let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by DubA169

the fact that it took so long to play him is hilarious. he had a hard on for TD trying to make him a pg. thus destroying his confidence

lin and novak are tailor made for his syetm and they were riding the pine

He was the third coach to "pass" on him tho. He felt TD was the better defender so he stuck with him.
I thought we already established that Pringles didn't play those guys due to lack of practice and short training camp? Despite that I remember wanting Novak to play more since he showed he was capable of hitting the 3. After looking at Lin's history I can't blame Pringles for not using him until he was the last option. There was absolutely nothing to go off on to say let me start this guy at the beginning of the season or after 10 games or after 20. Not using Novak was the real atrocity, all he does is shoot 3s.

I think Pringles rather play the rookies and have them surprise him like Fields did last year than play guys we signed to fill out the roster. He was fine playing Josh since he played decent defense and could hit the 3. I compare Pringles use of Novak similar to what he did with Roger Mason Jr. last year.

As for the coaching change, never made sense to fire dude in his last season unless we just kept losing. I feel the path we were on was always to just to let him go and not extend his contract after the playoffs were done. I want Phil here but I'd be fine with Jerry Sloane. So if Phil is still on vacation or is eyeing another team I feel we should go after Sloane. His offensive system is basic and good enough that players can catch on quickly and it would cater to our stars. Plus he preaches defense with the best of them.
[h2]TOTAL BREAKDOWN[/h2][h1]Can Carmelo and Jeremy Lin Coexist? [/h1]By Sebastian Pruiti on March 2, 2012 4:15 PM ET
Jim McIsaac/Getty Images
The breakout success of Jeremy Lin conspicuously coincided with Carmelo Anthony sitting on the bench. While Anthony was nursing a groin injury, Lin stepped in to run Mike D'Antoni's fast-paced pick-and-roll offense. Through all the Linsanity hyperbole, commentators wondered how Anthony — notorious for preferring isolation plays that slow down the ball and the game — would fit in. Since his return, the Knicks have tried a few offensive strategies centered on Anthony — some successful, some not. But if they are going to win with Lin at the point, they need to home in on the effective ones.
[h3]What Hasn't Worked[/h3]
Catch and Shoot: six possessions, three points (0.500 PPP) on 1-6 shooting

When Lin stepped up, Knicks fans were excited about the possibility of him creating catch-and-shoot opportunities for Anthony. He could spot up outside of a pick-and-roll, instead of always creating his own shot. But Carmelo simply hasn't shot the ball well this season. He is the rare shooter who is more effective after holding the basketball for a few seconds.

Before his injury, Anthony was shooting just 21.9 percent on unguarded catch-and-shoot possessions, according to Synergy Sports. Since returning from injury last month, he has actually been worse, shooting 16.7 percent and dropping his season shooting percentage when wide open to 17.8 percent. Anthony simply doesn't look comfortable in these situations:

In the open catch-and-shoot, most shooters square up toward the basket before the ball even comes to them. They have their hands and feet ready, with their knees bent so they can catch the basketball and go straight into the shot. Anthony, however, stands straight up, without his feet set, as the ball arrives. Once he makes the catch, he rushes the shot, which is apparent in his footwork. Most successful shooters rise up and land in the same spot, but Anthony either keeps advancing or immediately backpedals.

Isolation: 21 total possessions, 12 points (0.571 PPP) on 4-15 shooting with one assist and three turnovers

Knicks fans were primarily concerned about Carmelo halting the offense with his frequent isolation plays. And they got just what they were expecting here. Anthony has struggled since his return, not only in finding situations in which he can isolate, but also converting on the plays when the opportunity does arise:

One of the problems for Anthony is that his isolations are almost anathema to the offense Lin is running. With Lin at the point, working off ball screens, the basketball zips around very quickly. Even when Lin isn't making an assist, he passes the ball to an open teammate, who in turn makes a quick pass to another open teammate, who then gets a good look. When Anthony makes the catch on the wing and holds it, everyone on the court knows what happens next: it's going to be an isolation. The defense loads up against him because they know Anthony will try to create all on his own. That's what the Miami Heat did against him, and that's what most good defenses will do.
[h3]What Has Worked[/h3]
Using Ball Screens: six total possessions, four points (0.667 PPP) on no shots with two assists and zero turnovers

I had feared that the Knicks coaching staff wouldn't make any adjustments for Anthony. Though he still struggles to find his shots, the Knicks have made a few nice moves to help him. They've begun using Anthony as the ball handler in the pick-and-roll. This works because they're still putting the basketball in Anthony's hands and allowing him to create off the dribble — similar to an isolation — yet the defense has to worry about more than just loading up against Anthony:

Now the defense has to worry about Anthony getting to the rim (even when he is struggling, he's still a respected scorer in this league) plus a screener rolling to the basket. Since the defense will double-team Carmelo, he can make an easy pass to an open teammate. The results have not been great so far, but Anthony is a strong passer who can exploit these situations. More importantly, these plays work well with D'Antoni's offense and ultimately create open shots for the other players.

Post-ups: 14 total possessions, 16 points (1.143 PPP) on 3-8 shooting with three assists and one turnover

Even though the isolation plays on the wing are generally unsuccessful, Anthony is still very talented at creating his own shot. The best replacement for the isolations is having Anthony post up his man by the basket. The two plays are very similar, but when Anthony posts up, he starts the play much closer to the rim, posing a bigger threat. The Knicks run plays to get the ball to Carmelo on the block, thus cohering with their offense, opposed to stalling it. The best thing about these plays is that Anthony is just so damn good at them. From that position, he can do a number of different things based on how skilled he is at using his body. He has very good footwork in the post, and, while he may hold the ball up in isolation, he's a deft passer in pick-and-roll situations, as well as in the post:

Lin is actually a great complement to Anthony when he posts up, because Anthony uses his body to create the passing lanes that Lin needs. And since Anthony is a threat with the ball in his hands, defenses sink in on him, which creates open shots for other players like Steve Novak, J.R. Smith, or even Jeremy Lin — all of whom can knock down open shots.

Finally, when Anthony faces up and essentially turns his post-up into an isolation, he begins 10-15 feet away from the basket, opposed to outside the 3-point line. He has the option to shoot after holding the basketball for a little while — which he is very good at — or if he chooses to drive, it's harder for the defense to close in on him.

The Knicks coaching staff didn't use Anthony in the post before the Jeremy Lin era, but they have quickly learned that this strategy would be essential to their success. In the last game against Cleveland, Anthony posted up seven times. That is a clear indication that we can expect to see more of it on Sunday when the Knicks face the Boston Celtics, and for the rest of the season.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by DubA169

the fact that it took so long to play him is hilarious. he had a hard on for TD trying to make him a pg. thus destroying his confidence

lin and novak are tailor made for his syetm and they were riding the pine

He was the third coach to "pass" on him tho. He felt TD was the better defender so he stuck with him.

the other coaches had actual point guards on their teams. much more understandable
There's a reason why D'Antoni left the door open on the starting point guard position.  Laugh all you want to, but give Baron a month.  If he's able to fully round himself into shape, and he's lookin like the Baron we've seen before...he will likely end up the starting point guard by the playoffs.  
And he's right...I think the Knicks win it all this year.  That's why dudes just gotta calm down and just watch and let things unfold.  Every piece is there...people just need to let them play and figure it out.  It gets ridiculous sometimes 
Alan Hahn: Smart move here by #Knicks: C Jerome Jordan was re-assigned to the D-League affiliate Erie BayHawks. He'll get... http://www.sulia.com/c/new-
Howard Beck:
Knicks assign Jerome Jordan to D-League affiliate in Erie. When he comes back, he will sleep on Landry's couch and average 8 assists.
Tommy Dee:
Mike D'Antoni, himself, will tell you that he prefers his offense be freelance because it's harder for teams to scout situations/tendencies
Al Iannazzone:
Jeremy Lin and Baron Davis were in backcourt together during today's scrimmage - in the Knicks blog - http://mobile.newsday.com/inf/in
[h2] http://blogs.thescore.com/tbj/2012/03/02/here-is-jerome-james-and-his-giant-bike/[/h2]
[h2]Here is Jerome James and his giant bike [/h2] [h3] Posted by Trey Kerby under New York Knicks, Ostentatious Displays of Wealth, Random on Mar 02, 2012 [/h3]

When you woke up this morning, I bet you weren’t expecting to see a photo of Jerome James standing next to a custom double-framed bike and making a full-grown human look like a ******. But sometimes, we just have to go with the flow and accept that weird things happen and that sometimes you learn that one of the NBA’s worst signings ever spent some of his money on a hilariously huge bicycle.

And trust me, you’re going to be happier knowing this exists. Sometimes, when you’re feeling blue, you can just imagine seeing Jerome James — generously listed as 300 pounds on Basketball Reference — ride this huge bike down the street and just chuckle to yourself that such a thing really happened. Or alternately, that he spent a ton of money getting this very expensive bike made and then never rode it. Either way is hilarious to imagine, so let your mind run wild.

5 years/$30million ... 4 games his last 2 years.

not that we need them anymore...but i thought this pic was kinda cool 



The new Mobley and Francis pair? 
I do think Novak is a priority....he's tailor made for the system and has been an integral part of the bench. His shooting percentages are 47% overall and 47% from 3.

Those numbers are very good for a bench player. He's a stretch 3 or 4 and can draw defenders away from the basket or make them pay for leaving him open. He's fundamentally sound and isn't a player who "just shoots"...the dude is a shooter.

Shawne Williams was gutsy and had heart, but he was basically auditioning for a second chance in the NBA. Novak has been on teams and knows his role.
Moody and Batista showed up

Nice to see the team out together having fun.
Some of you crack me up. No offense to anyone or shots intended here... But saying no to PJ for MDA is NUTS.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Some of you crack me up. No offense to anyone or shots intended here... But saying no to PJ for MDA is NUTS.

and to top that off wasnt two weeks ago dudes in here was callin for dantoni to get fired?  

as it has been proved in the past dantoni will NEVER win a title no matter how talented his team is....
To the knick fans that actually wanna keep mda need to get their head examined. I mean a 500 record is all that it took to change ur minds? How pathetic is that lulz.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

To the knick fans that actually wanna keep mda need to get their head examined. I mean a 500 record is all that it took to change ur minds? How pathetic is that lulz.

You got a point
Fans got that battered wife syndrome. At 500 scared to change anything. It's ridiculous

And I'm sure most the team like MDA. Because he doesn't hold people accountable and their practices are prolly jokes.Watch doc out coach us Sunday lol.
If there is anything guys like Phil and Pat Reily were good at, its bringing a team together regardless of who they are....getting superstars to buy in....and gets RESULTS.

Not saying I want Phil here but you can't neglect the kind of coaching those two guys do, a lot of great coaches are unable to do what those two do.
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