfare recipients? Why?
No sir, that was for the state of Florida .. After reading what you wrote, I had to see the video for myself.  
Was it Arizona who had the law where they couldn't have alcohol or cable?

What if they just developed a list of things, considered luxuries, that if you are on assistance you can't be seen purchasing or partaking in? Like, I don't want to see your on the Government's tit +%+ at any Jordan releases, concerts, sporting events, cruises, pushing nothing on 20's, etc. then have part of the caseworker's jobs be exposing people who are in fact abusing the system?

Again using an example I know, the fact my sister could have her big shiny +%+ new Escallade on 24's parked outside the house where she is getting $20 rent subsidized is ridiculous. Somebody should be able to drive by, document it, submit her status as a recipient of any sort of aid up for review. And in today's social media age, that job would be made even easier. I could do it. People just openly divulge that they are abusing the system with no prodding.

Dear Handout Recipient,
It has been bought to our attention, that you can been in "Club Illusionz" on an almost daily basis "making it rain on them #%%$." In fact, one of our case workers explicitly heard you state, "I got it! Dranks on me! I ain't got no bills, the Government got me, I got you!" We were also following you on twitter and facebook at James Trillest____inthesestreetscuz Washington and have collected from aforementioned sources photos incriminating you in those acts. Conclusively, your status as a recipient has been halted pending further investigation.
Ok one Meth, Cocaine and all that sugar booger users will not be able to go several days without using without showing withdrawal symptoms on most cases. Those users will also have obvious signs like bags, meth teeth or track marks usually. The test is good because if you can afford weed you should not be getting special benefits.
Test cost 2.50$ just a bunch of those and 2 nurses on the payroll is better then giving some druggies free money. 

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Was it Arizona who had the law where they couldn't have alcohol or cable?

What if they just developed a list of things, considered luxuries, that if you are on assistance you can't be seen purchasing or partaking in? Like, I don't want to see your on the Government's tit +%+ at any Jordan releases, concerts, sporting events, cruises, pushing nothing on 20's, etc. then have part of the caseworker's jobs be exposing people who are in fact abusing the system?

Again using an example I know, the fact my sister could have her big shiny +%+ new Escallade on 24's parked outside the house where she is getting $20 rent subsidized is ridiculous. Somebody should be able to drive by, document it, submit her status as a recipient of any sort of aid up for review. And in today's social media age, that job would be made even easier. I could do it. People just openly divulge that they are abusing the system with no prodding. 

Dear Handout Recipient,
It has been bought to our attention, that you can been in "Club Illusionz" on an almost daily basis "making it rain on them #%%$." In fact, one of our case workers explicitly heard you state, "I got it! Dranks on me! I ain't got no bills, the Government got me, I got you!" We were also following you on twitter and facebook at James Trillest____inthesestreetscuz Washington and have collected from aforementioned sources photos incriminating you in those acts. Conclusively, your status as a recipient has been halted pending further investigation.
This. Alot of states are broke and doing things like this would very much fix the issue. 
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Did anyone even watch the video?
I bumped this year-old thread for a reason. 98% pass rate, at a cost of at least 200k to taxpayers. But just look at this thread. People, heck myself included, were all for it. Stop blaming the government. We are the government. This measure played to our completely unfounded prejudices.
Felt good to be right... Shrugs

at mogs just blatantly disregarding the proven idiocy of laws like this...
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by HankMoody

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i don't know who's trollin more: Aasif or Gov. Scott

Never seen so much obvous backtracking in an intervew in my life.
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