Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Man as a new father of a one year old baby girl....this made me so mad when i first heard the news...but seeing those vids of the parents screaming to see if their kids were ok as the police told them to stay back got me teary.

To know there was a shooter in your kids school and show up and not be able to grab them and hug them. To not know if they are alive or dead....i can't fathom
Honestly, garbage people need to stop having garbage kids. EVERYTHING, starts at home. Parents need to be responsible for their off-spring, point, blank, period. If you can't provide a good foundation and a home with open communication with your child then DON'T HAVE A KID!!!!
Are we gonna address that an armed officer engaged the shooter outside of the school BUT DIDN’T FIRE HIS/HER WEAPON AT THE GUY CARRYING A RIFLE?

The shooter was then able to get inside the school and barricade himself, and it took FORTY MINUTES for law enforcement to neutralize the threat? If I’m understanding it correctly, local law enforcement waited for proper breaching equipment (think SWAT gear) prior to going into the school.

Can we talk about the good guy with a gun shtick that gun nuts love to parrot? And we really want to arm teachers and put the onus on them to thwart school shootings? Really????

This country is all sorts of ****ed up. Sickening.

Right and in this situation these are literal police who are supposed to be of the highest order of good guy with gun.

The idiots advocating for arming everyone had regular citizens in mind LOL.
Stephen A Smith is doing his usual both sides shtick on ESPN. I don't think he knows how politics works in this country.
Honestly, garbage people need to stop having garbage kids. EVERYTHING, starts at home. Parents need to be responsible for their off-spring, point, blank, period. If you can't provide a good foundation and a home with open communication with your child then DON'T HAVE A KID!!!!

To what degree?
I had a cop in my high school dude would have gotten killed if someone came in with an automatic rifle. He would've probably run away.
The kid bought two semi automatic weapons within 3 days… from the same store?! How is that not a red flag?
Honestly, garbage people need to stop having garbage kids. EVERYTHING, starts at home. Parents need to be responsible for their off-spring, point, blank, period. If you can't provide a good foundation and a home with open communication with your child then DON'T HAVE A KID!!!!
if u think dummies gunna stop having kids its not gon happen :lol:
Honestly, garbage people need to stop having garbage kids. EVERYTHING, starts at home. Parents need to be responsible for their off-spring, point, blank, period. If you can't provide a good foundation and a home with open communication with your child then DON'T HAVE A KID!!!!
I understand where you’re trying to go with this. But kids get here by so many ways. For all we know this kids parents aren’t anywhere around. So they had no influence. There needs to be more scrutiny on gun laws. No one should have an AR outside of military. Not even law enforcement unless special units. You can’t even hunt with an AR.
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