Mark Cuban destroys Skip Bayless and sorta Stephen A Smith

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by KMante

He never was. He is just another opinion that people hear, but it helps that he is on TV. And unless he drastically softens his stance on LeBron, he won't stay for long 

I remember when it was him and Woody Paige on Cold Pizza arguing 
tebow season is coming bro...


Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

I don't agree with Cuban on everything though. There is most definitely a thing like "wanting it more" and "playing harder", essentially "playing harder because you want it more". Even if this aspect only affects the game a tiny bit, in a close game it could be all the difference between a W and L. No one embodies this more than Battier who played beyond his abilities this series because he knew his career would ultimately come down to the 7 games that the series could've lasted. The Mavericks last season were full of examples like this. You can be prepared for the game all you want, but it won't help you one bit if the players don't execute.

Maybe wanting it more, but I agree with Cuban when he says the playing harder line is a joke.

Like sure, Lebron wanted it more because all the pressure and stuff. But you really think those guys on OKC came off the floor and say they could have played harder? No %%*!%+@ way, that just doesn't happen in the finals. Regular season? All the time.

 I see where you're trying to say there intertwined, but I really don't believe in the NBA finals, one team plays "harder" then the other. Maybe not even wanting it more. LeBron just had more pressure and has failed before so it seems like that.
Wish more people would go on the show to put these two clowns into place. I have some respect for Stephen A. but absolutely none for Skip. Both are stubborn as hell which makes the show humorous at times.

Still waiting for the day Lebron or Wade gets on the show to tell Skip that he doesn't know what he's talking about...ever.
Cuban is very analytical and he's absolutely right that Bayless (and A LOT of sports fans for that matter) talk in generalities.

Skip Bayless does get paid to make people hate him (and watch the show) so that is why he probably says a lot of the things he says.  For example, nobody likes to think that their favorite player/team doesn't play hard.  So naturally if your player doesn't play well and your team loses, he's not going to say "Well the other team had better defensive sets and made adjustments to shut down Player A.  That is why the team lost".  Because if he says something like that, it's understandable to the fan of the losing team that something like that can happen.  Instead, he'd rather say "Oh, he just didn't play hard enough. He just didn't want it that bad."  That of course will agitate the fan because he doesn't want to think his favorite player is slacking.  He'll get a better reaction and more people watching (the same reason a lot of left wingers listen to Rush Limbaugh even though they hate everything about him).
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