Why did Vin settle for voicing Groot?

Dude could've gotten any other Marvel role
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Why did Vin settle for voicing Groot?

Dude could've gotten any other Marvel role
When he spoke briefly on it after his meeting with Marvel - I'm looking back at things like after the cast for GotG was revealed - he made it sound like he settled for Groot to get in the front door and then hinted heavily as **** (after he wasn't gonna be Vision cuz he was posting fan art with him as Vision before AOU was even a thing) that he was gonna be in the Inhumans movie which at the time was coming out in like 2018 or 2019, apparently as Black Bolt, and this was like 4 or 5 years ago? :lol:

So in his mind he was about to helm another huge franchise while being paid to never speak, yell occassionally, and make facial expressions/hand gestures. So it was like why not take the role where he just says 3 words a bunch of times?

You can kinda wonder the same for Bradley Cooper. His star was shining at the time and his buzz remains relatively consistent. Son could've auditioned to be Star-Lord. He might not fit but he could've asked to be Dr. Strange. He could've had some other Marvel hero get a bunch of movies but he just sort of fell back and took a voice gig which is still pretty easy in comparison.
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Maybe he just don't want to play these roles :lol: I can't remember who it was but someone joked about being asked to auditioned Antman and was like hell no he wiukd wait until a cooler hero came around :lol:

voice work pays like any other role and requires Tons less work and commitment.
That is an option. I remember MM talking about his approach to it.

Its really just finding the right role imo though. None of these dudes have came out like that lame Statham.
before i get judged here.

i could have seen him a gambit. (he does speak french) sort of has that sly, romantic presence.
He could definitely pull off Gambit.

With Spider-Man, are they doing the Hairy Potter thing where we'll watch him grow up to be a man over a bunch of movies? That could be cool.
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I actually could've seen Bradley Cooper as Strange.

I always thought in the event they ever recast Iron Man that Cooper would be my choice. He could pull the sarcasm off. This of course was before they made RDJ the Iron Man in everything from movies to cartoons to comics lol
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"I can't get into too much detail about who we're introducing, but these two movies are intended to be the culmination of everything that has happened in the MCU since the very first Iron Man movie," Anthony Russo said. "In being a culmination, these movies are in some ways going to be an end to certain things, and in some ways, they're going to be the beginning of certain things."

We already know of Cap Marvel. I don't think Adam Warlock would be that big of a surprise.

Hoping for Blackbolt to show up with Lockjaw and screams Thanos' head off :lol: :smokin
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Nah Bum Diesel wasn't a lock, he was just really campaigning to be it. he just wanted a marvel gig . glad he never got black bolt
He wasn't even campaigning for BB originally. It was Vision. After meeting with them is when he pivoted to BB which didn't really continue after he got the Groot role.

Last thing he said was like there's future plans which was a while back.

When they announce the official Inhuman movie plans in a year or two don't be surprised if he don't got BB but something else.

Don't get all the Vin hate though. Just cuz he got beef with the Rock? Or do yall hate him cuz of those crap FF movies that much?
ff is cool

vin would be trash as a comic book hero. dare i say he is typecast now because of ff?
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If I actually watched that trash I might get it.

I've seen dude in all (most) of his other movies though and he definitely has a specific style where he can be typecast. That's due to his acting range and instantly noticeable deep voice.
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