LIFE Goes Inside Today's KKK (pics)

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what are the equivalents of the kkk for minorities?

i mean i know some people dislike whites and other races, but is there such a group of hispanics, blacks, asian, etc to truly dislike white people like the klan hates everybody that isn't white?

those are called terrorist organizations. "we don't negotiate with terrorist". 
my question is since they are classified as a terrorist organization why are they allowed to demonstrate freely? Would it be unconstitutional for them not to be able 
to do so?
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

i see tbone and hovkid in there somewhere


See? I can do that, too. 
Originally Posted by CJ863

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what are the equivalents of the kkk for minorities?

i mean i know some people dislike whites and other races, but is there such a group of hispanics, blacks, asian, etc to truly dislike white people like the klan hates everybody that isn't white?

those are called terrorist organizations. "we don't negotiate with terrorist". 
my question is since they are classified as a terrorist organization why are they allowed to demonstrate freely? Would it be unconstitutional for them not to be able 
to do so?
once again, the hypocrisy of america's double standards...
hmm. i wonder if any of them are brave enough to parade around in their suit by themselves. Ignorant cowards
useless to society.
dude has racist tatted on his forehead.
Originally Posted by MontellGriffin97

as a black man that doesn't even acknowledge these goofy's, those custom timb soles are sick/sick.

come @ m3 bro
lol they can leave hate marks in the ground they walk on
Spoiler [+]
Wow...I have no sympathy for the adults whatsoever but what really kills me is that their children get indoctrinated with this stupidity. I wonder if the parents realize how much they are damaging their kids.
I have been to a Klan parade in Goldsboro NC before. Was pretty interesting. Underneath all that rhetoric they are still people too that have loved ones and children. I don't hate them even if they may or may not hate me and others like myself. Just one of the many flaws we have as humans. Things have gotten better though, because back in the 50's that black couple would have been lynched. 
Originally Posted by Hop

Wow...I have no sympathy for the adults whatsoever but what really kills me is that their children get indoctrinated with this stupidity. I wonder if the parents realize how much they are damaging their kids.
the cycle continues. This is their culture and they pass it on. They were more than likely raised the same way.
Parent licensing classes anyone?
they'd be surprised how much they have in common with militant groups of other races. one thing these groups have in common is their shared interest in distaste for the government...
I personally don't give a #%#! about anyone who lives their life based on hate. If you're going to hate, at least openly hate; only cowards hide behind a costume and mask. So proud of what they believe in than they shouldn't be so afraid to do it in public.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

I have been to a Klan parade in Goldsboro NC before. Was pretty interesting. Underneath all that rhetoric they are still people too that have loved ones and children. I don't hate them even if they may or may not hate me and others like myself. Just one of the many flaws we have as humans. Things have gotten better though, because back in the 50's that black couple would have been lynched. 
were you just there to see what it was all about? did you get hassled?
Originally Posted by alan713

I personally don't give a #%#! about anyone who lives their life based on hate. If you're going to hate, at least openly hate; only cowards hide behind a costume and mask. So proud of what they believe in than they shouldn't be so afraid to do it in public.

symptoms of passive aggressive behavior 
''[font=arial, sans-serif]And a real man don't hide behind sheets! You [/font]take these bullets for them sheets[font=arial, sans-serif]! "- Malcom X movie
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