Kid cuts line to get Yeezy foams, gets shot/Stupidity Thread

it can be...going to the police on some oh such and such was selling weed down the street.. thats a snitch/itch move and well just hating..

someone raping/beating kids etc...some heinous like that isnt snitching... calling the folks on someone who goes out to the middle of the street and cutting their water on after the water co. cut it off for not paying their bill and you call it in is a snitch.

someone sneaking free on a bus and you calling them out...telling the bus driver is snitching

How is that snitching or hating? If it's on YOUR street in YOUR community, you have every right to say something to the police about illegal activity. May be a foreign concept to you, but there are people who do take pride in their communities and where they live.
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Someone mug your grandmom, I'm sure you'll appreciate this mentality.

In his own words "as long as it isn't pointed at me".

So by his own definition, if someone killed his mom, he can't report it without being a snitch. It's not his business
Look snitching to me is what my og told me "Stand up guys don't take the stand on their man" anything outside of that aint snitching
Just reading what's been posted here, ALP is just straight up ignorant.

In regards to the person getting shot, I always see people blame Nike, say they should do something about it. Why?
It is not the fault of the company for how people behave. To those that say that they create the bad environment, how so?

Some say they should saturate the market with their product to avoid this, but then it would not sell, the mind set of many people now a days is to show off to others what they have and what the other person doesn't. It gives people a false sense of superiority or the attention that they are dying to receive. From a business stand point, I would never
saturate the market, keep my product limited and I guarantee my item sells out so I make major profit. Nike is not a non-profitable organization so why it surprises consumers when an item is limited to help sell out the shoe baffles me. The interest is not you, it's the dollars that are pretty much guaranteed on the books.
How is that snitching or hating? If it's on YOUR street in YOUR community, you have every right to say something to the police about illegal activity. May be a foreign concept to you, but there are people who do take pride in their communities and where they live.

How is someone selling weed harmful to you. It aint crack... And if they aint selling to harm no foul?



Ok tough guy. He's snitching because he sees a kid pull a strap out on people on the line?

Ninjahood's void is being filled fast by a combination of posters.
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How is someone selling weed harmful to you. It aint crack... And if they aint selling to harm no foul?


Then I'd be a "snitch." Last thing I'd want is someone blatantly selling weed on the corner of my street. What you do in your house is your business...however, if you bring that **** out in the open, as someone who pays HOA dues amongst other things, you have every right in the world to notify the police. It's an eyesore.
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Sometimes the better thing to do is just walk out ....and am not talking about the kid who got shot , am talking about this whole shoe game concept.

The amount of trouble and stress that has been created just to buy a pair of shoes is not even worth it and people are just too stupid to realized that.

Why would you blame nike ? their making money so their not going to change anything , the problem is people have to stop placing so much value on ******** .
Nike and Jordan brand can easily solve the issue by saturating the market with these stupid releases, killing the hype train it's become in the past 8 years won't tear down a company who's been the active leader in footwear for the past 25+ years.

6am and these idiots lined up for kicks that won't be heard off in a week, because another shoe will release, parents need to do a better job.

Don't try and place blame on Nike for this. It is not their fault that someone got shot. Not even a little bit
it can be...going to the police on some oh such and such was selling weed down the street.. thats a snitch/itch move and well just hating..

someone raping/beating kids etc...some heinous like that isnt snitching... calling the folks on someone who goes out to the middle of the street and cutting their water on after the water co. cut it off for not paying their bill and you call it in is a snitch.

someone sneaking free on a bus and you calling them out...telling the bus driver is snitching


How is that snitching or hating? If it's on YOUR street in YOUR community, you have every right to say something to the police about illegal activity. May be a foreign concept to you, but there are people who do take pride in their communities and where they live.


Anyone who owns a house / apt anywhere and pays THEIR OWN bills and mortgage/rent doesn't want ANY TYPE of nonsense going on around their living space. This idea of hood credibility and living in the gutter is all fine and dandy in rap music but when it comes down to it, no sane person wants any drama where they lay their head at night.

If you can't see that and think that "snitching" is what's wrong in that situation I think you need a reality check
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It's was was never like this before. All the hood dudes just wore the GR Sneakers.

Everything changed in 2010.

There was a time you wore kicks and nobody knew what they were unless you was already hip.

Blame social media.
Just reading what's been posted here, ALP is just straight up ignorant.

In regards to the person getting shot, I always see people blame Nike, say they should do something about it. Why?
It is not the fault of the company for how people behave. To those that say that they create the bad environment, how so?

At some point Nike has to speak on this and offer better ways of buying their product.

Is it Nike's fault? No. Can Nike take extra steps or alternative routes in it's releases to avoid this? Yes. At some point they have to be held accountable. They are purposely creating this hype and look at it's results in minority communities.

Some say they should saturate the market with their product to avoid this, but then it would not sell, the mind set of many people now a days is to show off to others what they have and what the other person doesn't. It gives people a false sense of superiority or the attention that they are dying to receive. From a business stand point, I would never
saturate the market, keep my product limited and I guarantee my item sells out so I make major profit. Nike is not a non-profitable organization so why it surprises consumers when an item is limited to help sell out the shoe baffles me. The interest is not you, it's the dollars that are pretty much guaranteed on the books.

You seem intelligent man. This is not a small time business where they make all their money from these limited releases. This is a damn near Monopoly. If they make enough for everyone, not only do they eliminate these shootings but they make MORE money.
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yes it does, especially if the crime has nothing to do with you.

All levels of fd up. So i see someone gettin carjacked or shot at. Ok i cant say nothing cause im a snitch. Then one day that person could hit up someone close to me

If someone was mugging your mom or dad wouldnt you like someone to speak up? By your logic they shouldnt say jack

Crime prevention dude. Not snitching
In his own words "as long as it isn't pointed at me".

So by his own definition, if someone killed his mom, he can't report it without being a snitch. It's not his business
Hypothetically I wouldn't report it, I'd find the guy and get him back. Police are lazy anyway.
All levels of fd up. So i see someone gettin carjacked or shot at. Ok i cant say nothing cause im a snitch. Then one day that person could hit up someone close to me

If someone was mugging your mom or dad wouldnt you like someone to speak up? By your logic they shouldnt say jack

Crime prevention dude. Not snitching
thats waaaaaaaaaaaay different then calling the police on someone walking down the street drinking a 40... Or someone bootlegging cable.

So a guy smoking weed is the same as robbing someone at gunpoint. NT be on some super extremes. Guy doesnt cut grass all summer=Home invasion, car jacking...

16 y/o having a party drinking etc=kidnapping, driveby

Yall need to stop trying to be neighborhood narcs.
thats waaaaaaaaaaaay different then calling the police on someone walking down the street drinking a 40... Or someone bootlegging cable.

So a guy smoking weed is the same as robbing someone at gunpoint. NT be on some super extremes. Guy doesnt cut grass all summer=Home invasion, car jacking...

16 y/o having a party drinking etc=kidnapping, driveby

Yall need to stop trying to be neighborhood narcs.

You gotta quit moving the goalposts.
am I the only one disturbed by the inaccuracies of this article? These shoes were not designed by Kanye West :smh:
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