Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

If you’re worried about something like this happening to you, get a gun, learn how to use it, and carry it around with you.

Has this been proven to be an effective deterrent though? Mass shooters tend to ambush people and most of the killing occurs within minutes. Hell the damn police force in Uvalde were armed to the teeth and stood by while children were being slaughtered. I'm supposed to have confidence in civilians doing better? Nah.

Also, a lot of these shootings happen in gun toting states. Not sure people being more tooled up is the solution. It will actually probably just lead to more non-mass shooting incidents TBH.
Has this been proven to be an effective deterrent though? Mass shooters tend to ambush people and most of the killing occurs within minutes. Hell the damn police force in Uvalde were armed to the teeth and stood by while children were being slaughtered. I'm supposed to have confidence in civilians doing better? Nah.

Also, a lot of these shootings happen in gun toting states. Not sure people being more tooled up is the solution. It will actually probably just lead to more non-mass shooting incidents TBH.
I hope its an effective deterrent, but I'm talking about defense, not deterrence. Have confidence in yourself doing it better if god forbid you're ever in that situation. Shame on that damn police force, and that's who you want to rely on more? Nah.

Once you become confident with safe gun handling and shooting you see that a holstered gun is a safe, inert object that's entirely under your own control, not some wild x-factor that might kill someone at any time. It doesn't take a whole lot of practice to get good enough, it's not a burden to carry, its legal, and if it's not legal in your state or city it will be soon.
The sad part is most guns used in mass shootings are legally obtained. It'll be people with little or no criminal records but then one day snap and decide to murder innocent people.

Making it harder to obtain guns through more thorough background checks and having waiting periods until you can pick up the gun after purchasing will be necessary.

Am a gun owner but if I have to make it harder for myself to purchase them to help reduce the amount of mass shooting the country has it will be worth it.
I think we need to stop saying "Americans" and start saying Republicans.

A good percentage of Americans are for strict gun laws. Democrats have been bringing the issue to the table for decades. It's the Republicans who get funding by the NRA who don't want to budge.

As an American, I don't want to be associated with that part of America who think guns aren't an issue.

What people don't get is that you can still buy shoes, play basketball, play video games, listen to music, beat your **** and do all of the others things you love to do in the same America without guns (or THIS many guns).

And there's an untold amount of them in positions of power who refuse to enforce the existing laws, especially when the victim belongs to a group they don't care about (women, minorities, poor, etc...).
****ing spare me

And you sound goofy nitpicking. This high level of gun violence in an advanced economy is a uniquely American thing, the amount of guns and people's easy access to them is a uniquely American thing. There are too many floating around in society, they are too easy to get. No country needs this many guns

Besides the mass shootings, and people get a hold of them illegally to commit crimes.

Guns are a highly effective form of suicide, cause deadly accidents involving kids, and allow petty arguments to escalate into something deadly.

Tons of ****ery is done with guns that have been obtained "legally"

I am willing to live in a society that compromises on the issue but at this point, but Americans are too addicted to their ****ing stupid *** death machines. But this low-level way of thinking is a big reason nothing gets done.

Of course, I am talking about gun control laws. But most people underestimate the amount of regulation America needs. But I guess guns need an advocate too so you chose to needlessly nitpick.

So again ****ing spare me

I don’t think I’m nitpicking.

When you start blaming “the gun” it triggers the right into a fight with a straw man about the left wanting to take their guns.

Yes I think wording you stance correctly is super important right now.
I don’t think I’m nitpicking.

When you start blaming “the gun” it triggers the right into a fight with a straw man about the left wanting to take their guns.

Yes I think wording you stance correctly is super important right now.
So I have to watch what I say on a online discussion forum because it I say the wrong thing it might trigger the conservative right into making bad faith arguments?

I think that is a ridiculous argument to make, on multiple levels.

And generally the conservative right already strawman and use bad faith arguments. They don't need to be triggered by anyone on the left.
So I have to watch what I say on a online discussion forum because it I say the wrong thing it might trigger the conservative right into making bad faith arguments?

I think that is a ridiculous argument to make, on multiple levels.

And generally the conservative right already strawman and use bad faith arguments. They don't need to be triggered by anyone on the left.

That’s not what I said at all.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making it as difficult as possible. I don’t own a gun; I never have. I think they tend to make situations worse, especially where I’m from.

I also realize that aside from a crazy increase in price for guns, most Americans that are set on a mass shooting/suicide can go buy one off the street. Just like crack. And the dealers could care less about regulations.

My fear is that regulation would disproportionately impact people that look like me. And will create another avenue to racially profile. I think people prefer the gun debate and demonizing the other side more than accepting a harsh reality that bad things happen that we can’t always control.
thats a very valid point
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with making it as difficult as possible. I don’t own a gun; I never have. I think they tend to make situations worse, especially where I’m from.

I also realize that aside from a crazy increase in price for guns, most Americans that are set on a mass shooting/suicide can go buy one off the street. Just like crack. And the dealers could care less about regulations.

My fear is that regulation would disproportionately impact people that look like me. And will create another avenue to racially profile. I think people prefer the gun debate and demonizing the other side more than accepting a harsh reality that bad things happen that we can’t always control.
This man supports all kinds of policies that disproportionately hurt black people

Don't let him fool you

He doesn't give a **** about black people
You’re one of those people that think you can be black and not care about black people.

That tracks.
******* spare me

You support all kinds of policies that hurt black people

Then when you called out, all you have to say is "I'm black".

Clarence Thomas is black too, and so is Candance Owens.

You being black doesn't shield you from criticism of your ******** anti-black policy views

Police had some fun with the Colorado shooter
****ing spare me

You support all kinds of policies that hurt black people

Then when you called out, all you have to say is "I'm black".

Clarence Thomas is black too, and so is Candance Owens.

You being black doesn't shield you from criticism of your bull**** anti-black policy views

We have to tone down this type of rhetoric.

Sadly, people can view these interactions online and get hyper-polarized.
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