LA Area deputy shoots boy carrying toy handgun

Haha cops n robbers @ 15? Kids here carry real guns at 12 yrs old. The cop did the right thing, what if the gun wa real? Kill or be Killed. He was not 5yrs oldhe was 15!!!!!.
hes not a boy, hes 15. and if i was in the cops position i would shoot too. lol at "ask questions first," thats how you get shot. nt is so quick tohate on a pig
Originally Posted by vdubsta

I'll give it to the officer.

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by JuJu

so now the kids mother is "ignorant" translation a ##%!@# and just trying to come up on the police for some change? god i hate people like you.
you hate me why? sorry im calling it like i see it, but although 15 is old enough to know not to point a gun at a cop, its still young enough to be influenced by your parents ... and i dont know what word you assumed i was calling the mother but if its the word that i think you typed then
... there is no translation for ignorant it is an english word in the dictionary ... shut that dumb $!+! up ...

you hate people like me
... i should hate people like you but im not that ignorant ...
lol heres a fun fact for you. !%+!$% is in the dictionary too cool guy AND JUST CAUSE A WORD IS IN THE DICTIONARY DOESNT MEAN IT DOESNT HAVE ATRANSLATION ITS CALLED A THESAURAS A BOOK FILLED WITH DIFFERENT WORDS TO REPLACE OTHER WORDS AND STILL CONVEY THE SAME THING, so that dont mean $+@% to me. andid love to know how you know the persons mother is ignorant. my mom taught me a lot of things but at 15 nobody is $%*#@#! listening to what their mom says100%. at 15 your whole blame it on his mom defense is +$*+#%+% in 3 years that boy can fight in a war, buy sigs, porn, and a shotgun from wal-mart thats damnnear a grown *%* man, seems to me though that you are determined to deem this persons entire family as ignnorant scam artists and not just hold the kidresponsible. just like you assuming that the person is just gonna go for a check from the police.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

News saying that he was 15 and the gun lacked the orange tip of a toy gun.

What the hell you doin' playing "cops and robbers" at 15?

I'm guessin' he thought he was doin' it carrying a fake gun.

so where are the people defending the "little guy" now ... that !%#**!*! cops and robbers story was probably made up by the victims ignorant mother who probably wants to sue the police officers for her and her son being @!$% ups ... im sorry but i have no tolerance for #+$# like this, the main problem in society today is the lack of a strong parental influence for our youth ...
you do realize that the story never gave his age... not to mention the tone of the story was that the victim was a whole lot younger than 15...that's mainly what people were saying...

If this was a case where the victim was under 10 years old... then i would completely agree that the cop is at fault...

but i do agree that at 15 you should know a bit better than to point a gun at a cop
What people fail to realize is there's certain cops out there who are actually scared as hell of the world around them. They've been conditioned tothink the world is against them and some of these dudes went to high school with us and was straight (()) they rely on uniform and a gun to feel tough.Nobody grows up wanting to be a damn cop

+%+! em.

But that lil boy done @!@@%% up
I don't know how young this kid is, but I do know that a kid as young as 13 has shot and killed police officers. You can't second guess these officerswho are put in these situations. I'm sure if you guys were cops, you'd look at things a little differently. You weren't there so you can't callit. Neither can I. RIP to the kid and best of luck for the officer who must be going through a very emotional state right now.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

What people fail to realize is there's certain cops out there who are actually scared as hell of the world around them. They've been conditioned to think the world is against them and some of these dudes went to high school with us and was straight (()) they rely on uniform and a gun to feel tough. Nobody grows up wanting to be a damn cop

+%+! em.

But that lil boy done @!@@%% up
Gee, why would cops feel like the world is against them when you follow this statement up with the words "$#+# them" ???

There are plenty of dumb cops out there, but generalizing them all to be the same way is just as bad as anything those bad cops could do to you... racialprofiling, discrimination, etc.. these cops do have targets on their backs for the most part, from the media to the people like you screaming "$#+#them" because you have your own issues and vendettas against them all for some unknown reason.

As for the story itself - the kid deserved to get shot, and he's lucky he didn't get killed.
nobody deserve to be shot, but it really depends on the situation the cop face against the 15yr kid w. a fake gun......
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

What people fail to realize is there's certain cops out there who are actually scared as hell of the world around them. They've been conditioned to think the world is against them and some of these dudes went to high school with us and was straight (()) they rely on uniform and a gun to feel tough. Nobody grows up wanting to be a damn cop

+%+! em.

But that lil boy done @!@@%% up
Gee, why would cops feel like the world is against them when you follow this statement up with the words "$#+# them" ???

There are plenty of dumb cops out there, but generalizing them all to be the same way is just as bad as anything those bad cops could do to you... racial profiling, discrimination, etc.. these cops do have targets on their backs for the most part, from the media to the people like you screaming "$#+# them" because you have your own issues and vendettas against them all for some unknown reason.

As for the story itself - the kid deserved to get shot, and he's lucky he didn't get killed.

just curious... if the victim were your brother/sister would you still feel that he deserved to get shot?

not to mention nobody deserves to get shot... so stop wit that...

people make mistakes... the kid made a mistake... the cop made a mistake... nobody "got what they deserved"
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

What people fail to realize is there's certain cops out there who are actually scared as hell of the world around them. They've been conditioned to think the world is against them and some of these dudes went to high school with us and was straight (()) they rely on uniform and a gun to feel tough. Nobody grows up wanting to be a damn cop

+%+! em.

But that lil boy done @!@@%% up
Gee, why would cops feel like the world is against them when you follow this statement up with the words "$#+# them" ???

There are plenty of dumb cops out there, but generalizing them all to be the same way is just as bad as anything those bad cops could do to you... racial profiling, discrimination, etc.. these cops do have targets on their backs for the most part, from the media to the people like you screaming "$#+# them" because you have your own issues and vendettas against them all for some unknown reason.

As for the story itself - the kid deserved to get shot, and he's lucky he didn't get killed.




Originally Posted by ericberry14

just curious... if the victim were your brother/sister would you still feel that he deserved to get shot?

not to mention nobody deserves to get shot... so stop wit that...

people make mistakes... the kid made a mistake... the cop made a mistake... nobody "got what they deserved"
yes ... for being that +%%%#! stupid ...

nobody deserves to get shot? what world do you live in? ...

the kids mistake > the cops "mistake" ...
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

What people fail to realize is there's certain cops out there who are actually scared as hell of the world around them. They've been conditioned to think the world is against them and some of these dudes went to high school with us and was straight (()) they rely on uniform and a gun to feel tough. Nobody grows up wanting to be a damn cop

+%+! em.

But that lil boy done @!@@%% up
this is the dumbest thing i ever read on niketalk.
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by ericberry14

just curious... if the victim were your brother/sister would you still feel that he deserved to get shot?

not to mention nobody deserves to get shot... so stop wit that...

people make mistakes... the kid made a mistake... the cop made a mistake... nobody "got what they deserved"
yes ... for being that +%%%#! stupid ...

nobody deserves to get shot? what world do you live in? ...

the kids mistake > the cops "mistake" ...
ok... well as long as you would still feel the same if the cop had accidentally shot your mother/father/brother/sister... then im ok with that

and neither's mistake is greater/less than the other... they were equally at fault here... just leave it at that...
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