LIL WAyne.... SWAGGA JACKA... i did not know this **VIDS**

drake took a line from jada also " Im a hard guy to get a long with get on a song with, when %^$@ be going right I flip it to the wrong $%^#"something like that.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

[Lil Wayne]
And a lot of heart patients don't make it but hey kid
Plural, I graduated
'Cause you can get through anything if Magic made it
And that was called recycling Re: reciting something
'Cause you just like it so you say it just like it
Some say it's biting but I say it's enlightening
Besides Dr. Kanye West is one of the brightest
[Lil Wayne]

dude knows what he does and its very common in rap music......
but its different when you bite someones ENTIRE verse, usually dudes just take a bar from someones verse here or there but when you use someonesentire verse and actually make it sound like you made it is f'n ridiculous.

I still think Wayne is a good rapper but damn
diddy made millions doing this .. and he didnt do entire verse .. he did entire songs .. LMAO
Waynes verse in Girls all around is straight from Rakim Paid in full. He take like 7 lines then adds another to make it "his"
I mean.. These are so obvious though.. It's not like he went to some super underground artist and took his lines and straight acted like they were all his.IMO, there's a difference.
I've seen these videos a long time ago. I try to tell these hardcore Weezy fans that he uses other rappers' lines and they say I'm hating on him.
bro you guys are over reacting. its not like this dude is tryna claim he spit it first. he's just havin fun with it. the aaliyah verse was OD for sure butwho cares. everyone does this and people are just talking on here because its wayne.
Imitation is the finest form of flattery. This is not even a big deal it is common in Hip-Hop.
jay z 'swagger jacking' is funnier because with wayne, a lot of people know he's just a joke and probably expect this from him. now jay'sfollowing swear he's the second coming of rap or some %#!.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by dgk3188

??? aint that serious.

its not like hes taking their lyrics and just stealing and passing it off as his own

tons of rapper do this.

paying homage
ehh to a certain extent but when you steal an entire verse its kind of outta hand
QFT!!!! He took the whole first verse from Aaliyah and Musiq. I can justify a bar or two from another rapper cause all of em do it, but the wholeverse from the late Aaliyah???? And dude treat this dude like he's the 2nd coming
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