When I said GOTG was trash
Everyone said I was trippin
I remember being the only person saying how I wasn't good
When I said GOTG was trash
Everyone said I was trippin
I remember being the only person saying how I wasn't good

I was right there rippin guardians to shreads and I remember both of us getting scrutiny for saying Ninja turtles was better than Guardians as well...

Ninja turtles 2 is about to be insane!
When I said GOTG was trash
Everyone said I was trippin
I remember being the only person saying how I wasn't good

Don't believe I was active in this thread during this time, but I remember leaving the theater and not being that impressed. Some of my friends couldn't shut up about how great it was and argued over if it was better than Avengers or Winter Soldier or not, which never crossed my mind for a second. Really think that a lot of people liked it purely for comedic reasons. It's certainly a testament to how powerful Marvel's film-making machine is at the moment and is what convinced me that they can't fail right now, but the film itself didn't blow me away. As a villain, Ronan was one of the most wasted we've seen so far.
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GOTG had great characters, fun set/character design, consistent tone and a great soundtrack

not the best but def one of the better marvel movies 
When I said GOTG was trash
Everyone said I was trippin
I remember being the only person saying how I wasn't good

I was right there rippin guardians to shreads and I remember both of us getting scrutiny for saying Ninja turtles was better than Guardians as well...

Ninja turtles 2 is about to be insane!
Yup I remember that
And yes ninja turtles 2 bout to be LIT!!!!
The ending to Guardians are pretty cheesy, even if it kind of fit within the movie.. but other than that the movie was great.

Weird ending in an otherwise awesome movie... I can live with that.
Liked TMNT

Just wish it had been Anna Kendrick instead of Megan Fox as April.

As for GotG, the sequel just has to have better action beats - especially during the climax - and it will be golden. The dancing and the hand holding worked but doubt they can do something similar for the sequel without more fans complaining.
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My main gripe with guardians was the fact that the movie was alright at best but social media couldn't shut up about it. Yet people wanted to slander the superior masterpiece that was ASM 2 :smh:

ASM2 > GotG

Let's take this thread back to 2014 for a sec :lol:
ASM was poopoo.

GotG was great except for the anti-climactic ending. If it was more serious at the end it would rival WS at top of the list but that holds it down.
the disrespect for GOTG
.. the feels in this moment

The best part of guardians came in the first 30 mins and had nothing to do with the guardians themselves. It was Thanos. Other than that the only memorable part was the scene with the Celestials and the Collector is telling the story about the gems. Other than that the movie is trash. Nobody has yet to tell me why Rocket Raccoon cried more than he fired a gun.

Is anybody up for that challenge, without basically reiterating how garbage Guardians was? No? Ok.
Hey everyone, lamekilla wants attention again...

"Someone try to convince me to change an opinion that I won't ever change... oh no one will do it? That's what I thought"

Guardians is a good movie. It's funny, interesting characters, great soundtrack, expands the MCU in a way that doesn't feel shoehorned, and some cool action sequences. No one is saying you have to love it or praise it, but it's an objectively good movie. Oh boo hoo social media praised a movie that you didn't love... and that matters why exactly? 

What on Earth is the big deal about Rocket crying? That was part of his character development.. the initial impression of a tough and hard character is softened by his past experiences and frustrations. He's damaged, flawed, and that's why they showed him lashing out and crying.. plus him crying over Groot makes sense considering they're partners and best friends. No one is trying to convince you that you have to LOVE those character beats.. but it's really not as big of a deal as you make it. That's why they were in the movie, it's how you make well-rounded, three dimensional characters. Give them backstory, give them flaws, give them an arc. 
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