Kid stabs and kills bully

Originally Posted by NobleKane

if you were about that life with your homies punching a $*+!%#@ freshman in the back of the head when hes not looking and you a junior you better be about that life when you get 12 stabs of the pocket knife.

not tough anymore huh?

This. I don't have an opinion and don't care about whether or not the kid should have stabbed the bully/what the kid should have done. But if you're going to lead a pack of older kids to try and take on a younger dude, you better be ready to deal with the consequences.

@ the people on the Facebook page saying "so sorry for a good young kid to be taken away... he had such a good life ahead of him
Because kids who require backup to beat up a kid 2 years younger than him tend to be such good people right?
Define "stab" in this case.
Is it any time a knife breaks skin regardless of depth, because a lot of us are under the assumption that the kid plunged the whole blade 12 times?
Could it have been many superficial, non-lethal cuts and two very fatal plunges into the body[as the article stated]?

The kid brandished the knife to people at the bus stop beforehand, and Nuno still went ahead and did what got him killed.
You come at a dog and get bit in the process, you don't blame the dog.
Its a sad situation but it is what it is.

Dude had to stab him 12 times to make sure his buddies knew what time it was if they were feeling froggy.
A kid was killed though. I'm a little disgusted with everyone throwing up these
's to be honest. Is it worth a life? Youth at that
Originally Posted by CanIFly34

A kid was killed though. I'm a little disgusted with everyone throwing up these
's to be honest. Is it worth a life? Youth at that
so do we have a lot of murderers here or what? or are there a lot of people that were bullied and didn't go though with the planned killing? Well at least he served as a sacrificial lamb for certain future bullies that know about this story.
Originally Posted by cartune

SunDOOBIE wrote:

Damn... reminds me of Zangief kid.  Don't these bullies learn? 


Thing is this dude didnt use a weapon to handle his problems he nutted up.

it was 1v1 tho...the kid with the knife was up against a few. and we don't even know the difference in size, but chances are the bullied kid was smaller. never heard of a bully targeting someone bigger...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You guys sound like monks, you go the whole day thinking of the beating you are gonna get, you prepare for it by buyin a knife in case you have to defend yourself, you then get off a stop early to avoid trouble, then as you are walking you get punched in the back of the head, at that point, is either my life or his, logic goes out the window and adrenaline takes over, I think I would have slit dudes throat..

Originally Posted by CanIFly34

A kid was killed though. I'm a little disgusted with everyone throwing up these
's to be honest. Is it worth a life? Youth at that

can't believe people are congratulating the kid for this...he acted in self-defense, yea, but i can guarantee you he probably doesn't feel like 
 about it.
You can only push a person so far, and there are only two ways to fall.
You either drown in misery, or you let the burning anger consume you.
No way to win. He has to live with his memories for the rest of his life.

Just because you can pick on someone, doesn't mean you should.
People seem to be forgetting that lately and it's $%** like this that's gonna get everyone back on the same page.
It's unpleasant, but it's what needs to happen.

That being said; He bought a knife fearing for his life, did all he could to avoid having to use the knife at all, and in the end did what he had to do.
That's the sign of a man. Forget all that "Take your beating like a man" nonsense.
This isn't the old days, when even bullies had enough honor to fight fair. People get killed over nothing these days. He didn't want to be the next to die.
Originally Posted by maicolkickhead

its a sad thing really. a kid is killed and the other is left to live with the guilt. 

How do you even know he feels guilty? You just saying that to try to prove your point or did you read it somewhere...
Originally Posted by LDJ

As far as carrying a weapon.. yes i do carry a weapon but thats and in most ppl case because of a ROBBERY. And last a checked not to many dudes are out pulling off heist robbing folks and hand point. Usually someone trying to rob you, moreso then likely are going to CARRY A WEAPON with the intent to USE IT/KILL. Not to me carjackings, home invasions etc happen with a person saying I aint got a weapon but give me your car,wallet etc.

Come on man.  My roommate did multiple tours in Iraq, in the US Army, when the "War on Terror" first popped off and when the US took over Saddam's palaces and he doesn't carry any weapons.  Go tell a real adult if you're scared

Back to the topic, I never celebrate anyone's death so RIP to the bully, but he went looking for trouble and found it.  I don't feel the victim deserved any punishment in this case, he tried to avoid the fight and couldn't, so he did what he thought was necessary...
I don't ever want to disrespect the dead because it's unfortunate someone had to go out like that, but what kind of clowns, chumps, and losers pick fights with younger, smaller, weaker kids? Why is a junior sucker punching a freshman for no reason? What does he need his boys there for? When I was in high school there were a lot of fights, but not the type where these weak kids decide they want to sucker punch someone younger, smaller, and weaker than them with their boys there. There were two people who wanted to fight and most of the school would find out a fight is happening and at lunch period or after school they're surrounded by students and they fought until someone had enough, was dropped, or a teacher/principal came out to break it up. One time someone called the cops. (I know. We were like who did that?)

Some of you are acting like two kids got in a fight who wanted to fight each other and one pulled a knife. This kid was alone and tried to avoid the bully. He shouldn't of stabbed him. We know that, but the kid went out of his way to AVOID the bully. Skipped school and got off the bus 2 stops before his. The bully saw an easy target to flex on to make him feel tough.
Wait , eff my knife .

My dad has a .9 in his drawer closet whatever tis called , bringing it to school this monday .

I hate this dude always clwoning on me , always making me a fool infront of girls , even talking about my girl ugh f that guy

A teenager in New York, apparently tormented by bullies and devastated by a recent breakup with her boyfriend, stepped in front of an oncoming city bus and ended her life just days after Christmas.

Amanda Cummings, a 15-year-old girl from Staten Island, had been bullied for years, according to her relatives. Her uncle told the New York Post, “She was always being picked on and tormented by other kids and bullied. It was years of being tormented. She clinged to people. She was a very sensitive child. People can only take so much. I want some kind of justice done. Our family lost a life.

id much rather they lash out at the bully, even violently

than jump off bridges and *!%%

cause, ultimately, if the bullies kept their hands and comments to themselves, everyone could live happily.

lmao @ lames coming in to post hypothetical situations WITHOUT physical violence present, to make a saracastic remark about how they'll carry a gun with millions of americans do legally every moment of every day

the saddest thing about this story is that had it not been in the suburbs (assumption) it woulda just been a daily cliche police case


how many people you think get stabbed everyday in chicago or detroit?

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Wait , eff my knife .

My dad has a .9 in his drawer closet whatever tis called , bringing it to school this monday .

I hate this dude always clwoning on me , always making me a fool infront of girls , even talking about my girl ugh f that guy

You know you can be reported to the cops for this right?
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Wait , eff my knife .

My dad has a .9 in his drawer closet whatever tis called , bringing it to school this monday .

I hate this dude always clwoning on me , always making me a fool infront of girls , even talking about my girl ugh f that guy

You know you can be reported to the cops for this right?
joke fail.

he couldnt articulate a counter argument, so he said this moronic gibberish.


Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Originally Posted by LDJ

As far as carrying a weapon.. yes i do carry a weapon but thats and in most ppl case because of a ROBBERY. And last a checked not to many dudes are out pulling off heist robbing folks and hand point. Usually someone trying to rob you, moreso then likely are going to CARRY A WEAPON with the intent to USE IT/KILL. Not to me carjackings, home invasions etc happen with a person saying I aint got a weapon but give me your car,wallet etc.

Come on man.  My roommate did multiple tours in Iraq, in the US Army, when the "War on Terror" first popped off and when the US took over Saddam's palaces and he doesn't carry any weapons.  Go tell a real adult if you're scared

Back to the topic, I never celebrate anyone's death so RIP to the bully, but he went looking for trouble and found it.  I don't feel the victim deserved any punishment in this case, he tried to avoid the fight and couldn't, so he did what he thought was necessary...

Um I own my own businesses and one is atms it would be stupid of me to walk out of a place with tons of money alone without a weapon. And um your friend lied. He must of been in the fob with the women folks because there is no way you will be sent out on a mission without being issued a weapon. Matter of fact before being stationed and leaving they do an inventory check a verify that you have all your supplies ie... utility belt, vest with plates, ammo pouches with ammo, mre's, and weapon. And yes the weapon is labeled with your military issued id and you sign for it.

So he doesnt know what he is talking about or you lying and dont know what your talking about. Lol talking about your going on a command brigade with know weapon... somebody been playing cod and used up their ammo to much. How are you suppose they did a line with a grenader a runner and a gunner without the weapons lol. Um the did formations and held gun stations and pretended they had a hog and a grenande launcher lol.

matter fact you cant even do watch or socialize in the city without your weapon, and you are fined if you are caught leaving your weapon. You even have to take it with you to eat and use the bathroom when not on a mission (have a weapon guard outside who forms up the weapons)..

So how you supposed he did room clerances? You do know everyone in the cities even wives and children are issued ak 47's right? 

So let me guess your friend went into a home with an average of 5-7 ppl all strapped with assualt rifles and handguns... lets not even mention land and homes riddled with mortar rounds. he walked in with no vest no weapons and took down a group of terrorist with barehands?

Man you sound str8 up stupid. One for stating this ******edness. And two if you actually believed him. ppl like you make me wish i could go back in time and loan your pops the change needed to purchase that pack of rubbers. Would have save the world the trouble.

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