Mad Men Season Six Thread - Episode Thirteen - Season Finale - "In Care Of"

He Tricked on Midge you're right. But he sure as hell didn't trick on Bobbie. And he punched Jimmie cause that boy got a loud mouth and bumped his gums to Betty, not cause he loved that broad. He may have tricked on Midge but he didn't love that broad he wasn't heartbroken when they split. Don went on 2 dates with Bethany like 6 months a part and caught neck in the cab, how is that simping? Don didn't want to be with Faye cause she wasn't good with his kids and dude legit loved Megan I don't see how you can simp on your wife. It's not like he doesn't call Megan out on her BS, he isn't just putting up with anything. Don cheats because he is a sex addict nothing else to it.

Your boy Roger is much more simp like. Let's not forget Roger is paying alimony to both of his ex-wives, Don is not giving Betty a dime. Roger bought Joan a fur off the jump, we don't see Don buying chicks huge gifts from the jump. Roger bought Joan a parrot and offered to get her her own place, we never see Don offering to get these chicks a place. Roger definitely offered to support Joan's baby 100% and she said no. Roger also put on black face (something that seems against his normal character) just to make Jane laugh, we would never see Don break his code just to make a chick laugh.

Don pulled off on Megan when she was acting stupid at the HoJo, real simpish right. Don doesn't fake like he's not married, all the women know what's up with him and he just spits that game so they hear what he wants. He never tells one of his mistresses he loves them, just spits game to keep them coming back. He isn't out there doing outlandish things and breaking his neck for these women so I really don't understand how you can call him a simp.
I think we have a communications breakdown as to what exactly a SIMP is...

Don is not a simp.

Obviously Roger is not a simp either.

I think Don's a sex addict and gets bored consistently smashing the same cooch. We're finally getting a glimpse into why Don's addicted to sex (we used to live in a *****-house). I think these past experiences make him who he is now. I hope we get a more in depth look at that this season.

BIG SHOUT OUTS to Peggy Olsen for swaggin that review meeting. Don's gotta figure out a way to get her back on the team. She's a G.

BIG SHOUT OUTS to Joan, she did her thing last episode too.

BIG SHOUT OUTS to Harry .... about time he did something like that. As more season go along, the more I really like his character, the same goes for Ken Cosgrove
A simp isn't judged by his actions ...but his motives, a simp executes weak motives based off emotion.
Roger tricks...and it ain't trickin' if you got it.

...Don wants to feel loved by these **** and onces he does he leaves them, Hamm has said this in commentary before.

He's a broken simp.

Roger >>>>

.....self-made boss.
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Hmmmm. Interesting rebuttal. Lemme think on it and get back to you with a more thoughtful reply. I feel what you're saying tho
Didn't Roger inherit the company from his pops?

I agree with the notion that Don is out there searching for love. He gets attached to these women while chasing the feeling of them loving him back. This is evidenced when he tried to spend his bonus taking that one broad (who later turned out to be a fiend) to Paris. She declined, practically saying the love will never be there. But he's insatiable when on the pursuit to find love from these side pieces. So he GIVES her the money.

I'd say it's pretty interesting to think of just how mentally unstable a person must be to constantly use people to satisfy their own desires. He gets married, gets his emotional fix, then realized he's somewhat trapped, so he cheats. Thing is, he implores the same tactics on his side joints as he did on the women he called his wives. Don's that dude, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I don't see how the argument could be made for his simpish tendencies.
Roger wants to be loved by them too, and openly admits it. I just don't get how you can call one a simp and not the other. And since when is a simp about emotions instead of actions?
He DOES buy them gifts and HAS ... He simped for ALL his love interests EVERY season.

Betty, he ruined her model career, she was unhappy and resented him, HE cheated.

Midge, he DID FALL IN LOVE with her and when he hit her with the "lets make this real" ...she bounced. (textbook simp protocol)
Jimmy's wife Bobbie, caught feelings and punched Jimmy over Bobbie

Bethany ...he put up with her annoyance 
Faye ...curved Don then he toys with her for revenge the curves her.
Megan ...stupid secretary, so he saves her, pays for everything while she cries, pouts and gets drunk cause she doesn't wan't to admit she's a horrible actress.
Don cheats after she admits she's broken.

...Don is the simp master ... ROGER has the true COLD HAND on these ****, got Joan lying to her husband about HIS kid, got his ex-wfe hooking up meetings, AND broke it off with his NEW ex-wife after doing LSD....Roger is really that dude, he's a true ALPHA...he gives NO DAMBS at all, about NOTHING.

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Roger wants to be loved by them too, and openly admits it. I just don't get how you can call one a simp and not the other. And since when is a simp about emotions instead of actions?
Don't take this the wrong way but you might be a simp, it's okay I too I'm not saying it as a diss only an observation... you truly might be a simp.

Roger admits he doesn't know what he wants and he doesn't care about ANYTHING...even this season with his pyschologist.

Roger is the epitome of "the white man" ...he conquers with no purpose and he's good at it because he doesn't try to.

Unlike Pete Campbell who had/has a decent wife, a nice education and good family and messes it up to fit in. He cried in the elevator about not having nothing after Pryce beat him down and the young girl curving him in drivers ed (Nothing being women and men that reaffirm his accomplishments and importance)

Don Draper is a simp. But don't take these observations from me:

How does it affect people in general if they lose a parent before they ever know them?
It's going to vary on the person, but a kid could learn from that situation that they can't rely on anybody, because people die and they disappear. And so they could become fiercely independent and learn that they have to do everything for themselves. They might go one of two ways: They might find a parental figure in somebody else, or they might become parentified themselves in taking care of other people, which is very much what Don steps up to do. In the cultural context, he becomes the Man. And there could definitely be a component of that in his crisis, in that Megan doesn't need him anymore. She doesn't need him to be successful; she doesn't need him for anything. And now what's his purpose? So he goes to someone who does need him.

Does that explain his inability to be faithful? If it's because he always needs someone to need him, that would certainly hold up with Megan, but I don't think it applies to every woman he's cheated with.
Maybe not. I think there's two parts to it for him, the other one being the pursuit. He needs something to be chasing; he needs something to be going after, kind of like his going after Dow at the end of last season. The other side being, he needs someone who wants or needs him, so that he can serve as maybe a little bit of an authority figure or a guide or a leader. And you can tie this back to another thing, which is that Peggy's gone, too.

That's a good point.
So he doesn't have a role of somebody to lead within the company right now either. Ginsberg and the rest of the staff are flying a little bit solo, compared to how it was before. When Megan was working within the company, it was very collaborative, and Don really drew from that. Then when she moved on to her own career, he had his business, she had hers, but he was still supporting her. Now she's a rising star and really doesn't need him anymore and has her own life. And so he's not needed to be the Man, necessarily, to serve in that kind of role.

Is there a kind of therapy that specifically addresses Don's type of crisis?
There's existential therapy — logo therapy is another name for it — which was brought up by Victor Frankl. He was a psychiatrist who survived the concentration camps, and back then the common wisdom of the time was that if you take away people's food and shelter and everything else, they'll devolve into animals and they'll tear each other apart to survive. And his experience was that people weren't like that; they were very generous with each other, and they gave food to each other even when they were starving. And he said that the people who really survived were the people who found purpose and meaning in their life, something to live for. And so part of his therapy is based around people trying to find meaning in their life; he wrote a little book called Man's Search for Meaning, which is about his experiences with this. And so for Don, and for Roger a lot, too — these are men caught in a position now where they don't have as much purpose in Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. They aren't really necessary anymore. All the younger people are keeping the ship afloat for the most part, and Don's ideas even aren't really sticking. They're both lacking purpose. Roger's psychoanalysis is hilarious, by the way.

Also this is worth checking out....
For those who might have been confused, but Peggy didn't win the Heinz account, which some thought originally from what I'm reading. A third, bigger company won the account.
What is your definition of a simp? And I'm far from a simp, you can ask any girl I've ever been with I'm not bending over backwards not am I breaking my code. Anybody that personally knows me knows that I keep it 100 with every single person. I had the opportunity to smash this bad indian joint, all i had to do was do the cha cha slide or some line dance and those cheeks were mine. However, I don't do line dances and I'm not breaking my code for ****, that's how anti-simp I am.
What is your definition of a simp? And I'm far from a simp, you can ask any girl I've ever been with I'm not bending over backwards not am I breaking my code. Anybody that personally knows me knows that I keep it 100 with every single person. I had the opportunity to smash this bad indian joint, all i had to do was do the cha cha slide or some line dance and those cheeks were mine. However, I don't do line dances and I'm not breaking my code for ****, that's how anti-simp I am.
And who would do the cha cha slide first? Roger or Don? You know the answer is Roger, Don flipped on Megan for giving him the Zou Bisou Bisou dance...she made him take the yambs and be a real man the next day because he wasn't acting like one who deserved her sexually. That's why she never snitched on Harry when she walked in on their conversation about smashing her if he could....she wanted that response from Don, but Don only gets turned on when he gets to wear the cape and save ****.

You hear Roger in this scene, "how come you don't sing like that for me?"...and she says "how come you don't look like Don?" ...But Roger got the buns anyway and looked like "*****, I don't gotta look like Don, I got money". ...again everything about Roger is alpha, even when he was high on LSD his fear was not being "the man".

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Loved the secrecy over the Project K and the spy music as Stan went into the secret room.... plus I generally enjoy the contrast between he and Don so seeing them smoking together was a funny sight.

Harry has always be an interesting character because he gets to be the punching bag for the more composed and professional characters, but he is quite valuable to the firm. Still doesn't warrant him insulting Joan in front of the other partners and she did help him out when he was first starting in his TV position. And it was funny to see Roger and Bert, who do the absolute least amount of real work, mocking Harry.

Ken got a nice moment when he basically said "what the F" to Don, Pete, and Stan for screwing him out of his client in Heinz beans. Don went back on his bit on loyalty, which doesn't surprise us knowing Don, and it likely was worth the risk.. but still blew up on them.

Peggy stealing Don's line about "If you don't like what they're saying, change the conversation" which only cements her transition into a female Don 2.0 and I loved Don listening in on it. Something I didn't think about until I saw it mentioned on Warming Glow was the idea of Peggy's new firm and SCDP merging. It would make sense since both groups were complaining about being made to fight over a client. They'd certainly do more business if they were together, rather than having to fight over a client, they could fight the big names. And it would be a GREAT conflict for next season if Peggy and Don are equals at the same company.

Credit for the music and production of the episode too, they were able to incorporate the psychedelic 60s feelings well into the episode with Joan and the air of new ideas and progressive attitudes, especially with the swingers coming on to Don and Megan. :lol:

And big credit for finally giving Dawn some plot.
Don don't love them ****, he leaves and goes as he pleases. Dude just loves sex. Don not out there buying random biddies gifts, cooking dinner for them, or taking them out or anything. Don tells them broads exactly what they want to hear, gets his, and dips. I just don't get how he would qualify as a simp. My mans ain't care when Betty left, didn't care when Midge fell in love with that one dude. He just doesn't care about them, he only wants the yambs.

You forgot about the artist ***** from the first season. He signed over his bonus so she can get a whip. She paid for the apartment and bought a ****** painting of hers. She eventually used that money for heroin tho. He was Hov of his time.

You know I - thug em, **** em, love em, leave em
Cause I don't ****** need em
Take em out the hood, keep em lookin good
But I don't ****** feed em

I don't recall him ever buying these **** food. :rofl:. Only with his current mistress and the doctor paid for that!

Still though. I agree with you. His alpha on every level

He stay with his pack (loyalty to heinz baked beans)
He the hunter gatherer
******* be choosin him
He run things (At the firm whatever he says goes, whether you like it or not)

Thats what people with pockets do. Give these **** some change. It aint nothin to him. Dude acting like Don is spending the last of his money on em
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I'll give you that Roger is a natural alpha, I don't think Don is naturally built to be an alpha. He has transformed to hide what he originally was so I can see Roger being more alpha. I'm still just trying to get to the simp part, I just don't see it. When I think of a simp, at least in terms of Media, I think of Ace from Casino. I just don't see those same tendencies in Don. I also don't think that simp and beta are interchangeable, you can still be an alpha and be a simp.
 think of Ace from Casino. I just don't see those same tendencies in Don.
Don hired Megan SIMPLY to have her by his side even though she wasn't equipped or earned the right to be there like Peggy or Joan, this was stressed and disclosed on SEVERAL episodes. She's expressing her feelings of being smothered by Don while she's drunk. She feels trapped.

No woman should feel trapped, only simps be out here trappin' ****...the elevator scene of him almost falling in the empty shaft was symbolic to him having no purpose but to serve and save women. He's free falling without a woman to save. His character is a simp bruh.

Sam was trappin Ginger she started breaking down and despising him like Betty despises Don for TRAPPING her... Betty was model and HAPPY.

I see what you are saying but sexual attraction to having disposable income is a real thing. I don't know why there isnt a word for it. I go to a high rank business school and you would be surprised how many people are attracted to PAYING for sex in some way. Whether it is directly handing over cash or buying girls things.

I am not saying it is a majority, or that it is common, but it is a thing.

Also good girls go bad. I dont see why omega males or whatever can't be tired of being nobodies and pick up alpha male qualities.
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 think of Ace from Casino. I just don't see those same tendencies in Don.

Don hired Megan SIMPLY to have her by his side even though she wasn't equipped or earned the right to be there like Peggy or Joan, this was stressed and disclosed on SEVERAL episodes. She's expressing her feelings of being smothered by Don while she's drunk. She feels trapped.

No woman should feel trapped, only simps be out here trappin' ****...the elevator scene of him almost falling in the empty shaft was symbolic to him having no purpose but to serve and save women. He's free falling without a woman to save. His character is a simp bruh.

Sam was trappin Ginger she started breaking down and despising him like Betty despises Don for TRAPPING her... Betty was model and HAPPY.

Bruh, but those two women are/were MARRIED to him. It's not like he is out there smothering his jumpoffs. Did he smother Megan, hell yeah he did but lets look at why he smothered her. Don really started to feel whole once he started to mess with Megan, she was good with his kids and was actually pretty good as a copywriter. They were an amazing team, that pitch with cool whip was phenomenal. The beans across time idea was amazing. He loved that she was into all the same stuff he was into and that's why he wants here around so much. It's like oh here is my best friend and person I can do everything with, it just so happens that she wasn't as deeply in love with advertising. If you found a chick that you vibe with on every single interest I'm sure you would want her around frequently as well.

Betty may have felt trapped, but it wasn't because he smothered her. Don was so damn distant from Betty she just felt more isolated than trapped. Betty despised Don because she couldn't trust him and he was so secretive, not because he smothered her. When Ginger cheated on Ace, he took her back, even gave her all of those jewels and everything he had stashed for her. You think if Don found out Betty cheated he would take her back, or if he found out Megan cheated he would take her back, of course not. Ginger made Ace look like a fool in public and he just rocked with it, you think Don would let that slide? Of course not.

Two different men, tow different sets of behaviors and actions they are in no way the same.
They need to give Roger more minutes. Dudes has that effortless swag.

Best dressed on the show too.
I dont know how they will top this last episode but they will find a way as usual.

Love how Don gets mad when his wife is kissing another guy in this scene she is in but turns around and does the same thing. Also love how he hands his mistress the penny after calling his wife a prostitute :lol:

Peggy went in on that Heinz account. Did you catch dude flick em off in the background? :lol:

I thought it was directed specifically to Peggy b/c she used a private convo they had to try and steal the Heinz account.

Awesome episode, Joan's performance was exceptional. Despite what Harry said, Joan earned her spot as a partner not by laying on her back but doing what it takes to keep the agency going. She is out there keeping the staff in line so they won't steal from the agency, she slept with herb to keep the company afloat, she was instrumental in their mass exodus from their prior agency

QFT. I just feel bad for her that her claim to fame so to speak was the direct result of her sleeping with dude. By the way how in the hell did Harry find out? Is it common knowledge now? I have a feeling Pete might have said something simply by the way he responded to Harry.

For those who might have been confused, but Peggy didn't win the Heinz account, which some thought originally from what I'm reading. A third, bigger company won the account.

I was wonderingwhy the guy said something about the losers table.
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 It's not like he is out there smothering his jumpoffs.
Ah I get it now, you don't really understand the show you're watching. All of this is OPPOSITE of what you saying

Don DESTROYED Betty and is destroying Megan, Joan even said it.... Megan HATED working with him. But she also hates being a failed actress.

...and these were totally different times which is also an integral part of the show's existence.
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