**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Now we're talking about Lavar owning the Lakers :lol:
the only people talking about Lavar running the Lakers are people stubbornly sticking with their misinterpretations about Lavar running the Lakers. Me & Noble have mentioned fears, but nothing about Lavar running a franchise as storied and high caliber as the Los Angeles freaking Lakers.

My post was directed at what leemealone said.
[quote name="zube42"][quote name="DarthSka"][quote name="zube42"]:lol: You've done nothing to expand on what you said a page ago, just going at anyone that disagreed with you with no backing. "You said it already" "Nobody said this" Basically just "K" 'ing people :lol:
Lavar getting headlines is that big of an issue? I just never took you as the type to take things like this that seriously.[/quote]I have answered every one who asked me what I meant.

That's a grand total of 0 people. You aren't even asking here.

And people were misquoting what I said and running with their own interpretations and then disagree with their interpretation of what I said. Not one bit of that is on me.

Like I said, I'm open for questions. People would rather think they know instead of ask, though.[/quote]

I literally said "Lavar getting headlines that big of an issue?" That is a question. You're being bitter, straight up.
There's no need for an interview process of you not liking the kid's dad, you've just done a **** job of explaining how this will affect the team and if you don't feel it doesn't affect the team, why does it matter?[/quote]You actually did ask straight up, no implications or false interpretations or anything, and I literally just now saw that when I went back to see if I missed anything. My apologies for missing that before and saying that no one just straight-up asked.

Answering now with a response, but wanted to throw this out there: my bad for missing that. I didn't ignore it. I straight-up missed it.
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Do you really need for me to break both of those quotes down piece-by-piece and explain to you like a child how nothing in there says or even hints at Lavar Ball running the Lakers? I can, but I'm pretty sure you will feel patronized and disrespected.

Nothing in either of those quotes says or implies Lavar Ball will be running the Lakers. That is absolutely, 100% your interpretation based on how you're reading those quotes. And what's happening now is your refusal to SI that your interpretation is in the way of trying to understand.

Now you just playing dumb. :lol:

Your exact words are "drafting the father."

Kane is talking about crazy situations where he's gonna call for Luke to get fired. :lol:

Y'all sound crazy. :lol:

So y'all are not saying he's gonna try to influence the Lakers? If you're not saying he's gonna try to influence the Lakers then what is the crying and complaining for?
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LaVars shtick won't fly on the professional level where owners and gm's are paying millions a year for his son to play ball.

The more he pops off, his words lose luster as well. At some point people are just going to chalk it up as LaVar being LaVar and not taking it too seriously compared to someone who rarely talks and says something bold.

I will say this though. Once Lonzo starts seeing those NBA checks, becomes the breadwinner, and is on the road most the year away from daddy and becomes his own man, I wouldn't be shocked to see him tell LaVar to tone it down if he feels his shtick is damaging to his brand in any way.

You gotta remember, Lonzo is only 19 and he's been dealing with his pops his entire life and hasn't broken away from the nest yet.
[quote name="Th3RealF0lkBlu3s"]Why should anyone be concerned about Lavar getting press?[/quote] [quote name="CP1708"]I'm askin, Ska, what concerns you about either Ball?

I think Lavar will get media attention with his big mouth, but other than that just a minor annoyance.

Lonzo seems like a good kid, just worry about his J. I still feel Ingram is the best player we have with DLo second, then Ball (potentially)[/quote]Earlier I alluded to the flawed thinking that the girl of your dreams with an overbearing, manipulative, loudmouthed mother with control issues will have no bearing on your relationship. It has nothing to do with that mother running your relationship. It has nothing to do with that mother trying to run your relationship (and obviously the comparison here is where running your relationship is running the Lakers, and attempting to run the relationship is attempting to run the Lakers).

That's not going to happen, but that's not the fear.

Similar to dragging your name through the mud in the neighborhood, the potential is there to bad-mouth this trainer or that coach or this GM or vague shots in the press about how some people on the team kiss the coaches *** so they get more burn even though they're less talented than Lonzo.

Potential, people.

The potential for a loud mouth, conceited, overbearing, proud father to overstep his boundaries is a reasonable fear. That's the first thing, just running his mouth and saying sideways things that could cause dissension in the roster.

There's also the issue of negatively influencing his son one way or another. This one doesn't really need to be explained, does it?

(Crazy idea for simpletons ready to quote any or all of this and get more lulz: keep your mockeries and assumptions and realize you know as much about what will happen as I do. The only thing we all know and agree on is that Lonzo will obviously, definitely not be running the Lakers, or anything even remotely close. Passed that, there are a number of positive and negative possibilities, and there is reason to believe some of the negative possibilities could happen. They could also not happen.)
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[quote name="Cedric Ceballos"]LaVars shtick won't fly on the professional level where owners and gm's are paying millions a year for his son to play ball.

The more he pops off, his words lose luster as well. At some point people are just going to chalk it up as LaVar being LaVar and not taking it too seriously compared to someone who rarely talks and says something bold.

I will say this though. Once Lonzo starts seeing those NBA checks, becomes the breadwinner, and is on the road most the year away from daddy and becomes his own man, I wouldn't be shocked to see him tell LaVar to tone it down if he feels his shtick is damaging to his brand in any way.

You gotta remember, Lonzo is only 19 and he's been dealing with his pops his entire life and hasn't broken away from the nest yet.[/quote]For sure. Good points. It definitely seems to me sometimes that Lonzo is over his dad, and sometimes appears to even possibly be a little embarrassed, or at the very least intentionally removed from his father's antics.
I think he's frail, but Durant and Curry and Reggie Miller were accused of being too skinny, and they did alright for themselves. :lol: I've heard that all 3 of them had/have insane work ethics, though. I don't know that Lonzo does have an insane work ethic, and I don't know that he doesn't.

Honestly, I wasn't terribly wowed by his lone tournament appearance. I thought for stretches he was relatively easy to shadow/contain, and that was just at an NCAA level.

I love how willing of a passer he appears to be, and it definitely seems like his father has made him a professional student of the game, so I like that.

I've always been bothered by the sideways release of his shot, too. But again, I go back to Reggie Miller. One of the worst looking shots of all time but when anyone mentions some of the greatest shooters of all time, his name absolutely has to come up, and rightfully so. Again, though: work ethic. Even if your shot is fundamentally horrible but you perfect making it go through the net, you're going to be a tough assignment.
Honestly, if I had no idea who Lonzo Ball was and I just knew that we got the number 2 pick and we were seriously considering this Lavar kid who had an impressive freshman year at UCLA, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. I know I just criticized a bunch of things about his game, mentioned a couple good things as well, but overall, just him, the kid, the prospect, I have no concerns with him whatsoever.
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Lonzo and dlo in the backcourt is going to be sooooo deadly. 2 guards that can see the floor and shoot.Also, I agree with P...BI is going to be awesome as the small ball 4 when he puts on weight. Future is so bright man, let this core build for 2 years.
Honestly, if I had no idea who Lonzo Ball was and I just knew that we got the number 2 pick and we were seriously considering this Lavar kid who had an impressive freshman year at UCLA, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. I know I just criticized the bunch of things about his game, mentioned a couple good things as well, but overall, just him, the kid, the prospect, I have no concerns with him whatsoever.

That's crazy cuz I'm way more concerned with his ability to shoot off the dribble than I am with his dad.

Maybe it's cuz I grew up with a bunch of drunk uncles but lavar doesn't bother me at all.

And I feel like if any front office exec could get through to him it would be magic.
In a vacuum, Lonzo BI and PG is way better.

But you have to let the hate go. Trading him for a guy that can walk after next year is just bad asset management.

Whether they trade him now or after PG gets here Ratsull's time is coming to an end here.
In a vacuum, Lonzo BI and PG is way better.

But you have to let the hate go. Trading him for a guy that can walk after next year is just bad asset management.

Whether they trade him now or after PG gets here Ratsull's time is coming to an end here.

Well until it actually happens it's kinda pointless to keep bringing up him being traded. :lol:
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Lakers know that if they draft Lavar all eyes will be on the lakers cuz of Lavar and his ugly *** kid. They want the spotlight back on them. Plus bbb and lakers will make a ******** of money together. Magic knows what's up. The dad is ******* annoying tho. Thirsty *** old man knows he's gonna be filthy Rich
I think they fit pretty well.....

1. If Lonzo's defense translates, we'll actually be decent in back court defense when you throw in Nwaba & hopefully George in 2018... Going into the last handful of games Russell was in the high 50 percentile in defense. He'll never be a lockdown defender, but if he can keep focus on ball, he'll be decent as a defender because of his measurable + IQ.
2. Also if Ingram's shot comes along, it will give Lonzo two guys to get the ball to. As would having Russell take the ability of ball handling as well give him options to run the offense.
There's so many sets you can run with two guys who can distribute and score.
3. DLo & Lonzo can turn up the pace with Ingram & Randle to get up and down quickly, and intelligently.

But there's some concerns, on the other end. Lonzo can be better than Russell, but it certainly is not a guarantee. We've gone over and over it, but Russell's production wasn't some small feat.

The Lavar thing is potentially dangerous. It has to be made clear that Lavar commenting on the team in public is not acceptable and not part of the culture. If he can't agree then Lonzo can't be apart of this team. Lavar creates distractions and he can't come out talking about or trashing Lonzo's teammates or coaches like he did at Chino Hills with his younger son and like he did with UCLA paraphrasing Lavar "UCLA would have won if they didn't have 4 slow white guys with Lonzo."
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Triple B is going to flourish if lonzo balls out on the lakers. There's literally no better place. That would be so dope :pimp:

Nance (in2k he always complains but being a starter tho)
Trob (is he gone?)
Swaggy for luls

Somehow Patton drops to 28, think Deandre with Offense.

get rid of Moz and Deng, free up 26 Mill.
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