Mass shooting in San Bernardino

I thought you were a shill for Microsoft Rusty

Now I find out you're working for the president too?

Must be nice living that lavish life :smh:
The usa, it's allies, including turkey, have a policy of containment in syria. Limit their power and reach to that region, keep them out of europe and isreal. They want to use IS to destabilize the assad regime and ultimately the russian, syrian, Iran alliance. Lifting sanctions against Iran is in that same vein. That alliance is not trying to contain, they want to eliminate any threat to the assad regime, ultimately any threat to Russian gas route to europe. There is a conflict of interest in the 2 sides fighting IS there. US appears soft handed since they have people down there. This is why u have Nato countries shooting down Russian jets and being accused of financing terrorists. They are fighting different battles.
I thought you were a shill for Microsoft Rusty

Now I find out you're working for the president too?

Must be nice living that lavish life :smh:

Pa, I be getting dat Microsoft money, Monsanto money, and that Obeezy government gwap.

Bout to get #ShillLife tatted on my stomach :smokin
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blco one of those white supremacists who rock Jordans to a hate rally and when someone calls on it he be like "but Mike is different".

Ol' Pino from 'Do The Right Thing' looking boy.
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There wasn't going to be anything new. It's a subject he clearly doesn't have much interest in and hates to be discussing. He was voted in to stop war and obviously doesn't relish that this is what he will be dealing with at the end of his tenure.

It's a damn shame you guys only agree with Hillary in this video when a republican is in office.

But seriously, hit me up about that Obama/Putin message board propaganda program. I'm trying to get paid.
Ya'll missing the point and rehashing a discussion that's already been adressed and deaded.

The point is if folks want to kill people en masse they don't need guns.

Yes do guns have the potential to kill faster and more efficiently than most weapons.

At this point ya'll just stating the obvious.
That wasn't the point though. I responded to dude who said "knives don't jam or need to be reloaded," basically insinuating that knives could be as effective.

It's a damn shame you guys only agree with Hillary in this video when a republican is in office.

But seriously, hit me up about that Obama/Putin message board propaganda program. I'm trying to get paid.

I haven't heard anyone call you not patriotic

And nice 15 second sound bite removing the context form what she was saying :rolleyes

Are people really this afraid?
That wasn't the point though. I responded to dude w

ho said "knives don't jam or need to be reloaded," basically insinuating that knives could be as effective.

Ya'll splitting hairs.

Did the 8 knife weilding men in Kunming not prove their method effective killing 33 and injuring over 100 others?

If people are determined enough to kill they will find a means, that's what we should focus on and how to stop them before they act.
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Yeah. Before guns the sword wasn't effective at all...

This is like monkey see monkey do at this point. I partially blame the media. Not directly their fault but they know they will get some shine from killing.
That wasn't the point though. I responded to dude w

ho said "knives don't jam or need to be reloaded," basically insinuating that knives could be as effective.
Ya'll splitting hairs.

Did the 8 knife weilding men in Kunming not prove their method effective killing 33 and injuring over 100 others?

If people are determined enough to kill they will find a means, that's what we should focus on and how to stop them before they act.
why cant it be both?

why cant efforts be put into stopping them before they act


limiting their ability to obtain guns which will do way more damage than a knife

there are so many different methods to tackle this problem, its counter productive to act like there's only one way to go about doing things 
why cant it be both?

why cant efforts be put into stopping them before they act


limiting their ability to obtain guns which will do way more damage than a knife

there are so many different methods to tackle this problem, its counter productive to act like there's only one way to go about doing things 

Bruh, again, the guns are already out there and there are plenty of states where folks can sell guns privately and you don't need to register them.

It's too late to limit who can and can't buy guns.

Also these two weren't on a no-fly list, he was an otherwise model citizen, who could've predicted this?

I mean, what's the methodology here? How can we prevent folks from buying guns who at face value pose zero threat?

And even if they can't buy from brick and mortar gun shops, they can still get it from private sales.

Not to mention the black market. As I outlined earlier, it's the states with the most stringent gun laws who have the most gun-related crimes/biggest black markets.
Jeanine Pirro sounds like a lunatic for trying to bring back McCarthyism, but damn she looks good for 64 years old
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They won't listen though.

There are so many guns you can't control it. Damage is done. What don't you guys understand? :lol: there are millions and millions of unregistered LEGAL guns in the United States. Please tell me how gun control this late in the game is going to do anything besides waste money. How will it stop me from getting a gun off Craigslist? How will it stop me from getting one from a friend? How will it stop felons from buying one of the millions of guns out there now?

Did the war on drugs stop cocaine?
Did people never smoke until it was legal?
Did people quit drinking during the prohibition?
Heroin isn't legal, how come I could still buy it?

Prohibition doesn't work and you can't control what's already out there. Guns don't go bad when they get old. I got a 60 year old gun that's my most reliable gun I own. They are here FOREVERRRRRRR.
Jeanine Pirro looks like a lunatic for trying to bring back McCarthyism, but damn she looks good for 64 years old

Something we can agree on. I think I would...

Well damb, I think we just found bipartisanship

Bill. 29.4838.38C; The Jeanine Pirro Can get This Work Bill passes :smokin

--------But she was talking a hole bunch of nothing. Just some good ole fashion fear mongering
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They won't listen though.

There are so many guns you can't control it. Damage is done. What don't you guys understand? :lol: there are millions and millions of unregistered LEGAL guns in the United States. Please tell me how gun control this late in the game is going to do anything besides waste money. How will it stop me from getting a gun off Craigslist? How will it stop me from getting one from a friend? How will it stop felons from buying one of the millions of guns out there now?

Did the war on drugs stop cocaine?
Did people never smoke until it was legal?
Did people quit drinking during the prohibition?
Heroin isn't legal, how come I could still buy it?

Prohibition doesn't work and you can't control what's already out there. Guns don't go bad when they get old. I got a 60 year old gun that's my most reliable gun I own. They are here FOREVERRRRRRR.
This is true, in a way America is hopeless.

However that doesn't mean the whole knives can kill people too argument isn't silly and baseless
Something we can agree on. I think I would...

You probably also agree that anyone that even looks muslim and is carrying boxes into their house should be reported.

Hell you probably think all folks of middle-eastern descent should be precluded from purchasing firearms.
This is true, in a way America is hopeless.

However that doesn't mean the whole knives can kill people too argument isn't silly and baseless

Replace knives with pipebombs/IEDs, still silly and baseless?

Point is, if people are determined to kill en masse they'll find a way.

We need to find a way to eradicate anti-Western/American sentiment and kill all this animosity.
I'd rather get shot than sliced with a sword. :lol: I mean if we're comparing two evils here.
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