that Deadpool special sounds hilarious
This "exchange" button intrigues me..  Is it a confirmed hit through a combo or does the opponent always have the ability to break out of it?  Cant wait till video leaks.

I'm glad Felicia is back in it.  Didnt use her much in MvC2 but I liked how she played.  

as long as it 2d , this game could bring me back into the console world .
2.5D/3D graphics on a 2D plane.   
teaser trailer made me setup my dreamcast for some mvc2. I can't wait for next spring.
Originally Posted by bamez

I'd like to see skullomania in this game.

damn i forgot about that dude. He was pretty dope. THey should put in garuda as well. I've been waiting a long time for MVC3 to come out and I'm glad the two franchises are finally giving the fighting game fans what we want. IronMan/Sentinel/Capcom baby!
A couple things:
-Dante and Deadpool are BEASTS!
-I'm not a fan of how every character is essentially a rush-down type. Maybe its just the speed of the game + simpler controls but every character looks like they play exactly the same...
-Not really feeling the single character hyper cancel (Deadpool pulled one off). At least make it so that it costs 1 super bar per cancel (max = 1 cancel). 2 supers = 3 super bars
-As big a fan I am of air combos, it seems like there were way too many involving the full roster and not many counters. Although they didn't seem that devastating it could probably use some tweaking.

All in all the footage definitely met my expectations and it is still in development so my hopes are high.

Spring 2011 couldn't come soon enough..
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