Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio Mr Dink Mr Dink

I come in peace?

how come DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican never gets banned for his “trolling”? not that I think he should get banned
how come DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican never gets banned for his “trolling”? not that I think he should get banned
If you don't think he should be banned, why are you asking why he has never been banned?

I can't speak for the rest of the staff but I have never MYSELF seen DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican trolling, or anything that would warrant a ban. Doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but I can't recall ever seeing anything from DCAA that would even come close to being ban worthy.
then why mention it???
I don’t know. It was a random thought I had in my head. U don’t ever wonder random stuff? One day I thought what if Ninjahood said the stuff he said, but he wasn’t Dominican but a heavy set French dude.
So fill me in here, because I missed the trolling episode:

A group of Black members who've experienced racism on this message board, came together and created a thread about it. A thread that could possibly create a conversation to offer education. However, instead of coming in to ask questions and learn, a number of members (presumably White and "White") attempted to undermine the thread by trolling? Okay, sure. Sad thing is, as I mentioned earlier, those trolling members camp out and/or pay high resale for sneakers that have a Black man's name on it.

Here are the three stages of being Black in ANY industry (since I'm an actor I'll use mine as an example):

"If you guys want it so much, maybe you should make your own."

(Black producers, writers, directors and actors get together and create their own)

"Oh you guys started your own little thing, that's cute."

("Own little thing" that's "cute" turns into a behemoth of success and generate ugly amounts of money).

"An exclusive approach like this is what's going to prevent us from unifying. We have to aim to be more inclusive if we truly want to achieve unity (as they return to their intentionally predominantly White artistic institution)."
Americans are unique in their renunciation of history. What a shame that in speaking to an immigrant their knowledge of American history (presidents, wars, economics etc). What every immigrant (even African ones) always fail to learn prior to coming here is the racial history. I remember having a conversation with my wealthy Indian friend who could tell you each president, the state they are from, the economic indicators of each inflection point in history etc. But failed to know (And reacted with shock) that the Missisippi Delta was the epicenter of personal wealth in the 18th and 19th century due to one industry.

I feel that logical (albeit naive) individuals are moved by data. And unfortunately most people that are willingly ignorant to our racial past care more about money. When put in monetary terms I find that a lot of people either A.) shutup or B.) resign to "doing more research"
Americans are unique in their renunciation of history. What a shame that in speaking to an immigrant their knowledge of American history (presidents, wars, economics etc). What every immigrant (even African ones) always fail to learn prior to coming here is the racial history. I remember having a conversation with my wealthy Indian friend who could tell you each president, the state they are from, the economic indicators of each inflection point in history etc. But failed to know (And reacted with shock) that the Missisippi Delta was the epicenter of personal wealth in the 18th and 19th century due to one industry.

I feel that logical (albeit naive) individuals are moved by data. And unfortunately most people that are willingly ignorant to our racial past care more about money. When put in monetary terms I find that a lot of people either A.) shutup or B.) resign to "doing more research"
Model minority initiative is the reason for this.
Likely just waiting on some new development. I will say mods do a much better job now of sending them to their corner.
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