Man tricks Girflriend into taking an Abortion Pill. Facing 13 Years

If only dude shad a sayin these decisions. I mean we cant say that if you dont want the kid then no child support but damn, something has to be done
And for the people saying 13 is better 18 and are SERIOUS about it, not just joking...


You obviously have never been locked up before because i'd glady pay child support for 18 years rather than losing my freedom for 13 years.

Some of ya'll are scumbags man forreal
Nobody is making that statement with any seriousness..

But this broad DID say "I just wanted to be pregnant" (not I wanted a family, etc.)  and what happens when the jimmy pops in this type of situation and he wasn't hitting raw? I know, I didnt want a baby that bad..stop having sex..

But how about abort the baby, and if you "want to be pregnant" that bad go to a clinic and become pregnant that way?
If only dude shad a sayin these decisions. I mean we cant say that if you dont want the kid then no child support but damn, something has to be done
Oh, but that's exactly what people should be able to do. Any other decision in life you make by yourself you deal with by yourself and accept all the consequences. Then again, I'm of the opinion that no child should be born without two dedicated and committed parents, so I know I'm in the minority on that one.
I remember an NTer talking about how he felt when his girl went behind his back to get an abortion after he was elated to hear the news. Just imagine if everything was in place and you wanted to have a kid then your girl or wife had a change of heart and got an abortion.


I can't call it G.

I'd be beyond devastated. There's a good chance I'd catch a charge because of my emotions.
Damn that punch was funny but I been tricked before. Stuff happens. I had to roll wit the punches when shorty said she wasn't.
This is ridiculous. How does the man have NO say? I mean I dont know what common ground can be on an issue like this, but as crazy as it sounds, 13 IS better than 18.

...and this is why the male reproductive rights concept needs serious rethinking. No way that's worth 13 years. I have a hard time faulting him having been in his shoes.

"All I wanted was a pregnancy" like she can't get pregnant again this month tho...skipping right over no mention of desiring a family or a healthy household, but yeah, that's ******** in my opinion.

Are you ******g serious? Misleading her into taking something disregarding for her health in and of itself is foul and for it to intentionally cause an abortion is only that much worse. Some of you people are so pathetic.

I don't know what it is but the disrespect towards women in crazy. I'm not even talking about simping as the alternative, far from it but you're ******g with the wrong women if this has caused you to have that kind of attitude and that's just as much of your fault as it is theirs.

Don't put yourself in a position to knock a chick up that you wouldn't be comfortable having a child with and if you do, be a man not a coward.

Were you dudes with this type of flippant attitude towards pregnancy bastards or something? Do you not have any values? If it's that easy as a man to even think about making a woman kill something that you both created and she's the one that has to live with it, it's better off anyway that you don't have any offspring. Get a vasectomy or something, please.
Seriously so messed I can't even joke about it...don't know how ya'll are...:smh: ya'll must be cut from a different cloth because being a father, this gets to me...My daugher is 8-months old and is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. She's all thats on my mind 24/7 and even if I was seperated from my wife and hated her guts, I could never do something like this.
see i feel u. i feel the same way about my kids BUT i cant fault the next man who doesnt think like that or isnt ready to have a kid and just because a woman wants to have it is forced to just deal with it. i think if a woman has a kid with a guy who clearly doesnt want to have the kid he should be released of some sort of responsibility. or at least not liable for 18 years.
idk man i just think its messed up how dudes can get played by the system but i also understand that a way to not get caught up is to strap up and to know who u laying down with.
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This is ridiculous. How does the man have NO say? I mean I dont know what common ground can be on an issue like this, but as crazy as it sounds, 13 IS better than 18.

...and this is why the male reproductive rights concept needs serious rethinking. No way that's worth 13 years. I have a hard time faulting him having been in his shoes.

"All I wanted was a pregnancy" like she can't get pregnant again this month tho...skipping right over no mention of desiring a family or a healthy household, but yeah, that's ******** in my opinion.

Are you ******g serious? Misleading her into taking something disregarding for her health in and of itself is foul and for it to intentionally cause an abortion is only that much worse. Some of you people are so pathetic.

I don't know what it is but the disrespect towards women in crazy. I'm not even talking about simping as the alternative, far from it but you're ******g with the wrong women if this has caused you to have that kind of attitude and that's just as much of your fault as it is theirs.

Don't put yourself in a position to knock a chick up that you wouldn't be comfortable having a child with and if you do, be a man not a coward.

Were you dudes with this type of flippant attitude towards pregnancy bastards or something? Do you not have any values? If it's that easy as a man to even think about making a woman kill something that you both created and she's the one that has to live with it, it's better off anyway that you don't have any offspring. Get a vasectomy or something, please.
idk man i started reading ur post but got sidetracked by ur avy. link to vid
This is some foul ****. I don't understand how ****** can come in here and joke about some **** like this.

13 years ain't enough.
I think it's bad he tricked her but I don't think it's murder. At 6 weeks it is just an embryo . There is no guarantee that she would have gone to term with it.
Are you ******g serious? Misleading her into taking something disregarding for her health in and of itself is foul and for it to intentionally cause an abortion is only that much worse. Some of you people are so pathetic.

I don't know what it is but the disrespect towards women in crazy. I'm not even talking about simping as the alternative, far from it but you're ******g with the wrong women if this has caused you to have that kind of attitude and that's just as much of your fault as it is theirs.

Don't put yourself in a position to knock a chick up that you wouldn't be comfortable having a child with and if you do, be a man not a coward.

Were you dudes with this type of flippant attitude towards pregnancy bastards or something? Do you not have any values? If it's that easy as a man to even think about making a woman kill something that you both created and she's the one that has to live with it, it's better off anyway that you don't have any offspring. Get a vasectomy or something, please.
Serious as NFL Sundays. You know what's pathetic? That the law is set up to where a woman can exercise her right not to be a parent by having an abortion, giving her kid up for adoption or dropping the baby off at the police station like anonymous evidence and be fine but the only options a man has is to stay or pay. That's unfair, and I can see where somebody would try to manually correct the situation before it truly took shape.

Full disclosure, some NTers may know I unfortunately did sortakinda put myself in that position with a longtime friend and ended up with a kid. I can't say the thought never crossed my mind because of the indelible inequities of the situation. Yet and still here I am waiting for both of them to come home so we can eat dinner.

All I'm saying is the way reproductive rights work in our modern society is antiquated and lopsided, I just find it hard to harshly condemn his course of actions given his options at that point in time. There should be conscious consent involved with taking on a lifetime responsibility, especially one of that magnitude. Nobody should be forced to be a parent, because then you're gonna be a ****** parent of a poorly raised kid. We have enough of both, n'est-ce pas?

As for the "taking a life" thing, I think we have two different definitions about what constitutes life, at least valid sentient life. At 6 weeks, there's nothing really there but a bundle of tissue. If he punched her in the stomach in the 7th month, okay yeah, that's ****** up. As I said, she can be right back where she was within 2 months.

Also, since you asked, I was born to two married parents who had me on purpose and raised me to think for myself. I think all kids would be best served by starting out in such a situation.
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What there really needs to be is some kind of law for unwilling abortion.

What he did was foul but it was within the time-frame where it was not legally murder if she had done it herself. He should be charged with unlawfully giving her drugs without her permission and if there is a law for causing an unwilling abortion or miscarriage that should be enforced as well.

**I do not know if these laws exist**

Regardless of the criminal trial he will be ****** for the rest of his life monetarily because he will get cleaned out in Civil Court for pain/emotional distress/suffering caused.
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Are you ******g serious? Misleading her into taking something disregarding for her health in and of itself is foul and for it to intentionally cause an abortion is only that much worse. Some of you people are so pathetic.

I don't know what it is but the disrespect towards women in crazy. I'm not even talking about simping as the alternative, far from it but you're ******g with the wrong women if this has caused you to have that kind of attitude and that's just as much of your fault as it is theirs.

Don't put yourself in a position to knock a chick up that you wouldn't be comfortable having a child with and if you do, be a man not a coward.

Were you dudes with this type of flippant attitude towards pregnancy bastards or something? Do you not have any values? If it's that easy as a man to even think about making a woman kill something that you both created and she's the one that has to live with it, it's better off anyway that you don't have any offspring. Get a vasectomy or something, please.

what about the disrespect women give to men? 18 years of paid child support because she WANTS a kid with no kind of say from the man. Even if the man wanted it but the woman resented the man she could easily take the kid away from him.

Whats cowardly about knowing you wouldn't be able to support a kid and rather be financially stable and well off in order to have a kid? How can lets say a 18 year old kid who impregnates a woman. How is he going to be a man when he doesn't even know how to be? is the alternative really better? a bunch of unwanted kids being born into this world with fathers who don't want to be there?

Being a man isn't easy, its not some switch everyone can turn on. It takes a lot of experience, knowledge, and logic in order to be a true man and take care of your family.
What he did was disgusting and I would kill him, but if he gets thirteen years then A LOT of people should be getting time.

You cant let one person do it and call it an abortion but then charge the next person who does it and call it a killing

Isnt the law that according to the state its not considered a life, he may beat this case.
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I see what you're saying, but isn't an abortion a voluntary act that involves awareness of, consent to and active participation in the event?

At the very least it could be considered assault that he did something to harm her physically without her consent, right?
What he did was disgusting and I would kill him, but if he gets thirteen years then A LOT of people should be getting time.

You cant let one person do it and call it an abortion but then charge the next person who does it and call it a killing

Isnt the law that according to the state its not considered a life, he may beat this case.
this is florida, they consider ejaculation murder.
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