LIFE Goes Inside Today's KKK (pics)

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Dude seriously has "Racist" tatted on his forehead
Lol was just about to say this 
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

I have been to a Klan parade in Goldsboro NC before. Was pretty interesting. Underneath all that rhetoric they are still people too that have loved ones and children. I don't hate them even if they may or may not hate me and others like myself. Just one of the many flaws we have as humans. Things have gotten better though, because back in the 50's that black couple would have been lynched. 
were you just there to see what it was all about? did you get hassled?

Yes, I just wanted to see what it was all about. I didn't get hassled, just a few confused looks
. They marched peacefully, which is somewhat of a paradox being that people have violent images of them. I'm just glad that things are better than what they used to be.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Dude seriously has "Racist" tatted on his forehead
Lol was just about to say this 
I just wanna know what he does for a living....Drug dealer perhaps.
American terrorists. All this racism reminds me of the movies American History X and Crash. I don't understand why these people can't just live their lives and not worry about people they don't like.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

I have been to a Klan parade in Goldsboro NC before. Was pretty interesting. Underneath all that rhetoric they are still people too that have loved ones and children. I don't hate them even if they may or may not hate me and others like myself. Just one of the many flaws we have as humans. Things have gotten better though, because back in the 50's that black couple would have been lynched. 
were you just there to see what it was all about? did you get hassled?

Yes, I just wanted to see what it was all about. I didn't get hassled, just a few confused looks
. They marched peacefully, which is somewhat of a paradox being that people have violent images of them. I'm just glad that things are better than what they used to be.

They "march peacefully" because they are on a short leash...  Not only will protestors of the Klan not take any of their shenanigans, neither does law enforcement....

Back in the 50s & 60s they had political power so they were allowed to do as they pleased (for the most part)... In 2011 no one likes their +** backwards logic or pure hatred, and supporting them would be political suicide so if they get out of line they will be dealt with in a quick fashion..
these people are absolute trash. honestly, i would want to laugh in their face about what jokes their lives are
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

what are the equivalents of the kkk for minorities?

i mean i know some people dislike whites and other races, but is there such a group of hispanics, blacks, asian, etc to truly dislike white people like the klan hates everybody that isn't white?
Nothing really, the KKK were a minority suppression group as the minority groups were about up lifting themselves and getting along with people. I do not know alot of those groups but I have yet to hear of a Blackl/latino/asian version of KKK
Where i'm from the KKK is alive and well.. (NC by the way).. They have secret meetings, but they keep it on the hush hush... And they don't wear uniform or anything like that... I tell people all the time racism is def alive
the Klan scared me for YEARS

we spend a summer in SC when we were younger w/my grandparents and that summer they were burning crosses in front a few grandfather was also a pastor at the time and i was terrified...

i didnt tell my parents till like last year about how scared i was and they said they would have came and got us had they known...

cuz of that i don't want to live any further south than VA
I knew racism was still alive when i went to a restaurant and asked the waiter what he would recommend and it was all dishes that included chicken. Little italian place, but it was good. I'm not going to hate.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by jpap348

How people can live a life that revolves around so much hate just baffles me
i'll never understand what they gain from this
They are under the illusion that they are actually gaining momentum and will soon become a respected and significant political force.
Because, you know, nothing looks better when running for a political seat than having "racist" tatted on your face.
Originally Posted by INS

I knew racism was still alive when i went to a restaurant and asked the waiter what he would recommend and it was all dishes that included chicken. Little italian place, but it was good. I'm not going to hate.

On the side-note, is your avy the graffiti on Haight St. in SF?

Back on topic, I hope more minorities start moving into their areas so hopefully they can see how everyone is really the same and not judge them by their skin color. But it was worst back in the day and in this day and age it seems like we're moving forward as whole. I wish I can say this about religion. However, there are cases of US soldiers raping and killing people overseas which most times stem from some form of racism or ethnic supremacy type of thinking. 
Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Dude seriously has "Racist" tatted on his forehead

Hes actually doing us a favor.
If only it were this easy to spot all of them.
...that is homegrown terrorism at its finest...but as long as they stay hidden in the backwoods...they shouldn't be a problem...
Originally Posted by INS

I knew racism was still alive when i went to a restaurant and asked the waiter what he would recommend and it was all dishes that included chicken. Little italian place, but it was good. I'm not going to hate.
if he just recommended a bunch of dishes that each had chicken in em
you might be reachings

If he said "all dishes with chicken" then
Originally Posted by SoFreakinWavy

obama was elected, racism doesnt exist anymore

I can't even hate these people for believing in what they do. That would make me just as bad as them.

Speaking to real life racists is crazy though, I have this thing where I love to get into people's heads and learn everything I can about them in a short span of time. I've actually spoken to a few members of Stormfront and some of the actual racists on /b/ (not the ones that just spew the N word cuz no one can reach them) and it's eye opening.
I actually recommend it to everyone who can keep their cool and carry on intelligent (lol) conversation with those who think the way Nazis and Neo Nazis do.

The Neo Nazis in Russia are on some complete next !!$$ though.
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