Mad Men Season 7 Discussion Thread - Final Episodes - SERIES FINALE

^ you gotta remember those, it's the 60s. women still werent totally respected all around.
and your wife having a kissing scene in any era is already raising eyebrows and causing feelings. makes no man feel good
"We need to talk about Harry Crane"

"He's gone. Anything else?"

:lol: Roger is awesome.

It was great to see Don being weak and pitied in the office. It was uncomfortable and awkward and portrayed perfectly on screen. We've seen Don for years look powerful and in command in the office, and even if you just watched it on mute.. you could tell things were vastly different.

Yeah, some people like Ginsberg were happy to see him back, but the partners, Peggy, etc., all feel like they're better off. Roger had his back though.. the positives Don brought to the agency over the years far outweighed the negatives. Yeah, they're trying to get him to quit, they're making him weaker, but like it's been said, that's how he started off. He tricked Roger into giving him a job, he worked his way up, he's talented.. he just lost himself.

Hopefully this leads to some redemption for Don.. we probably won't get an outright transformation, but I'm excited. I can't wait to see Pete and Ted's reaction to Don returning :lol:
Ted going to self destruct, he probably has a Don shrine with a voodoo doll in his crib, dude is weird.
"We need to talk about Harry Crane"

"He's gone. Anything else?"

Roger is awesome.
Roger's intense hate for Harry has been one of the funnies running jokes throughout the entire series. Any time his name comes up you can just see him sigh like, "Jesus, what now?" 
^ you gotta remember those, it's the 60s. women still werent totally respected all around.
and your wife having a kissing scene in any era is already raising eyebrows and causing feelings. makes no man feel good

That would be valid if he cared about her (or any of his former wives and affairs). Don goes looking for trophy wives. He saves them but he does not love them. Megan and Betty both called him out on it too. Don't care to see them succeed in any way.

His family is his fallback plan. During the riots he called his mistress before he called his kids. So what does it matter what she does? Especially since he is not secretive about any of this to anyone but his kids.

EDIT: I mean Betty
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Joan rattled me when she was hesitant/ cynical towards dons return, simply for the fact she whored herself to become a partner
Joan just stressed man.

They all ***** themselves out to get where they've gotten, her's was just more literal.

Honestly I'm probably just defending her because I want Christina Hendricks to have my children.
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Thats the thin though, i thought Joan was don's Ace. they never did anything and always had pure respect for each other.
I can't remember any episode where they had a fallen out or even came on to each other. (I think there was one bar scene a couple of seasons back when they were alone and i think she mentioned it and he was just like, cuz we cool)
Thats the thin though, i thought Joan was don's Ace. they never did anything and always had pure respect for each other.
I can't remember any episode where they had a fallen out or even came on to each other. (I think there was one bar scene a couple of seasons back when they were alone and i think she mentioned it and he was just like, cuz we cool)
don tried her and she rebuffed him in the bar
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don tried her and she rebuffed him in the bar

I'm pretty sure it was that Joan was upset over something and Don was chilin with her for a couple hours. Then she found a guy she thought was cute but said something along the lines of "yah right I been with you for a couple hours" and he said something along the lines of "Well maybe I struck out"

Thats the thin though, i thought Joan was don's Ace. they never did anything and always had pure respect for each other.
I can't remember any episode where they had a fallen out or even came on to each other. (I think there was one bar scene a couple of seasons back when they were alone and i think she mentioned it and he was just like, cuz we cool)

They had a fallin out when Don ****** it up with one of their car accounts after she had slept with the fat guy to give them a chance at it. Don didnt know she slept with him tho. Luckily Roger had landed GM but Joan was still mad because that wasnt part of Don's plan.

I'm cool with some shady ***********s so don is :smokin to me. But messing up with that account is the first time I said "Damn, you are terrible". Tho I did feel bad for his brother who killed himself because Don didnt want him in his life. Still tho I have contemplated leaving and burning all bridges. My mom is the only reason I don't do that.
don tried her and she rebuffed him in the bar

Joan got served with divorce papers and she was pissed so Don took her to the Jaguar dealership to test drive a whip and get drunk. He wasn't trying to get at her he was trying to cheer her up.
That's not what happened at all.

They talked about their past, about her moving on, and about the guy interested in Joan and talking about "He doesn't know what he wants.. but he's wanting".. and Joan's reply "He knows. It's just the way he is and it's just the way she is". Which is also a commentary on Don and his dealings with women. They were just two friends sharing a moment.. Don wasn't trying to sleep with her.. he probably would have if he wanted to.
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Yeah y'all got bad memory. If anything I got the vibe early on that Joan would've def gave it up to Don. Don specifically didn't try to to smash cuz of her position and that over time he grew to respect her.
as for peggy I understand her drive as a strong independent woman in that era, but c mon hun show respect to the guy who got you where you are. :smh:

I agree on the first point of Don needing to smash a few women this season :lol: :smokin

secondly, Peggy is a little *****, she been a ***** for seasons too, nothing new. she wants to be a leader, but lacks any leadership qualities :x :lol: :lol:

Peggy = Meg Griffin of Mad Men :lol:
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yall need to rewatch that scene he was def drunk and tryna smash, but joan wasnt going for it

You need to watch the entire episode again, because you do not know what was going on if you think he was tryna smash. He was chillin with a friend. Soothing her when she was down
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A lot of moon talk this episode. Don is going to land a space race account and turn it all around.
I loved the symbolism with the computer and Don and the guy's conversation about it.

Freddy with the inspiration. Put the uniform on and get to work :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

I kind of thought Roger's daughter was being recruited by a cult, rather than just the hippie lifestyle.. but that worked too.

Peggy being Don's boss on this new account should be great.. but I'm expecting them to reconnect over their shared passion for the work. Peggy's been lacking a companion in that arena and Don fit that role perfectly. I won't be surprised if they manage to oust Lou by the end of this "season" and we start next year with Don back in charge.. or sharing that with Peggy.
Don is going to learn to respect Peggy

Feel like Don will work his way back to the top but give the leadership role to Peggy.
Don really aint have no plan after mindlessly saying yes to those demands. To think he sat in Lane's former office for 3 weeks straight doing nothing. Only to come out and get Peggy is your boss.

Yeah, I can see Don respecting her more. It's already set up for him to see her struggle against Lou and put down despite having good ideas or making the right decision.

:lol: @ Rogers daughter. After she finally told him off I wanted to react back telling her she's damn near 30 acting like a petualnt child just cuz she has mommy and daddy issues. She just needs to get it together but it's clear she don't have the fortitude and isn't a fit mother. She's probably gonna realize her situation when it's too late.

This ep did feel a bit hollow and kinda went by faster than usual.
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