Lets play a game: You pick a movie, remove one letter, and give a brief description.

Topic Thunder - a documentary dissecting the tumultuous on and off court antics of Russell Westbrook.
How to Train Your Drago- A prequel to Rocky IV, a scrawny russian athlete struggles with steroid use but becomes a great boxer.
Rag me to hell- a man suffers the 7 days of his girlfriends premenstrual period with mood swings and blood and late night cravings.
Revenge of the sit- the first time a young boy sits down after his first homosexual encounter proves nearly fatal.
Fade to back - Story of the best barber NYC has ever seen who decides to retire and film his retirement haircut. Can we get an encore?
Texas Chainsaw D - Women talk about their experiences dealing with men who had protruding growths on their penis. Guest starting Ramon.

5 Up - A look into the 47 miller blood gang and life after their initial You Tube hit, "if you blood throw it up."

Gagster Squad - A behind the scenes look into the interracial porn world. Starring Mr. Marcus, Wesley Pipes, Justin Slayer.

KY Fall - A young immigrant, hard up for work, finds a job cleaning floors on porn sets.
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Trouble With The Cure - A science team has found the cure for cancer, but big pharma refuses to further fund their research, due to fear of drastic profit losses.

The Ho Bit - Pimp, Huggy Johnson is faced with a dilemma. Is the customer due a refund or is penile trauma just part of the game?

P Rental Guidance - Due to the hit and miss of porn tape quality back in the 80's, Jerry decides to create mandatory rating labels.

The Man With The Iron Fits - Sir Marc Jacobs is a regular joe in medieval times. Dissatisfied with the blandness of armor, he decides to add some flavor to his attire. After garnering massive attention, he soon becomes the official outfitter of the knighthood.

Para Norma - A dying, rich tycoon leaves a sealed envelope for his long time latina house maid, Norma. Due to the tycoons impending death, she was relieved of her duties and returned to Guatemala. To fulfill his fathers final wishes, and rightfully give Norma her envelope, John embarks on a search for Norma.

The Guilt Rip - In the midst of a heated sibling rivalry, Jessica discovers damning evidence about her brother, Tyler. In turn, Jessica uses this leverage to have Tyler burn her a disc of her favorite R&B tunes.
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Amistad ---- "Mista D" - a biopic about a man who gives the D to "NEW" friends... who?.....
The Ark Knight Rises - After months at sea, alone, and many nights of resistance, Sir John, the knight in charge of guarding the animals on Noahs ark, is faced with the ultimate dilemma.
"Fool, Rush In" - a man bout dat life, tries to tempt people from his hood to come and try to get his money stash.

"Goo Burger" - disgruntled employee who's mad at the world introduces his "special" sauce in his new burger.

"T.I Cup" - a challenge from T.I himself to see who can get the most parole violations in one year.

"Trip tease" - a man fakes out a group of elders that they won a trip to the Caribbean.... they goin to Camden instead.
Beats of the Southern Wild - Lil Jon narrates a documentary exploring the crunk phase of the south.

Rust? And One! - Michael Jordan returns to the NBA at the age of 50. Doubtful of his present skills, opponents talk trash, he's "washed up", "too old", "rusty." Hijinks ensue and MJ proves otherwise.

The Twilight Sag: Breaking Dawn - Young students in Harlem take sagging to another level. Not quite full moon, but close.

Monsters, IN. - After an embarrassing loss, the Monstars attempt to hone their skills in the basketball capital of Indiana.

His Is 40 - Jason pulls up to a red light with his lady and notices Jay Z has also pulled up to the red light. Jason and his lady begin to discuss the price difference between his vehicle and Jay's. His lady assumes Jay's is 40k more. Frustrated with the speculation and disrespect, Jason, at the behest of his lady, rolls down the window, grabbing Jay's attention, and asks.
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Jango Unchained - Young Jason recently moved to NYC as his dad pursues a Phd from Columbia. An avid basketball player, Jason soon finds solace at a no frills Harlem black top, with no nets and no chains. Due to his Anglo background and propensity to shoot jumpers that dont even touch the rim, he is dubbed "Jango". The J is silent.
Sakes On A Plane - CEO, John, is in first class headed to Japan. After a few hours, he realizes the only alcohol option is sake. He then declares he's had it with these ____ sakes on this ____ plane!
Delhi Bell - A Catholic missionary in New Delhi, India finds a hard time attracting attracting patrons to his church and goes to some wacky lengths to entice people to come. Hilarity ensues.
Lie of pi......young man stuck in boat with a tiger....no believes him ... decides to go the legal route to citizenship
Alex Ross - A white suburban teenager moves to a poor black neighborhood after his father looses his job (and subsequently the house).  To fit in, Alex dubs himself Alex Ross and affiliates himself with Maybach Music Group in order to become popular.  Hilarity ensues.
ITS BACK!!! This is honestly on of my favorite threads in all of my time on NT.

The lulz are endless. :lol:

Mini swag list but Bobby is one of my favorite NTers.....my dude is too funny/creative. :lol: :nthat:
Really couldn't resist the urge to bump this?

Coming to 'Merica - A young prince from Africa comes to study Economics to better his country......at the University of Alabama.
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