Legends of Tomorrow Thread (tv show) -S2 Premieres 10/13/16

Vixen has been growing on me with each episode. I see the light now :smokin.

She's gorgeous. I've been wondering which character she'd get close to, at first maybe ray or the new guy. Now she playing Bonnie to Mick's Clyde. She's enjoying hanging with him and acting like a villain and stealing liquor.

I laughed when she used dolphin powers to get elliot ness out of the water.
It's disturbing to me how if an aberration is a person they'll still see them as something to erase. I've seen the concept used in comics but only the villains talked that way and if the heroes did it it was by accident or they just didn't address it.

Sara was cold when she said Stein's daughter doesn't exist. Like she's a living breathing person :lol: What are you talking about?!
All he did was tell his younger self to pay more attention to his wife. This show acting like them having a kid will change the timeline drastically. Unless she developed some nanotechnology that is going to be used to takeover the world, leave her be. They're not gonna go back in time and tell young stein you should never have kids. flash kinda taught you to not go back and try to fix something because it'll just change other things.
Yeah that was stupid. Should've left it at flashpoint being the reason. "I told myself to cherish my wife" you monster! You ruined time!
Now I just need Jefferson to take Lily to pound town. Only logical next step here!
Would be a better twist if they go back and tell young stein not to have kids and when they return to the present his wife has a mixed kid. She felt lonely and seduced jax.
Only way I could see Lily being a threat to time/reality is if she gained super powers and became a hero/villain.

Crazy enough that is more likely than her making some huge scientific breakthrough that's change the field or society.

I'm wondering if the whole reason she was created is to end up joining Team Flash given what might happen there.

Now I just need Jefferson to take Lily to pound town. Only logical next step here!
Word :rofl:
Would be a better twist if they go back and tell young stein not to have kids and when they return to the present his wife has a mixed kid. She felt lonely and seduced jax.

Bruh :rofl: ya buggin

That would be so foul. Jax knocking up old women.
Moved to tuesdays nights starting next week. 
Umm, how did that blast from the waverider not disintegrate merlin and dahrk? Should've murked those fools right then and there.
The season has lost a lot of steam since Rip Hunter showed back up. He's ruining the show just like Vandal Savage.
To me it's this corny spear of Destiny plot and really milking this JSA.

Rip just conviently broke it on 4 and have it to members of that team?

Bring back the Legion of Doom.
The season has lost a lot of steam since Rip Hunter showed back up. He's ruining the show just like Vandal Savage.

Them fixing random anomalies as amateur time travelers without Rip was actually better.

Agreed, I've never been a fan of his character. I somewhat liked the evil version but was hoping they wouldn't save him. He was really only needed to teach everyone the rules of time travel. In his absense it seemed like everyone progressed for the better.
That nonsense was just pure bull ****.

Middle of World War I and a cease fire in the middle of a battle is pulled off (it wasn't even xmas).

CW needs to stop we sing the message that ispirational speeches can spur ppl on to do anything :smh:
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